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 #   Notes   Linked to 
101 [[Category:Dutch Roots PPP]]{{Dutch Roots|needs=Birth|needs1=More Records}}
== Biography ==
|size=m|caption=Portrait of Tobias Govertsz van den Wyngaert, printmaker Pieter Tanje, writer Adriaan Spinniker, Rijksmuseum Amsterdam, 1716-1761<ref>[ PortraitTobiasGovertsz-RijksmuseumAmsterdam] Titel(s)Portret van Tobias Govertsz. van den Wyngaert, Objecttype prent, Objectnummer RP-P-1907-3446, Catalogusreferentie Wurzbach 67, FMP 6268-b. Opschriften / Merken verzamelaarsmerk, verso, gestempeld: Lugt 2228. Omschrijving Tobias Govertsz. van den Wyngaert, predikant van de Vlaamse doopsgezinde gemeente te Amsterdam. Onder zijn portret een vierregelig vers in het Nederlands. Vervaardiging Vervaardiger prentmaker: Pieter Tanjé (vermeld op object), schrijver: Adriaan Spinniker (vermeld op object), Plaats vervaardiging Amsterdam, datering 1716 - 1761, Materiaal en Techniek Fysieke kenmerken gravure en ets Materiaal papier. Techniek graveren (drukprocedé) / etsen Afmetingen plaatrand: h 139 mm × b 84. [ Publiek domein/Free to download]</ref>

"According to the [,_Tobias_Govertsen_van_den_(1587-1669) Global Anabaptist Mennonite Encyclopedia Online] Tobias Govertsz van den Wyngaert was an influential Mennonite minister living in Amsterdam from 1557 to 1669. He preached through-out the area, as far away as Hamburg Germany. Early in his career he worked to unite his church with other Mennonite groups. However later in life he became more conservative and split with that church to help form the Amsterdam Zionist congregation. He served the church for almost 50 years before retiring." <ref>[ Tobias Govertsz van den Wyngaert] Submitted by Dale on Mon, 08/01/2016 - 18:26</ref> Tobias Goverts van den Wyngaert was born on 5 December 1587 and passed away 5 December 1667
<blockquote>Tobias Govertsz van den Wyngaert, one of the most distinguished of the Mennonites in Holland, was born at Amsterdam in 1587, twentysix years after the death of Menno, and fifty years after [[Keyser-70|Leonhard Keyser's]] martyrdom; he was the author of a number of theological works, one of the four representatives of the churches of Amsterdam in the third Mennonite Confession signed at Dort 21st of April, 1632, which has remained unchanged now, for two and a half centuries; and was engaged in the ministry for over fifty years. His biography, will be found in Hermannus Schyns Geschiedenisse der Mennoniten (ed. 1743). His daughter Cornelia married '''Dirck Gerritsz Keyser''', a morocco leather manufacturer of Amsterdam. One of her brothers was Tobias Govertz, Jr.<ref>The bicentennial reunion of the Keyser family. 1688-1888.[ The Keyser family, descendants of Dirck Keyser of Amsterdam"]</ref></blockquote>

|align=msize=m|caption=Portrait of Tobias Govertsz. van den Wyngaert at the age of 80 years, printmaker: Abraham Bloteling, after a painting of Michiel van Musscher, 1687 - 1691, Rijskmuseum Amsterdam<ref>[ PortraitTobiasGOvertsz80years-RijskmuseumAmsterdam] Titel(s)Portret van Tobias Govertsz. van den Wyngaert op 80-jarige leeftijd, Tobias Govertsz vanden Wyngaert (...) (titel op object), Objecttype prent, Objectnr. RP-BI-1837. Catalogusreferentie Hollstein Dutch 59. Opschriften/Merken verzamelaarsmerk, verso, gestempeld: Lugt 2228. verzamelaarsmerk, verso, gestempeld: Lugt 240. Omschrijving: Portret van de doopsgezinde predikant Tobias Govertsz. van den Wyngaert. Van den Wyngaert zit in een studievertrek aan een tafel met een opengeslagen bijbel en wijst naar een bijbelvers over de koning Salomon. Onder het portret een vers in het Nederlands over het portret. VervaardigingVervaardiger prentmaker: Abraham Bloteling (vermeld op object), naar schilderij van: Michiel van Musscher (vermeld op object), schrijver: J. Antonides (vermeld op object)Plaats vervaardiging Amsterdam, datering1687 - 1691.[ Publiek domein/Free to download]</ref>

===Doopsgezinde Leraar===:Tobias Goovertsz van den Wyngaard leeraar by dezelve te Amsteldam, gebooren 1585 <ref> ''Uitvoeriger verhandeling van de geschied enisse der Mennoniten, in welke van den oor sprong, naamen, onderscheidingen, eigene, en byzondere leerstucken, belydenissen, en schryvers, als mede van den tegenwoordigen staat dier Christenen in de Vereenigde Nederlanden, die, na Menno Simons, Mennoniten genaamd worden, uitvoeriger gehandeld word'' by Hermanus Schijn [ page 7]</ref>
===Transportakten===:datum overdracht: 04-07-1616 verkoper: [van] Haeren echtgenote Franchoijs van Breugel, Grietje<br> koper: [van den] Wijngaert, Tobias Goverts<br> straatnaam: Oudebrugsteeg straatnaam in bron: Oudebrugsteeg<br> omschrijving: Huis en erf <ref> Amsterdam archief [*nga*rt&i2=2&p2=p&y2=1500&z2=1680&x=14&z=b#A11369000345 Transportakte 4 July 1616] Archief van de Schepenen: kwijtscheldingsregisters Transportakten voor 1811: NL-SAA-21607929</ref>
===Marriages & Children===
#Grietje Barents 1608 Amsterdam (?)#inschrijvingsdatum: 10-08-1624 <br>naam bruidegom: Goverts, Thobias (Govaartss, Thobias)<br>naam eerdere vrouw: Barents, Grietje<br> naam bruid: Jellis, Susanna (Jelis, Susanna)<br>naam eerdere man: Pieters, Salomon <ref>Amsterdam archief [*ents&i2=2&p2=d&y2=1624&x=20&z=a#OTR00193000137 Marriage 10 August 1624] bronverwijzing: DTB 669, p.268 opmerkingen: Huwelijksintekeningen van de PUI. Archief van de Burgerlijke Stand: doop-, trouw- en begraafboeken van Amsterdam (retroacta van de Burgerlijke Stand) Ondertrouwregister: NL-SAA-26345372 provided by [[Schellenberger-149|Astrid Schellenberger]] 28 February 2019]</ref>

:Husband Tobias Govertz Van Den Wyngaard. :WIfe Grietje Barents <br>Marriage 1608 Of, Amsterdam, Holland, Netherlands. <ref name="Fpureigthfive" />
#Child: Govert Tobiasz van den Wyngaert.
#Child: Cornelia Tobiasdr van den Wyngaert.
#Child: Tobias Tobiasz van den Wyngaert.
=== Name ===: Name: Tobias Govertsz /Wyngaert/<ref name="src">Source:S131 Author: Title: OneWorldTree Publication: Name: Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: The Generations Network, Inc.; Repository:R2 Name: Address:</ref> Tobias Govertz Van Den Wyngaard. <ref name="Fpureigthfive">Source: S485 FamilySearch Family Tree Repository: R5 FamilySearch Keyser Family Descentants of Dirck Keyser of Amsterdam, 1889 Legacy NFS Source: Tobias Govertz Van Den Wyngaard - birth-name: Tobias Govertz (10GGF) VanDen Wyngaert Family Tree, database, FamilySearch ( : modified 01 November 2017, 19:41), entry for Tobias Govertz Van Den Wyngaard(PID; contributed by various users. PersonID 2Z3D-GHL Tobias Govertz Van Den Wyngaard Link:</ref>aka Wijngert <ref name="Fpureigthfive" />Tobias Govertsz Wyngaert. <ref name="Fpureigthfive" />Tobias VanDem Wyngaert. <ref name="Fpureigthfive" />Van Dem Wyngaert.<ref name="Fpureigthfive" />Goverts Van den Wygart. <ref name="Fpureigthfive" /><br>Van Den Wygart. <ref name="Fpureigthfive" />

=== Birth ===: Bet 11 Jan 1555 and 10 JAN 1556. Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, Netherlands. <ref name="Fpureigthfive" />: Birth: Date: 1587 Place: Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, Netherlands <ref name="src"/>

: Mennonite <ref name="Fpureigthfive"/>

: Mennonite Minister. <ref name="Fpureigthfive" />

=== Death ===: Death: Date: 1667 Place: Amsterdam, Holland <ref name="src"/> <ref name="Fpureigthfive" />

== Sources ==
<references />*''Doopsgezinde bijdragen 38'' geredigeerd door Jelle Bosma, Piet Visser [ pages 228-229/ 241/293/ 344]* [ Portret van Tobias Govertsz. van den Wyngaert op 80-jarige leeftijd]* [ The Keyser family : descendants of Dirck Keyser of Amsterdam]
==Acknowlegments==* WikiTree profile Wygaert-2 created through the import of donnamarshall.GED on Mar 1, 2012 by [[Cramer-462 | Donna Marshall]]. See the [ Changes page] for the details of edits by Donna and others.*Wyngaert-1 was created by [[Orr-1706 | Michael A Orr]] through the import of Michael A. Orrs Missouri Orrs_2014-03-25.ged on Mar 25, 2014
Author: Astrid Spaargaren
Author: Bea Wijma
Author: Bea Wijma
Author: Astrid Spaargaren
Author: Astrid Spaargaren
Author: Jan Terink 
van den Wyngaert, Tobias Goverts (I448)
102 [[Category:Dutch Roots PPP]]{{Dutch Roots|needs=Birth|needs1=More Records}}
== Biography ==
<blockquote>'''Gerrit Dircksz Keyser''', the grandfather of the Dirck Keyser who emigrated here, and himself one of the sons of a Dirck Keyser living there, had two children of whom we have an account, '''Dirck Gerritsz Keyser''', a morocco leather manufacturer of Amsterdam, and Jannetye Gerritsz Keyser. Dirck Gerritsz Keyser, the father of the Dirck Keyser who emigrated here, married Cornelia, daughter of Tobias Govertz van den Wyngaert; she was one of a family of three or more children living in Amsterdam. One of her brothers was Tobias Govertz, Jr., and she had a sister who married Gerrit Gerritsz Vortgens, who died in Amsterdam and was buried in the Norder Kerckhof, June 4, 1662. Gerrit Gerritsz Vortgens' residence at the time of his death was in Korte-lange Street, in the Emerick Arms; he had a brother, Arent Gerritsz Vortgens. Dirck Gerritsz Keyser's sister Jannetye married Galenus (Geleyn) Jacobsz, who survived her husband, and lived in Amsterdam until her death, September I, 1669. The family were living in 1655 in Elandt Street, opposite the Witte Beer.' <ref>The bicentennial reunion of the Keyser family. 1688-1888.[ The Keyser family, descendants of Dirck Keyser of Amsterdam"]</ref></blockquote>

== Sources ==
<references />
* WikiTree profile UNKNOWN-147009 created through the import of donnamarshall.GED on Mar 1, 2012 by [[Cramer-462 | Donna Marshall]]. See the [ Changes page] for the details of edits by Donna and others. 
Keyser, Gerrit Dircksz (I446)
103 [[Category:Dutch Roots PPP]]{{Dutch Roots|needs=Birth|needs1=More Records}}
== Biography == <blockquote>'''Gerrit Dircksz Keyser''', the grandfather of the Dirck Keyser who emigrated here, and himself one of the sons of a Dirck Keyser living there, had two children of whom we have an account, '''Dirck Gerritsz Keyser''', a morocco leather manufacturer of Amsterdam, and Jannetye Gerritsz Keyser. Dirck Gerritsz Keyser, the father of the Dirck Keyser who emigrated here, married Cornelia, daughter of Tobias Govertz van den Wyngaert; she was one of a family of three or more children living in Amsterdam. One of her brothers was Tobias Govertz, Jr., and she had a sister who married Gerrit Gerritsz Vortgens, who died in Amsterdam and was buried in the Norder Kerckhof, June 4, 1662. Gerrit Gerritsz Vortgens' residence at the time of his death was in Korte-lange Street, in the Emerick Arms; he had a brother, Arent Gerritsz Vortgens. Dirck Gerritsz Keyser's sister Jannetye married Galenus (Geleyn) Jacobsz, who survived her husband, and lived in Amsterdam until her death, September I, 1669. The family were living in 1655 in Elandt Street, opposite the Witte Beer.' <ref>The bicentennial reunion of the Keyser family. 1688-1888.[ The Keyser family, descendants of Dirck Keyser of Amsterdam"]</ref></blockquote>

===Marriage===:Marriage 28 October 1632 (banns) - Subscription to the church:<br>'' Dirck Gerritss from Campen, Seemleerbereider, 26 years of age, living in the Elantstraat (?), .... acte van ....... consent and Cuniertje Tobias from Amsterdam, 25 years of age, assisted with Susanne Jilles her moye (= stepmother) living in the [Oudebrugsteeg oude brugsteeg] (?) de ouders ....tyd ..... moeij ....... signature: Dirck Gerrets, Kniertgen Tobias <br>in margin: ...... ..... voor my get.... .... dit ... ..... is goet ingebracht was(?) get Hans (?) ds Leonardis ... tot Campen (?) ''<ref name="marriagebans">[*&a1=Ger*&i2=2&p2=d&i3=1&a3=T*ob*&x=20&z=a#OTR00195000082 MarriageBans-StadsArchiefAmsterdam] 28-10-1632 - Gerritss, Dirck - Tobias, Cuniertje - DTB 672, p.157 - Huwelijksintekeningen van de PUI. - OTR00195000082, right page middle entry</ref>

===Transportakten===: datum overdracht: 21-03-1679 verkoper: (Heirs)Erven Dirck Gerritsz Keijser <br> koper: Gerrit Keijser<br> straatnaam: Elandsstraat, straatnaam in bron: Elandsstraat (ZZ) <br> omschrijving: Het Liggende Hert uithangend, 2/3 huis en erf <ref> Amsterdam archief [Transportakte 21 March 1679] Archief van de Schepenen: kwijtscheldingsregisters Transportakten voor 1811: NL-SAA-21632093 [*&a1=Ke*er&x=14&z=b#A09162000029 21-03-1679 - Keijser, Erven Dirck Gerritsz] - Keijser, Gerrit - Elandsstraat - Elandsstraat (ZZ) - Het Liggende Hert uithangend, 2/3 huis en erf - A09162000029</ref>
===Familytradition===:Volgens een familietraditie vluchtten afstammelingen van [[Keyser-70|Leonhard Keyser (Kaiser, Kaser, Keser, Kayser)]] naar Nederland waar [[Keyser-66|Dirck Gerritsz. Keyser]], gehuwd met de dochter van leraar Tobias Govertsz. van den Wijngaert, [[Van_den_Wyngaert-5|Cornelia]], de Amsterdamse doopsgezinde stamvader zou worden van een zich te Germantown (Penn.) in Amerika vestigende tak. '' <ref> ''Doopsgezinde Bijdragen nieuwe reeks nummer 17'' verzameld en uitgegeven door de redactiecommissie van de Doopsgezinde Historische Kring Amsterdam [ page 9]</ref>
== Sources ==
<references />* Source: S1297640890 Repository: R2526574106 Title: Ancestry Family Trees Publication: Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Page: Ancestry Family Trees Note: Data: Text: [ Ancestry] Repository: R2526574106 Name: Address: Note:
* Source: S-812300055 Repository: R-1243675948 Ancestry Family Trees Publication: Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Original data: Family Tree files submitted by Ancestry members. Ancestry Family Tree [ Ancestry 402] Repository: R-1243675948
* Source: S-812300055 Repository: R-1243675948 Ancestry Family Trees Publication: Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Original data: Family Tree files submitted by Ancestry members. Ancestry Family Tree [ Ancestry 411] Repository: R-1243675948
==Acknowledgments==* WikiTree profile Keyser-178 created through the import of donnamarshall.GED on Mar 1, 2012 by [[Cramer-462 | Donna Marshall]]. See the [ Changes page] for the details of edits by Donna and others.* WikiTree profile Keyser-117 created through the import of Brinkley Family Tree.ged on Jul 4, 2011 by [[Brinkley-54 | Robert Brinkley]]. See the [ Changes page] for the details of edits by Robert and others. 
Keyser, Dirck Gerritsz (I437)
104 [[Category:Dutch Roots PPP]]{{Dutch Roots|needs=Birth|needs1=More Records}}
== Biography == <blockquote>Gerrit Dircksz Keyser, the grandfather of the Dirck Keyser who emigrated here, and himself one of the sons of a Dirck Keyser living there, had two children of whom we have an account, '''Dirck Gerritsz Keyser''', a morocco leather manufacturer of Amsterdam, and Jannetye Gerritsz Keyser. Dirck Gerritsz Keyser, the father of the Dirck Keyser who emigrated here, married '''Cornelia''', daughter of '''Tobias Govertz van den Wyngaert'''; she was one of a family of three or more children living in Amsterdam. One of her brothers was Tobias Govertz Jr., and she had a sister who married Gerrit Gerritsz Vortgens, who died in Amsterdam and was buried in the Norder Kerckhof, June 4, 1662. Gerrit Gerritsz Vortgens' residence at the time of his death was in Korte-lange Street, in the Emerick Arms; he had a brother, Arent Gerritsz Vortgens. Dirck Gerritsz Keyser's sister Jannetye married Galenus (Geleyn) Jacobsz, who survived her husband, and lived in Amsterdam until her death, September I, 1669. The family were living in 1655 in Elandt Street, opposite the Witte Beer.' <ref>The bicentennial reunion of the Keyser family. 1688-1888.[ The Keyser family, descendants of Dirck Keyser of Amsterdam"]</ref></blockquote>

===Baptism===:Kniertgen Thobias, around 21 years of age, was baptized in Amsterdam 16-01-1628. Witnesses were her father Thobias Goverts and Jan Claes Linger.<ref name="baptism">[ Baptism1628-StadsArchiefAmsterdam] Trouwboek 1621-1668, vervolgens doop-lidmatenboek 1628-1672november en register van ingekomen attestaties 1628-1... - A06140000040</ref>
|size=m|caption=Doopsgezinde baptism of Kniertje Thobias, 1628<ref name="baptism" />

===Marriage===:Marriage 28 October 1632 (banns) - Subscription to the church:<br>'' Dirck Gerritss from Campen, Seemleerbereider, 26 years of age, living in the Elantstraat (?), .... acte van ....... consent and Cuniertje Tobias from Amsterdam, 25 years of age, assisted with Susanne Jilles her moye (= stepmother) living in the [ oude brugsteeg] (?) b..ders ....tyd ..... signature: Dirck Gerrets, Kniertgen Tobias <br>in margin: ...... ..... voor my get.... .... dit ... ..... is goet ingebracht was(?) get Hans (?) ds Leonardis ... tot Campen (?) ''<ref name="marriagebans">[*&a1=Ger*&i2=2&p2=d&i3=1&a3=T*ob*&x=20&z=a#OTR00195000082 MarriageBans-StadsArchiefAmsterdam] 28-10-1632 - Gerritss, Dirck - Tobias, Cuniertje - DTB 672, p.157 - Huwelijksintekeningen van de PUI. - OTR00195000082, right page middle entry</ref>

===Familytradition===:Volgens een familietraditie vluchtten afstammelingen van [[Keyser-70|Leonhard Keyser (Kaiser, Kaser, Keser, Kayser)]] naar Nederland waar [[Keyser-66|Dirck Gerritsz. Keyser]], gehuwd met de dochter van leraar Tobias Govertsz. van den Wijngaert, [[Van_den_Wyngaert-5|Cornelia]], de Amsterdamse doopsgezinde stamvader zou worden van een zich te Germantown (Penn.) in Amerika vestigende tak. '' <ref> ''Doopsgezinde Bijdragen nieuwe reeks nummer 17'' verzameld en uitgegeven door de redactiecommissie van de Doopsgezinde Historische Kring Amsterdam [ page 9]</ref>
== Sources ==
<references />* Source: S-812300055 Repository: R-1243675948 Ancestry Family Trees Publication: Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Original data: Family Tree files submitted by Ancestry members. Ancestry Family Tree [ Ancestry 408] Repository: R-1243675948* Source: S1297640890 Repository:R2526574106Title: Ancestry Family Trees Publication: Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Page: Ancestry Family Trees Note: Data: Text: [ Ancestry] Repository: R2526574106 Name: Address:
==Acknowledgments==* WikiTree profile Wygaert-1 created through the import of donnamarshall.GED on Mar 1, 2012 by [[Cramer-462 | Donna Marshall]]. See the [ Changes page] for the details of edits by Donna and others.* WikiTree profile VanDen Wyngaard-1 created through the import of Brinkley Family Tree.ged on Jul 4, 2011 by [[Brinkley-54 | Robert Brinkley]]. See the [ Wyngaard-1 Changes page] for the details of edits by Robert and others.* WikiTree profile Van Den Wyngaard-7 was created by [[Orr-1706 | Michael A Orr]] through the import of Michael A. Orrs Missouri Orrs_2014-03-25.ged on Mar 25, 2014. I wish to thank [[ Philip van der Walt-440 | Philip van der walt]] for his information on the suffixes spelling. (Van Der vs van der) I did not know they did not capitalized them back then. It is greatly appreciated.
Author: Astrid Spaargaren
Author: Astrid Spaargaren
Author: Astrid Spaargaren
Author: Astrid Spaargaren
Author: Astrid Spaargaren
Author: Bea Wijma
Author: Astrid Spaargaren
Author: Philip van der Walt
Author: Brenda Orr 
van den Wyngaert, Kniertgen Tobias (I438)
105 [[Category:Dutch Roots PPP]]{{Dutch Roots|needs=Birth|needs1=More Records}}
== Biography =="Achter deze (predicatien) zijn gevoegd tien andere (k) van den eerw. man Govert Tobiasz van den Wyngaard, zoon van der zeer hoogstselffen en eerw. Tobias Govertsz wel een ten hoogsten geliefden Leeraar te Amsteldam en van een Godezuchtige, nagedachtenisse (m). Zie hier eene lyst van alle de predicatien gedaan door deze eerw. mannen over de volgende plaatsen der Heilige Schriftuure..etc. "<ref>From ''Geschiedenis dier christenen, welke in de Vereenigde Nederlanden onder de protestanten Mennoniten genaamd worden: In welke, benevens derzelver oorsprong, voortgang, hedendaagschen staat, en belydenisse des geloofs, ook het groot onderscheid tusschen hen, en de Hoogduitsche, en Munstersche Wederdoopers aangetoond word : Waar by noch komt een naukeurig onderzoek wegens de oudheid van den doop der Jooden-genooten onder de Jooden'', Volume 2 by Hermannus Schijn [ page 649-650]</ref>

===Baptism===:Govaert Tobias van de Wyngaarden is baptised, about 21 years of age, 09-02-1631 in Amsterdam. Witnesses were: the father Thobias Goverts and Jan Claes<ref name="baptism">[ Baptism1631-StadsArchiefAmsterdam] Trouwboek 1621-1668, vervolgens doop-lidmatenboek 1628-1672november en register van ingekomen attestaties 1628-1... - A06140000042</ref>
|size=m|caption=Doopsgezinde doop van Govaert Tobias van de Wyngaert, 1631<ref name="baptism" />

===Marriage===:inschrijvingsdatum: 13-05-1639 Amsterdam<br>naam bruidegom: [van de] Wijngaert, Govert<br>naam bruid: Cornelis, Saartje <ref>Amsterdam archief [*&x=20&z=a#OTR00198000072 Marriage 13 May 1639] bronverwijzing: DTB 675, p.138 opmerkingen: Huwelijksintekeningen van de PUI. Archief van de Burgerlijke Stand: doop-, trouw- en begraafboeken van Amsterdam (retroacta van de Burgerlijke Stand) Ondertrouwregister: NL-SAA-26403501</ref><br>''Govert van de Wijgaert van Amsterdam, oud 27 jaar, geast. met Tobias van de Wijngaert zijn vader, woont in de Oudeburgsteeg & Saartje Cornelis van Amsterdam, oud 29 jaar, geen ouders hebbend, geast. met haar ... ....... ''
== Sources ==
<references />
Author: Astrid Spaargaren 
van den Wyngaert, Govaert Tobias (I450)
106 [[Category:Dutch Roots PPP]]{{Dutch Roots|needs=Birth|needs1=More Records}}
== Biography ==<blockquote>Tobias Govertsz van den Wyngaert, one of the most distinguished of the Mennonites in Holland, was born at Amsterdam in 1587, twentysix years after the death of Menno, and fifty years after [[Keyser-70|Leonhard Keyser's]] martyrdom; he was the author of a number of theological works, one of the four representatives of the churches of Amsterdam in the third Mennonite Confession signed at Dort 21st of April, 1632, which has remained unchanged now, for two and a half centuries; and was engaged in the ministry for over fifty years. His biography, will be found in Hermannus Schyns Geschiedenisse der Mennoniten (ed. 1743). His daughter Cornelia married Dirck Gerritsz Keyser, a morocco leather manufacturer of Amsterdam. One of her brothers was '''Tobias (Tobias Goverstsz), Jr.'''<ref>The bicentennial reunion of the Keyser family. 1688-1888.[ The Keyser family, descendants of Dirck Keyser of Amsterdam"]</ref>
===Latijnse School ===:Latijnse School (1647 - 1878) register bevattende studieresultaten van leerlingen; Tobias, Tobias <ref>Overijssels archief 0766.34 Album Studiosorum [ Latijnse school] Toegangsnummer: 0766 Latijnse School (1647 - 1878) en Gymnasium Celeanum Zwolle (1878 - 1969) te Zwolle
Inventarisnummer: 34</ref>

===Baptism===Tobijas van din Wijngaert is baptized 05-12-1655 in Amsterdam. Witnesses were: Tobijas Goijverts and(??) Goijverts van de Wijngart<ref name="baptism">[ Baptism1655-StadsArchiefAmsterdam] Trouwboek 1621-1668, vervolgens doop-lidmatenboek 1628-1672november en register van ingekomen attestaties 1628-1... - A06140000062</ref>
|size=m|caption=Doopsgezinde doop van Tobijas van din Wijngaert, 1655<ref name="baptism" />

===Marriage===:inschrijvingsdatum: 08-12-1663 <br>naam bruidegom: [van den] Wijngaart, Tobias Assisted by Tobias Goverts van de Wijngaard<br> naam bruid: [van der] Vooren, Aeltje<br>naam eerdere man: [de] Vos, Andries Janse <ref> Amsterdam archief [*nga*&i2=2&p2=p&y2=1500&z2=1670&x=20&z=a#A31902000013 08-12-1663 - [van den] Wijngaart, Tobias - [van der] Vooren, Aeltje] - [de] Vos, Andries Janse - DTB 686, p.16 - Huwelijksintekeningen van de PUI. - A31902000013 bronverwijzing: DTB 686, p.16 opmerkingen: Huwelijksintekeningen van de PUI. Archief van de Burgerlijke Stand: doop-, trouw- en begraafboeken van Amsterdam (retroacta van de Burgerlijke Stand) Ondertrouwregister: NL-SAA-26536638 </ref>
== Sources ==
<references />* Unsourced family tree handed down to [[Koehler-616|Marlena (Koehler) Lidell]]* Profile created by [[Koehler-616 | Marlena Lidell]] through the import of Marlena Ancestors .ged on Jul 6, 2018. 
van den Wyngaert, Tobias Tobiasz (I451)
107 [[Category:Dutch Roots PPP]]{{Dutch Roots|needs=Birth|needs1=More Records}}
<references /> 
Unknown, Jennetje (I447)
108 [[Category:Dutch Roots PPP]]{{Dutch Roots|needs=More Records|needs1=Birth}}
== Biography ==

=== Birth ===
: Birth: Date: 1592
===Marriage===She is mentioned as previous wife when her husband Tobias remarried as a widow in Amterdam in 1624 <br>inschrijvingsdatum: 10-08-1624 <br>naam bruidegom: Goverts, Thobias<br> naam bruidegom: Govaartss, Thobias<br>naam eerdere vrouw: '''Barents, Grietje'''<br> naam bruid: Jellis, Susanna<br>naam bruid: Jelis, Susanna<br>naam eerdere man: Pieters, Salomon <ref>Amsterdam archief [*ents&i2=2&p2=d&y2=1624&x=20&z=a#OTR00193000137 Marriage 10 August 1624] bronverwijzing: DTB 669, p.268 opmerkingen: Huwelijksintekeningen van de PUI. Archief van de Burgerlijke Stand: doop-, trouw- en begraafboeken van Amsterdam (retroacta van de Burgerlijke Stand) Ondertrouwregister: NL-SAA-26345372 provided by [[Schellenberger-149|Astrid Schellenberger]] 28 February 2019</ref>
=== Death ===
: Death: Date: 1615

== Sources ==
<references />*Govertsz-2 was created by [[Orr-1706 | Michael A Orr]] through the import of Michael A. Orrs Missouri Orrs_2014-03-25.ged on Mar 25, 2014 
Barents, Grietje (I449)
109 [[Category:Dutch Roots Project Needs Birth]]
{{New Netherland Settler}}

== Biography ==
Teunis Nyssen or Nijssen , the common ancestor of the family, emigrated as early as 1638 from Bunnik in the Province of Utrecht, residing first in New Amsterdam.
He married Phebea Felix of England, aka Femmetje Jans Seales , daughter of Jan Seales and Phillipa (unknown). They removed to Gowanus where he owned a farm and in 1655 purchased a farm in Flatbush. In Immigrant Ancestors; Leslie Bryan; his birth date is given as 1615 and died before 24 Aug 1663; and marriage to Femmetje 11 Feb 1640; also that Femmetje was buried 13 Dec 1666.
Theunis Nijssen (also Nyssen)<ref>Teunis is the diminutive of Anthonius/Antonis. Dutch patronymic naming system: Teunis Nijssen = Teunis son of Nijs (Dionijs)</ref>was born about 1615. Teunis Nyssen ... He passed away prior to Aug., 1663. <ref>No birth record found in research by Yvette Hoitink during 2015 and all other historians and genealogists, plus research by various families who link to Teunis Nyssen, assume a birthdate of about 1615. </ref>The average marrying age for Dutch men was 25 at the date the bans were published for Teunis in 1640. His date of death was before Aug. 24, 1663 when his widow Phoebe (Femmetje) married a 2nd time to Jan Corneliszen Buys<ref>DRC Brooklyn/Flatbush Marriage Record</ref> <ref> Parents of Teunis information from "Utrecht Farmers in New Netherland": source John H. van Schaick, NYG&B Society record 127 (1996), 1-6, 92-98. The article cites four records at the Gemeente Archief Utrecht as its sources.</ref>

=== Birth ===
: ABT 1615. Binnick, Utrecht, Netherlands. <ref name="onfiveighteight"/>
: 1615 Bunnick, Utrecht, , Netherlands <ref>Source: [[#S-550408936]] Page: Source number: 21057.000; Source type: Electronic Database; Number of Pages: 1; Submitter Code: WAY. Note: {{Ancestry Record|worldmarr_ga|333291}} Text: Birth date: 1615Birth place: NEMarriage date: 1640 Marriage place: NY</ref>: Note: The modern spelling is Bunnik, in the province of Utrecht in the Netherlands. Another possibility is Bennekom, which is just a bit east of Bunnik, between Utrecht and Arnhem, in the province of Gelderland. There are sources for both locations.<ref name="twelve" /><ref name="fifteen"/>

=== Immigration ===
: 1638 New Amsterdam, New York <ref name="thirteen"/><ref>Source: S30 Title: The Bergen Family : Author: Teunis G. Bergen : Publication: Albany, NY, 1876.</ref><ref name="sixtone"/><ref>Source: S27 Type: Book : Author: Carl Boyer : Periodical: Ship Passenger Lists : Publication: Heritage Books </ref>
: 1620-1664 Place: New Netherland <ref> Source: [[#S-550830362]] Page: Place: New Netherland; Year: 1620-1664; Page Number: 28. Note: {{Ancestry Record|pili354|1624706}} Arrival date: 1620-1664: Arrival place: New Netherland: APID: 7486::1624706: APID: 7486::1623957</ref>

=== Marriage ===

: Husband: [[Nyssen-11|Teunis Nyssen]]
: Wife: [[Jans Celes-1|Femmetje Jans Celes]]
:''Theunis Nyssen, jm van Bunninck in't sticht van Uutr (Utrecht) en Phabea Faelix jd van Jarleston in Engelt''<ref> NYDRC from source: [ Rootsweb]</ref><ref>Groom- Bruidegom: '''Theunis Nijssen'''<br>Place of birth-Geboorteplaats: Bunnik (Utrecht) Burgerlijke staat: Jongeman<br> Bride- Bruid: '''Phaebea Faelix'''<br> Place of Birth-Geboorteplaats: Jarleston (Engeland) Burgerlijke staat: Jongedochter<br>Event-Gebeurtenis: Marriage- Trouwen Place of Event Place of Event- Gebeurtenisplaats: NDG- New Netherland Nieuw Amsterdam-New York Event - Gebeurtenis: Proclamation- Proclamatie Datum: saturday- zaterdag 11 februari 1640 * Source: Wiewaswie: Documenttype: DTB trouwen Erfgoedinstelling: Nationaal Archief Plaats instelling: Den Haag Collectiegebied: Nieuw-Nederland Registratiedatum: 11 februari 1640 Akteplaats: Nieuw Amsterdam-New York Collectie: Collegiate Church of New York Aktesoort: [ - Marriage]</ref>
: 11 Feb 1640 New Amsterdam, Kings, New York,<ref> Source: [[#S-550408936]]: Source number: 21057.000; : Source type: Electronic Database; Number of Pages: 1; Submitter Code:WAY: Note: {{Ancestry Record|worldmarr_ga|333291}} Birth date: 1615 Birth place: NE Marriage date: 1640 Marriage place: NY APID: 7836::333291 </ref><ref>Source: [[#S16774]] Note: DRC New Amsterdam Banns Registration on 2111640 lists: Theunis Nyssen, jm van Bunninck, Uytr; Phaebea Faelix, jd van Jarleston, in Engelt.</ref><ref>Source: S191Type: Web Site : Author: Gwen F Epperson; Harry Macy, Jr. (NYG&BR) Oct 1993 : Title: The True Identity of John Sales alias Jan Celes of Manhattan URL: Rootsweb Dutch-Colonies-L Archives : Date: 12 Feb 1998 </ref><ref name="twotwofiv"/><ref> Source: S226 Type: Book : Text: Collections of the NYG & BS, Vol 1: Marriages from 1639-1801 in the Reformed Dutch Church; NY: 1890 </ref> Note: married or recorded intention to marry


: Children of Teunis and Femmetje All baptised in New Amsterdam:
# '''Jannetje''' Teunisse bp 22 Dec 1641 Brooklyn NY; she was married to Titus Syrach. That she might have been the Jannetje Teunis that married Jans Hansen Bergen was a mistake created by bad record transcriptions and is easily disproven by witnesses as their children's baptisms.# '''Marretje''' Teunisse bp 3 Apr 1644 Brooklyn NY; died 1690; married 10 Apr 1661 Dirck Jans Wortman born about 1630; died after 1706..<ref> Gebeurtenis: Doop Datum: zondag 3 april 1644<br> Child- Kind: '''Marritje''' Geslacht: Vrouw<br> Vader: '''Theunis Nijssen'''<br> Gebeurtenisplaats: NDG New Netherland* Source: wiewaswie: Documenttype: DTB Dopen Erfgoedinstelling: Nationaal Archief Plaats instelling: Den Haag Collectiegebied: Nieuw-Nederland Registratiedatum: 3 april 1644 Akteplaats: Nieuw Amsterdam-New York Collectie: Collegiate Church of New York Aktesoort: Doopboek [ Baptism 1644 child Marritje]</ref># '''Aertje''' Teunisse bp 18 Feb 1645 Brooklyn NY; married Cornelis Klaessen Van der Linde .# '''Annetje''' Teunisse bp 18 Feb 1646; married 1663 Hieronemus Rapalje born 27 June 1643 New Netherlands; died after 1690; son of Joris Jansen Rapalje and Catalyntje Trico.<ref>Gebeurtenis: Baptism- Doop Date- Datum: zondag 18 februari 1646 <br>Kind: '''Annetje''' Geslacht: Vrouw<br>Vader: Theunis Nijssen<br> Witn.-Getuigen: Jan Janszen dam, Heijltje Joris, Wijntie Aerts<br> Gebeurtenisplaats: NDG-New Netherland* Source: Wiewaswie: Documenttype: DTB Dopen Erfgoedinstelling: Nationaal Archief Plaats instelling: Den Haag Collectiegebied: Nieuw-Nederland Registratiedatum:18 februari 1646 Akteplaats: Nieuw Amsterdam-New York Collectie: Collegiate Church of New York Aktesoort: Doopboek [ Baptism Annetje 1646]</ref># '''Elsje''', baptized 10 May 1648;<ref name=Evansbap>Evans, Thomas Grier. "Records of the Reformed Dutch Church in New Amsterdam and New York. Baptisms from 25 December, 1639 to 27 December, 1730." ''[[Space:Collections of the New-York Genealogical and Biographical Society|Collections of the New-York Genealogical and Biographical Society]]''. Vol 2, Part 1. New York: Printed for the Society, 1901: </ref> married 6 Dec 1669 Gerret Janse Snedeker bp 25 Mar 1660; son of Jan Snedeker. Left a will which was proved 9 May 1693.# '''Femmetje''', baptized 3 April 1650; died aft 1715; married Michael Hansen Bergen bp 8 Oct 1646; died about 1732; son of Hans Hansen Bergen and Sarah Jorise Rapalje.<ref>Gebeurtenis: Doop Datum: zondag 3 april 1650<br>Kind: '''Femmetje''' Geslacht: Vrouw <br>Vader: Teunis Nijssen<br>Gebeurtenisplaats: NDG New Netherland Documenttype: DTB Dopen Erfgoedinstelling: Nationaal Archief Plaats instelling: Den Haag Collectiegebied: Nieuw-Nederland Registratiedatum: 3 april 1650 Akteplaats: Nieuw Amsterdam-New York Collectie: Collegiate Church of New York Aktesoort: Doopboek *Source: [ baptism Femmetje 1650]</ref># '''Nijs''' (Denys) Teunisse bp 12 Apr 1654; died before 1707; married (1) 22 Oct 1682 Elizabeth Polhemus; daughter of Rev. Theodorus Johannes Polhemus and Catherine Van Werven; married (2) 12 Aug 1685 at New Utrecht (2) Helena Cortelyou; died after 1726; daughter of Jacques Cortelyou and widow of Claes or Nicholas Van Brunt. He was a master carpenter and bought land in Flatbush. After his second marriage he moved to the Nyack tract in the vicinity of the Narrows and also owned lands at Yellow Hoeck. He also owned land on Staten Island and resided there part of the time. In 1701, he purchased lands at Millstone NJ.<ref> Event -Gebeurtenis: Baptism-Doop Date-Datum: sunday-zondag 12 april 1654 <br>Child-Kind: '''Nijs''' Geslacht: Man <br>Father- Vader: '''Theunis Nijssen'''<br>Witn.-Getuigen: Jan Evertszen Bout, Albert Cornelis Wantenaer, Willem Bredenbend, Paulus van der Beeck<br> Remark-Opmerking: Witn.-Getuigen 5 en 6 are- zijn Aeltje Cornelis en Grietie Jans<br> Place of Event- Gebeurtenisplaats: NDG- New Netherland*Source: Wie Was Wie: Documenttype: DTB Dopen Erfgoedinstelling: Nationaal Archief Plaats instelling: Den Haag Collectiegebied: Nieuw-Nederland Registratiedatum: 12 april 1654 Akteplaats: Nieuw Amsterdam-New York Collectie: Collegiate Church of New York Aktesoort: [ Baptism '''Nijs''' Doopboek 12 April, 1654]</ref># '''Jan''' Teunisse bp 12 Apr 1654; married 16 Nov 1679 Cataline Bogaert bp 16 Dec 1657 widow of Hans Hansen Bergen; daughter of Tunis Gysbertse Bogaert and Sarah Jorise Rapalje. Resided at the Wallabout and then moved to Raritan NJ.# '''Cornelis''' Teunise born before 1668; died about 1727; married (1) 27 Aug 1687 Neeltje Bogaert bp 23 Aug 1665; daughter of Tunis Gysbertse Bogaert and Sarah Rapalje; married (2) Rebecca (unknown). Settled on the Raritan in NJ about 1683 in the vicinity of Somerville NJ.# Perhaps Teunis Teunise; married (1) Geertje Hendricks; married (2) Susanna (unknown). Supposedly settled on the Raritan NJ. Known as Teunis Van Middlewout.# Perhaps Joris Teunise (also known as James Teunis of the Raritan); married Femmetje (unknown); supposedly settled on the Raritan NJ. Adopted the name Van Middleswart.

=== Employment/Occupation ===
: 1658 - 1661 he was a magistrate of Breuckelen <ref name="twentnine"/> <ref name="sixtone">Source: S61 Type: Book : Author: Charlotte R. Woglom Bangs : Periodical: Our Ancestors: Publication: Brooklyn: Press of Kings County Journal, 1896.</ref>

=== Residence ===

:1. New Amsterdam, 2. Gowanus, 3. Flatbush: Note: Gowanus and Flatbush are both neighborhoods in Brooklyn today. <ref> Source: S32 U.S. and Canada, Passenger and Immigration Lists Index, 1500s-1900s Publication: Name: Operations, Inc; Location: Provo, UT, USA; Date: 2010; Repository: R1Title: [ Rootsweb]: </ref><ref name="sixtone"/>

=== Religion ===
: He and his wife became members of the Breucklen Reformed Dutch Church in 1660, when the church was organized. <ref name="twentnine"/><ref name="sixtone"/>
: Teunis and his wife participated in many church activities, including:# 1647 Jan 20; Cozyn Gerritszen, Vroutie Cozyns; Hendrick; Sibert Claeszen & wife, Teunis Nyssen & wife, Cornelis Corneliszen 1657 February 13 Assessment on Breucklen to pay Reverend Polhemus' Salary Gouwanus, New Netherland 1661 April 10: Witness to joining members of the Breuckelen Congregation

=== Death ===

: BEF AUG 1663. <ref>Source: [[#S1603]] </ref>

: BET 1663 and 1668 Place: Brooklyn, Kings, New York, USA

: 1663 Place: New Amsterdam, NY
: August 1661 in Brooklyn, Kings, NY, according to 2nd source above.<ref name="twelve">Source: S12: </ref><ref name="thirteen"> Source: S13 Title: </ref><ref name="fifteen"> Source: S15 Title: FamilySearch Pedigree Resource File</ref>
: 16 AUG 1663. Brooklyn, Kings Co, NY. <ref name="onfiveighteight">Source: S1588 GEDCOM g637 at, </ref>

=== Church Records ===

:Marriage* 1640 Feb 11 Teunis Nijssen, j.m. Van Bunninck, in't sticht Van Uijtr, en Phaebea Faelix, j.d. Van Jarleston, in Engelt. <ref>Purple, Samuel S., editor. Marriages from 1639 to 1801 in the Reformed Dutch Church, New York. [[Space:Collections of the New-York Genealogical and Biographical Society|Collections of the New-York Genealogical and Biographical Society]]. Vol. 1. New York Genealogical and Biographical Society, 1890. </ref>
:Children's baptisms# 1648. den 10 May. Theunis Nyssen. Elsje. Wit: Barent Bal, Elsje Pieters.<ref name=Evansbap/>

== Land Records ==

*Land Patent dated 5 December 1643, Breuckelen, New NetherlandThis patent was later sold to Cousin Gerritsen 13 December 1656. Per Valentine's Manual of New York, 1861

*Land Patent dated 28 March 1647, New Netherland"We, Willem Kieft, etc... have given and granted to Tonis Nysen a certain lot located on the island of Manhattan formerly belonging to "Tall Tryn," extending west from the public wagon road, south of the aforesaid Tonis Nysen, north of Leendert Aertsen's lot and east of the Company's land; its breadth on the west side is 5 rods, 8 feet; its breadth on the east side is 5 rods, 8 feet; its length on the south side is 18 rods, 5½ feet; and its length on the north side is 18 rods, 5½ feet, with the express conditions etc...Done at Fort Amsterdam, 28 March 1647"

*Land Patent dated 3 April 1647, New NetherlandSee NYHM:D land Papers pg. 58--GG 208 patent to Tonis Nysen ... plantation located on the island of Manhattan formerly cultivated by Jan Celes, deceased...3 Apr 1647.
*Answer of the West India Company to the Remonstrance from New Netherlands 31 January 1650Tonis Nyssen's use of the valley land next to his plantation is cleared by the West India Company. See for details.
*Land Sale from Teunis Nyssen to Augustyn Heermans on 17 January 1651, Breucklen, New NetherlandPer Valentine's Manual of New York, 1861

*Land Purchase from Evert Duyckingh, 1655, Breukelen, New NetherlandIn 1655 he bought a plantation in Flatbush, of Evert Duyckingh, for 660 carolus guilders.<ref name="twentnine">Source: S29: Register, Early Settlers of Kings County, LI, NY : Author: Teunis G. Bergen : Publication: NY, 1881</ref>
*Land sale to Albert Cornelyson, 16 May 1656, Breuckelen, New Netherland"...March 7th, 1680-1, Cornelysen conveyed by endorsement on the back of both patents, to Michael Hansen Bergen, all his rights in both patents; also by a seperate conveyance the adjoining meadows, which he had bought from Theunis Nissen on the 6th of May, 1656 and which meadow was confirmed to Cornelysen by a patent from Gov. Nicholls, dated June 26th, 1668...."
*Land Sale to Coussin Gerritsen, 13 December 1656, Breucklen, New NetherlandPer Valentines Manual of New York, 1861

== Court Cases ==
*15 July 1638 - Tonis Nyssen vs. Gerrit Jansen of Oldenburgh, for delivery of a cow; judgment for plaintiff.
*01 Mar 1646 - 1 Mar 1646--Teunes Nysen, plaintiff, vs. Jeuriaen Fradell, for payment of the debt which his wife owed to Jan Celes, deceased.
NYHM:D vol IV pg. 301
*28 Jun 1646 - Joris Homs, plaintiff, vs. Tonis Nyssen, defendant, for payment of Florida. 40. The defendant acknowledges the debt and says that he must pay the child of the said Homs here first when a ship of the Company arrives, and this not in money, but in clothes.
*2 August 1646 - Ambrosius Lonnen, plaintiff, vs. Tonis Nysen, heir of Jan Celes, def. for payment of 14 gl. ordered that plaintiff shall prove witnesses or in writing Jan Celes owed him for 14 gl.
NYHM:D vol IV pg. 334--2 Aug 1646
*18 Oct 1646 - Tonis Nyssen, plaintiff, vs. Mr. Stikley, defendant, in a case of appeal. Plaintiff demands his sow and the increase thereof. Parties having been heard in court, the plaintiff refuses to swear that the sow belonged to him and the defendant swears that the sow which Tonis claims belongs to him and that he bought her from Willem Washbandt. Willem Wasbandt likewise declares that he sold the sow to Mr. Stickli and that she was raised by him. Whereupon the plaintiff's demand is denied and he is ordered to pay the costs of the trial. Thus done in Fort Amsterdam in New Netherland, the 18th of October 1646.

== Research Notes ==
: Had 12-15 children. Sons Jan and Joris took the surname van Middleswart. Cornelius and Denys took the surname De Nyse/Denise.
: records of land bought and sold on Manhattan between 1638 and 1651<ref>Source: [[#S244]] Source: [[#S133]] </ref><ref name="twotwofiv">Source: S225 Type: Book Author: I.N. Phelps Stokes : Periodical: The Iconography of Manhattan Island, 1498-1909 : Publication: RH Dodd (NY: 1915-1928) : Volume: 2,4,6 </ref>

== Sources ==
<references />
* Ancestry Family Trees. Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: {{Ancestry Tree|7179083|-600726199}} (private tree)

* New York Genealogical Records, 1675-1920.
* <span id='S-550408936'></span> : U.S. and International Marriage Records, 1560-1900 : Yates Publishing. Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: The Generations Network, Inc., 2004.
* <span id='S-550830362'></span> Repository: [[#R-923559107]] :Title: Passenger and Immigration Lists Index, 1500s-1900s : Author: Gale Research : Publication: Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: The Generations Network, Inc., 2006. Original data - Filby, P. William, ed.. Passenger and Immigration Lists Index, 1500s-1900s. Farmington Hills, MI, USA: Gale Research, 2006.
* Entry in Geni Website
* Descendants of Teunis Nyssen/Denyse
* Descendants of John William Woertman/Wortman/Workman

* <span id='S1603'></span> Harman Clark<>
== Acknowledgments ==* This person was created through the import of Smith-Hunter.ged on 10 March 2011.* This person was created through the import of Jen Tree 5 01(3) - 23042011.ged on 19 May 2011.* Denyce-7 created through the import of Lent_Vise_2011-05-11aa.ged on May 26, 2011 by [[Sypniewski-1 | Bryan Sypniewski]].* Denyce-11 created through the import of Rhodes 2011_2011-07-09_01_01.ged on Jul 9, 2011 by [[Rhodes-899 | Tom Rhodes]]. * Denyce-9 and Denyce-10 created through the import of wolfefamily.ged on Jun 26, 2011 by [[Wolfe-522 | Herbert Wolfe]].* Nyssen-11 created through the import of DeNise.ged on Sep 24, 2011 by [[Mealy-11 | Sara Tanke]].
Author: B. W. J. Molier
Author: Carrie Quackenbush
Author: Bea Wijma
Author: Steven Mix
Author: Melissa McKay
Author: Steven Mix
Author: Bea Wijma
Author: Lois Young
Author: Bea Wijma
Author: Lois Young
Author: Bea Wijma
Author: Bea Wijma
Author: Michelle Hartley
Author: Concetta Phillipps
Author: Steven Mix
Author: G Gaffin
Author: Steven Mix 
Nijssen, Theunis (I576)
110 [[Category:Dutch Roots Project Needs Birth]]
{{New Netherland Settler}}
== Biography ==
Jan Cornelise Buys was baptized August 20, 1629 at Brielle, South Holland, Netherlands. He emigrated to New Amsterdam in 1648. He married, first, Eybetje Van Blaricum about 16651. He married, second, Femmetje Seales August 24, 1663, and he married, third, Willemtje about 1667.
His will, in Breucklyn, Kings County, made with wife Willemtje Thyssen was dated 29 November 1686 and proved 28 January 1689/90. One-half of the whole estate to the children of Eybetje, namely Femmetje Janse, Williamtie Thyssen and the children procured by Roeloff Williamse in equal shares. Children of Williamtie Thyssen namely Machitiltie and Willem Roeloffse. Hilltje and Thys Buys, children of the testators. Residue of the whole estate to the children of the testators. To William Roelofsse 100 gildens wampum. Wit Jeronmius Rapale, Hendrick Sleght. Liber 1 page 230. <ref></ref>

=== Parents ===
: Husband: [[Buys-49|Cornelis Buys]]
: Wife: [[Damen-31|Hendrickje Jans Damen]]

=== Birth ===: 20 Aug 1629 Brielle, Amsterdam, South Holland, Netherlands<ref>: Source: [[#S-244420631]]: Page: Source number: 423.000; Source type: Electronic Database; Number of Pages: 1; Submitter Code: EET Note: Text: Birth date: 1629Birth place: NEMarriage date: 1651Marriage place: APID: 7836::190805</ref>

=== Arrival ===: 1657 New Netherland<ref>: Source: [[#S1743240850]]: Page: Place: New Netherland; Year: 1657; Page Number: 180.Note: Text: Arrival date: 1657Arrival place: New Netherland APID: 7486::1625625</ref>

=== Marriages ===: Jan Cornelise Buys (alias Jan Damen) and his Three Wives: Eybe Lubbertse, Phaebea Faelix (alias Phebe or Femmejte Jans), Willemtie Thysenn..."<ref>From Source: [ Olive tree genealogy] in Genealogies of Long Island Families by the New York Genealogical and Historical Society</ref>

: Husband: [[Buys-50|Jan Cornelise Buys]]
: Wife: [[Lubberts-8|Eybetje Lubberts]]: 1651 Brooklyn, Kings, New York<ref>: Source: [[#S-244420631]]: Page: Source number: 423.000; Source type: Electronic Database; Number of Pages: 1; Submitter.Note: Text: Birth date: 1629 Birth place: NE Marriage date: 1651 Marriage place: APID: 7836::190805</ref>

: Husband: [[Buys-125|Jan Cornelison Buys]]
: Wife: [[Jans Celes-1|Femmetje Jans Celes]]: 24 AUG 1663 Midwood/Flatbush (now neighborhood in Brooklyn, Kings County, NY)<ref>Source: [[#S191]] , Source: [[#S238]]</ref>

== Marriage Money Paid ==Jan Corn Buys paid 5-18-0 in marriage money of 6-0-0 in Brooklyn prior to 29 Oct 1662 accounting in the RDC church book. A total of 78-18-10 is given for the period. Brooklyn Book 72.<ref></ref>

=== Children ===

# Child: [[Buys-48|Cornelis Janse Buys]]
# Child: [[Buys-64|Hendrick Jans Buys]]
# Child: [[Buys-60|Hendricktje Janse Buys]]
# Child: [[Buys-45|Lubbert Jans Buys]]
# Child: [[Buys-53|CaryntjeTryntje Janse Buys]]
# Child: [[Denton-277|Abigail Jans /BUYS Denton]]
# Child: [[Appleby-94|Divertje Jans /BUYS Appleby]]
# Child: [[Buys-47|Jan Jans Buys]]
# Child: [[Buys-54|Neeltje Janse Buys]]
# Child: [[Buys-55|Jan Jans Buys]]
# Child: [[Buys-43|Hendrickje Janse Buys]]
# Child: [[Buys-42|Jacob Jansen Buys]]
# Child: [[Buys-46|Jacob Janse Buys]]
# Child: [[Simons-73|Hilletje Jans /BUYS Simons]]
# Child: [[Buys-63|Matthew Thys Buys]]
# Child: [[Buys-44|Aeltje Jans Buys]]

=== Church records ===* 1663 24 Aug Jan Corneliszen Buys, widr. of Ybe Lubberts, to Femmetie Jans, wid. of Teunis Nysse. Married at Middelwout with letters from Breuckelen. <ref>Theodore M. Banta. ''Year Book of the Holland Society of New York''. New York: Knickerbocker Press, New York, 1897.</ref><ref></ref>
# 1674 14 Jan Matthys, Jan Corn. Buys, Willemtie Thyssen. Wit.: Jan Corneliszen Ryck, Sytie Martens. <ref>Thomas Grier Evans. "Baptisms from 1639 to 1730 in the Reformed Dutch Church, New York." In ''Collections of the New-York Genealogical and Biographical Society''. Vol. II. New York: Printed for the Society, 1890.</ref># 1677 Pinksterday Cornelis, Jan Buys, parent. <ref>Theodore M. Banta. "Records of First Church, Brooklyn: Baptisms" in ''Year Book of the Holland Society of New York''. New York: Knickerbocker Press, New York, 1897. </ref>

"Jan Corneliszen Damen In The New World by Lorine McGinnis Schulze[1]
Jan Cornelise Damen's contract period with Jacob Stoffelszen was three years, ending sometime in 1654. It seems he diligently saved his wages because in April 1655 he purchased Cornelis van Tienhoven's house and land in Breuckelen, Long Island.[2] The cost of his new home was 1300 Carolus guilders with equal payments to be spread over a three year period.[3] Since Jan earned a total of 320 guilders in his contract time, it seems he acquired more money elsewhere.
It is likely that Jan was 20 or older when he made this purchase, giving him an estimated year of birth of 1635. This agrees with the findings in Amsterdam that he was a minor at the time of his contract in 1651. Jan signed with his mark indicating he could not write his own name.
In February 1656 Jan is found in New Amsterdam where he was the baptismal sponsor for Lubberts, the son of his cousin, Jan Cornelise Buys aka Damen.[4] From 1656 to 1661 we find no records of Jan although we know that somewhere in this time period he met, and married, Sophia Martens.[5] While no marriage record has been found, Sophia is recorded as the mother of several of their children in their baptismal records,[6] and is named in their joint will written in 1680. " Lorine McGinnis Schulze

== Sources ==* Fernow, Berthold. ''Calendar of Wills on File and Recorded in the Offices of the Clerk of the Court of Appeals, of the County Clerk at Albany, and of the Secretary of State, 1626-1836''. New York: Knickerbocker Press, 1896. 132.
* Source: ''Early New Netherlands Settlers'', Cites: ''Record'', July 1935, page 220; ''Record'', July 1968, page 140; ''Record'', April 1996, page 90; ''New Netherland Connections'', April 1999, Volume 4, Number 2, page 39.
* Jan Cornelis Buys Famous Relatives - Ancestry Private Tree of davenewman83
* Source: [[#S-269701049]]: Page: Ancestry Family TreesText: - Ancestry Private Tree of davenewman83
* Source <span id='S-2104072292'>S-2104072292</span>: Repository: [[#R-269701050]]: Title: New York Genealogical Records, 1675-1920: Author: Publication: Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Operations Inc, 2004.Original data - For individual sources please see the source information listed with each record. Many of the source documents are available in the Genealogical Research Library collect: Note: : APID: 7831::0: Repository <span id='R-269701050'>R-269701050</span>: Name: Address:
* Source <span id='S-244420631'>S-244420631</span>: Repository: [[#R-269701050]]: Title: U.S. and International Marriage Records, 1560-1900: Author: Yates Publishing: Publication: Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: The Generations Network, Inc., 2004.Original data - This unique collection of records was extracted from a variety of sources including family group sheets and electronic databases. Originally, the information was deriv: Note: : APID: 7836::0
* Source <span id='S-269701049'>S-269701049</span>: Repository: [[#R-269701050]]: Title: Ancestry Family Trees: Publication: Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: The Generations Network.
* Source <span id='S1743240850'>S1743240850</span>: Repository: [[#R-269701050]]: Title: Passenger and Immigration Lists Index, 1500s-1900s: Author: Gale Research: Publication: Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Operations Inc, 2009.Original data - Filby, P. William, ed.. Passenger and Immigration Lists Index, 1500s-1900s. Farmington Hills, MI, USA: Gale Research, 2009. Original data: Filby, P. William, ed.. Passeng: Note: APID: 7486::0
* Source: <span id='S165'>S165</span> Title: Ancestry Family Trees Publication: Name: Name: Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Original data: Family Tree files submitted by Ancestry members
* Source: <span id='S191'>S191</span> Type: Web Site Author: Gwen F Epperson; Harry Macy, Jr. (NYG&BR) Oct 1993 Title: The True Identity of John Sales alias Jan Celes of Manhattan URL: Rootsweb Dutch-Colonies-L Archives Date: 12 Feb 1998 * Source: <span id='S238'>S238</span> Type: Book Text: 1st Bk of Records Dutch Reformed Church brookly, NY. Holland Soc. Yearbook, 1897 (cited in Genealogies of Long Island Families (Genealogical Pub Co: 1987)

* [1] Lorine McGinnis Schulze, Ontario Canada* [2] Calendar of Historical Manuscripts in the office of the Secretary of State, Albany NY Part I, Dutch Manuscripts, 1630-1664, ed. by E.B. O'Callaghan. 1865. (Hereafter called CDM) p. 58. 29 April 1654. Deed. Cornelis Van Tienhoven to Jan Cornelissen Damen, of Buninck, of a house and parcel of land in the village of Breuckelen, between Joris Dircksen and black Hans. The contract of sale is between Cornelis van Tienhoven and Jan Cornelissen Damen and is dated 29 April 1655* [3] New York Historical Manuscripts Dutch translated by Arnold JF Van Laer (Hereafter called MHD.Laer) Volume III. p.394. "..the purchaser agrees to pay the sum of thirteen hundred Carolus guilders at 20 stivers each, in the following installments: May 1656, 1/3 of the promised money; May 1657, 1/3 and May 1658, the remaining 1/3, each third part amounting to fl 433:6:8."* [4] Baptisms Reformed Dutch Church New Amsterdam (New York). New York Genealogical & Biographical Record. (Hereafter called RDCNY) 1874 V.5:4 p. 175: 2 Feb. 1656. Parents Jan Corn. Buys, Ybetje Lubberts Child Lubbert Sponsors Jan Damien, Pieterje de Ruyter. Although Totten footnotes the sponsor Jan Damen as being Jan Jansen Damen, the adoptive father of Jan Cornelise Buys, this is not correct. Jan Jansen Damen died 18 June 1651 as per his probated will. It is almost certain that this baptismal sponsor is Jan Cornelise Damen, who later married Sophia Martens.* [5] She is also found in the records as Fytie, which is the usual diminuitive for the name Sophia. Some transcribed records have erroneously assumed a "T" in place of "F", rendering her name incorrectly as Tytie.* [6] Baptismal records for several of their children have been found, with gaps, for the years 1661 to 1685.

== Footnotes ==
<references />

== Acknowledgments ==* This person was created through the import of 124-DeCoursey.ged on 13 September 2010.* This person was created through the import of Newman Family Tree.ged on 12 March 2011.* This person was created through the import of Beaman Family Tree.ged on 31 March 2011.* WikiTree profile Buys-74 created through the import of Lent_Vise_2011-05-11aa.ged on May 26, 2011 by [[Sypniewski-1 | Bryan Sypniewski]]. * WikiTree profile Buys-125 created through the import of DeNise.ged on Sep 24, 2011 by [[Mealy-11 | Sara Tanke]].
Author: Astrid Spaargaren
Author: Steven Mix 
Buys, Jan Cornelise (I593)
111 [[Category:Dutch Roots Project Needs Birth]]
{{New Netherland Settler|needs=Church Records}}

== Biography == Stijntje Pieters, born Abt. 1608 , Netherlands; died 16 March 1694/95 in New Jersey. She was the daughter of Pieter Pieters. She married Abt. 1640 in the Netherlands, Louris Jansen Opdyck, born 1620, Hosum; died 1659 in Gravesend, Long Island, New Netherlands, NY, New York.<ref>Source: [ Frampton Family]</ref>
<blockquote>"Laurens (Louwris) Jansz; lived with his wife Stijntje Pieters on 't goet [farm on the fifth creek?] of Adriaen Huybertsz, in Jan. 1650. The same year a garden was granted to him north of the large garden of Sander Leendertsz, according to resolution of the court, dated April 1, 1650." <ref>Kiliaen Van Rensselaer and A. J. F. Van Laer. ''Van Rensselaer Bowier Manuscripts: Being the Letters of Kiliaen Van Rensselaer, 1630-1643, and Other Documents Relating to the Colony of Rensselaerswyck''. Albany, N.Y.: University of the State of New York, 1908. 841. </ref></blockquote>

=== Birth ===
: 1610 Holland
: Christina was born in 1610.
: Born 1622 in Netherlands

=== Marriage ===
: Wife of Louris Jansen Opdyck — married 1643 in New Amsterdam, New Netherland

=== Death ===

: march 16, 1694/5 new jersey

: Died March 16, 1694 in New York

: Christina Stencila ... She passed away in 1664.
== Sources ==
<references />* American Descendants of Holland Family Louris Jansen Opdyck
* J.S. Lafferty Louris Opdycke
* {{FindAGrave|49077061}} Created by: Mary Jo C. Martin Record added: Mar 04, 2010

* US and International marriage records, birth 1622
* S-405613556 Ancestry Family Trees Publication: Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Original data: Family Tree files submitted by Ancestry members. Repository: Name: Address:
== Acknowledgments ==* WikiTree profile Pieters-156 created through the import of nicholson.ged on Nov 16, 2012 by [[Nicholson-946 | Jimmy Nicholson]].* WikiTree profile Opdyck-5 created through the import of WORCESTER_2012-07-31.ged on Jul 31, 2012 by [[Worcester-157 | Bob Worcester]]. * This person was created through the import of mcdougle 2010-06-30.ged on 01 July 2010. * Styntie-1 was created by [[Roehm-14 | Robert Roehm]] through the import of Roehm Family Tree GEDCOM.ged on Feb 16, 2014.* Thank you to [[Broughton-306 | David Lawrence]] for creating WikiTree profile Stencila-1 through the import of Broughton Family 8 1 13_2013-08-13 for web.ged on Aug 16, 2013.
Author: Karen Wendell
Author: Bea Wijma
Author: Ellen Smith
Author: Rae Santema
Author: Beryl Meehan
Author: Rae Santema
Author: Bea Wijma
Author: Rae Santema
Author: Bea Wijma
Author: Jeroen Mathijs Willem van Dijk
Author: Rae Santema
Author: Steven Mix
Author: Steven Mix
Author: Steven Mix 
Pieters, Stijntje (I653)
112 [[Category:Dutch Roots Project Needs Birth]]
{{New Netherland Settler|Needs=More Records}}
== Biography ==
"308 Eccliastical Records [...] 1652, April 4.
Supplies of ammunition were sent out for distribution " at a decent price " to the inhabitants; the establishment of a public school was assented to, and the city tavern was to be appropriated to a school-house " if the same were practicable; the Rev. Samuel Drisius. a clergyman of piety aud parts, qualified to preach in English, French and Dutch, was sent out to assist " that worthy old servant, the Rev. Megapolensis. 1
'''Domine Drisius, (or Dries,)''' was at this time about forty years of age, and unmarried. He had sojourned some time in England, which country he had now quitted, In consequence of its disturbed state. His salary was fixed at one thousand four hundred and fifty guilders, or five hundred and eighty dollars. He subsequently married Lysbeth Juriaensen, '''(daughter of skipper Juriaen Andriessen and Jannetin Jans,)''' ''widow of Isaac Greveraet.'' "Elisabeth Drisius," and " Mother Drisius," are both mentioned in a tax list of the city of New York for 1677.
O Callaghan s History of New Netherland, Vol. ii. 191.<ref>Source: [ Ecclesiastical Records] (seen April 8, 2014. Entered by [[Van der Walt-440|Philip van der Walt]]).</ref>

===Possible Baptism===
:kind:, Lijsbet doopdatum: 20-04-1636<br>kerk: Nieuwe Kerk godsdienst: Hervormd <br>vader: Andriesz, Juriaen<br>moeder: Jans, Jannetje <ref> Source: Amsterdam [*r*n*&a1=Andr*&i2=1&v2=Jan*&a2=Jan*&x=19&z=a#000000041550 Baptism Lijsbet 20 April 1636] '''left page, left column 10th entry''', Lijsbet - 20-04-1636 - Nieuwe Kerk - Hervormd - Andriesz, Juriaen - Jans, Jannetje - DTB 41, p.436 - 000000041550 archief bronverwijzing: DTB 41, p.436 Archief van de Burgerlijke Stand: doop-, trouw- en begraafboeken van Amsterdam (retroacta van de Burgerlijke Stand) Doopregister: NL-SAA-24744633</ref>
: This baptism date would make her 16 at the time of her marriage, which would be very young considering the age of consent was about 25.

=== Death ===

: 06 Apr 1663 New Amsterdam New Netherland

: Before 02 Jun 1663 New Amsterdam, New Netherland

=== Church records ===
* 1652 Mar 24 Isaacq Grevenraet, j.m. Van Amsterd, en Lijsbeth Jeuriaens, j.d. als voren. <ref>[[#CNYGBS|Collections NY Gen. & Biog. Soc.]]: 1890, Vol. 1, Page 16</ref>

== Sources ==

<references />
* <span id='CNYGBS'></span>''[[Space:Collections of the New-York Genealogical and Biographical Society|Collections of the New-York Genealogical and Biographical Society]]'' (New York)
* Wardell, Patricia A. "Grevenraet: Lysbet Juriaens" ''''. Accessed 20 Feb 2017.

== Acknowledgments ==
* This person was created through the import of 104-B.ged on 12 September 2010. 
Jeuriaens, Lijsbet (I604)
113 [[Category:Dutch Roots Project Needs Birth]]
{{New Netherland Settler|needs=More Records}}
== Biography ==At 27 May 1677 Brooklyn, he, Thomas Lamberse, witnessed the marriage of his daughter Elisabeth to Jacob Jorissen, <ref>Holland Society of New York; New York, New York; Brooklyn and Flatbush NY, Book 72.</ref>

=== Birth ===

: Born 1625 in Hoorn, E, Friesland, Netherlands

: Born before 1625 in Hoorn, Terschelling, Friesland, Netherlands

=== Marriage ===: Husband of Jannetje J. (Jans) Bout — married RDC New Amsterdam 27 November 1654. Thomas Lambertszen Van Naerden, en Jannetje Jans, Wede Van Jeuriaen Andrieszen. <ref>NY Marriages transcribed in one of the on-line indexes</ref>
:"Name Thomas Lambertszen Spouse Name Jannetje Jans Marriage Date 1654 Marriage Place New York, New York Marriage ID 2220320178 Spouse Comments widow Other Comments On microfilm at Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah. Source The New York Genealogical and Biographical Record (quarterly), 1875, selected extracts Publisher New York Genealogical and Biographical Society Publication Place New York, NY Page 83 Household Members Name Age Jannetje Jans Thomas Lambertszen" <ref>New York City, Marriages, 1600s-1800s </ref>

=== Death ===
: Died July 26, 1658 in South River, Delaware. ''This is incorrect if he was living 27 May 1677''

=== Church Records ===
:Marriage* 1654 Nov 27 Thomas Lamberszen Van Naerden, en Jannetje Jans, Wede. Van Jeuriaen Andrieszen. <ref>[[#CNYGBS|Collections NY Gen. & Biog. Soc.]]: 1890, Vol. 1, Page 19</ref>

:Child's marriage (two transcripts of one marriage record)* 1677. May 27. Jakop Jorissen, y.m., Amersfoort, to Elisabeth Tommissen, y.d., from New York. Witnesses: Joris Jakopsen, father of bridegroom. Thomas Lamberse, father of bride.<ref>Holland Society of New York; New York, New York; Brooklyn and Flatbush NY, Book 72. Handwritten transcript accessed on at . Note: The word "Jonckman" was struck through and replaced with "y.m." </ref> * 1677. May 27. Jakop Jorissen, young man from Amersfoort, to Elisabet Tommissen, maiden from New York. Witnesses: Joris Jakopsen, bridegroom's father. Thomas Lamberse, bride's father.<ref>"First Books of Records of the Dutch Church of Brooklyn," ''[[Space:Yearbook of the Holland Society of New York|Year Book of the Holland Society of New-York]]'', 1897, [ page 141].</ref>

== Sources ==
<references />
* <span id='CNYGBS'></span>''[[Space:Collections of the New-York Genealogical and Biographical Society|Collections of the New-York Genealogical and Biographical Society]]'' (New York)
* Ancestry Family Trees. Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: The Generations Network.

== Acknowledgments ==* This person was created through the import of Newman Family Tree.ged on 12 March 2011.
Author: Chet Snow
Author: Charlie Panek
Author: Dave Patrick 
VanNaerden, Thomas Lambertsz (I608)
114 [[Category:Dutch Roots Project Needs Birth]][[Category:New Netherland Ancestors]]
== Biography ==
Marie Phillippe was the first wife of Pierre "Pieter" Prat. In 1645 they joined the Walloon Church at Leyden, Holland, with letters from Vlissingen, Zeeland, Netherlands.
If her 1658 death in the Netherlands is correct, then her husband Pieter must have married his second wife soon after, because Pieter Prat, his wife and one or two of their children emigrated from Holland to New Amsterdam in the ship "''Moesman''" in April 1659. The passenger list of the ship is preserved and includes "''Pieter Pieterson, alias Pia from Picardy, his wife and daughter.''"
Marie Phillippe was the first wife of Pierre "Pieter" Praa|Prat; in 1645 they joined the Walloon Church at Leyden, Holland, with letters from Vlissingen, Zeeland, Netherlands.
::Note: Vlissingen (Dutch pronunciation: [ˈvlɪsɪŋə(n)] ( listen); Zeelandic: Vlissienge; historical name in English: Flushing) is a municipality and a city in the southwestern Netherlands on the former island of Walcheren. With its strategic location between the Scheldt river and the North Sea, Vlissingen has been an important harbour for centuries.

=== Parents ===
* Father: Philip
* Mother:

=== Name ===: Name: Marie /Philippe/<ref>Source: [[#S-1766655151]] Page: Source number: ; Source type: ; Number of Pages: ; Submitter Code: . Note: Note: Data: Text: Birth date: 1622 Birth place: Fr APID: 1,7836::953140</ref><ref>Source: [[#S-1766655151]] Page: Source number: ; Source type: ; Number of Pages: ; Submitter Code: . Note: Note: Data: Text: Birth date: 1624 Birth place: Fr APID: 1,7836::953141</ref><ref>Source: [[#S-1766655151]] Page: Source number: ; Source type: ; Number of Pages: ; Submitter Code: . Note: Note: Data: Text: Birth date: 1620 Birth place: Fr APID: 1,7836::953139</ref>

'''Marie Philippe''' (b. 1622, d. 17 Mar 1657)

=== Birth ===: Birth: Date: 1624 Place: Dieppe, Picardie, France<ref>Source: [[#S-1766655151]] Page: Source number: ; Source type: ; Number of Pages: ; Submitter Code: . Note: Note: Data: Text: Birth date: 1622 Birth place: Fr APID: 1,7836::953140</ref><ref>Source: [[#S-1766655151]] Page: Source number: ; Source type: ; Number of Pages: ; Submitter Code: . Note: Note: Data: Text: Birth date: 1624 Birth place: Fr APID: 1,7836::953141</ref><ref>Source: [[#S-1766655151]] Page: Source number: ; Source type: ; Number of Pages: ; Submitter Code: . Note: Note: Data: Text: Birth date: 1620 Birth place: Fr APID: 1,7836::953139</ref>

Marie Philippe was born 1622 in Dieppe, Picardy, France1114, and

=== Marrige ===She married Pieter Para, son of Pierre Peter Praa on 28 Jun 1642 in Walloon Church, Leiden, South-Holland, Netherlands<ref>[ Ancestors of Travis K. Elder]</ref>

=== Children ===Possible children of Marie and Pieter are<ref>[ MARIE PHILIPPE, Female 1622 - 1658]</ref>:#Pierre PRAT, b. Abt May 1643, at Leiden, South Holland, Netherlands. # Pierre PRAT, b. Abt May 1646, at Leiden, South Holland, Netherlands. d. ca. 17 Mar 1658. # Samuel PRAT, b. Abt Jun 1647 at Leiden, South Holland, Netherlands.
# Marie PRAT, b. Abt May 1648 at Leiden, South Holland, Netherlands.# Catharine PRAT, b. Abt Jun 1650 at Leiden, South Holland, Netherlands.# ANNE (ANNETJE) PIETERSE PRAT, b. Abt Feb 1652, Leiden, South Holland, Netherlands Walloon Church, Leiden, South Holland, Netherlands; d. at Brooklyn, Kings Co., NY
It would appear that these children, if they actually existed, with the exception of son Pieter and daughter Annetje, died young, as they did not accompany their father on ''de Moesman'' to the new world on April 25, 1659.

=== Death ===Marie Philippe died 17 Mar 1657 in Leiden, Zuid-Holland, Netherlands. Pierre Peter Praa remarried after her death, Pieter, a wife and daughter were noted in the passenger records of ''De Moesman'' sailed 25 April, 1659<ref>[ THE MOESMAN (MARKET GARDENER)]</ref>. A son Peter Pertesen Praa Jr. b. ca. 1654/5, (aged 5) was aboard the same ship, but was not listed.

== Sources ==
<references />* Source: <span id='S-1766655151'>S-1766655151</span> Repository: [[#R-1790658744]] Title: U.S. and International Marriage Records, 1560-1900 Author: Yates Publishing Publication: Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Operations Inc, 2004.Original data - This unique collection of records was extracted from a variety of sources including family group sheets and electronic databases. Originally, the information was derived Note: APID: 1,7836::0 Repository: <span id='R-1790658744'>R-1790658744</span> Name: Address: Note:
* Source: <span id='S-1767109022'>S-1767109022</span> Repository: [[#R-1790658744]] Title: Ancestry Family Trees Publication: Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Original data: Family Tree files submitted by Ancestry members. Note: This information comes from 1 or more individual Ancestry Family Tree files. This source citation points you to a current version of those files. Note: The owners of these tree files may have removed or changed information since this source citation was created. Page: Ancestry Family Trees Note: Data: ::: Text:
* Source: [ Family Tree Maker tree profile by Douglas Ernest]
* Source: [ Sorhus, Jury, Yarham, Norrington and a whole lot more:Information about Marie Philippe]
* Source: [ Ships passenger lists]
== Acknowledgments ==* WikiTree profile Philippe-13 created through the import of Misty_s ancestry.ged on Sep 16, 2012 by [[Bacon-1754 | Misty Wood]]. See the [ Changes page] for the details of edits by Misty and others.* Phillipe-13 was created by Tom Quick, [[Quick-803|Quick-803]] 09:32, 26 January 2016 (EST).
Author: Tom Quick
Author: Steven Mix
Author: Tom Quick 
Philippe, Marie (I610)
115 [[Category:Dutch Roots Project Needs Birth]]{{New Netherland Settler}}
== Biography ==

''' Pieter Pietersen Praa'''
Pieter Praa Jr. or Capt. Peter Praa|Pra, was born ca. 1655 at Leiden, and emigrated with his father Pieter Praa Sr.; He married ca. Mar. 15, 1684, Marytje or Maria or Mary Hays wid. of Joost Adriaense, miller; d. ca.1740. On patent of Buk (''Bushwick--Brooklyn'') of 1687, in which year he took the oath of allegiance in said town. On assembly roll of 1693, cen. of 1698, and capt. of militia in 1700, as per p. 809 of ''Vol. IV. of Doc of Col. History''. Removed to Newtown (''now Elmhurst''), his name appearing on the records of said town in 1703 and 1708. Will da. Aug. 6, 1739; rec. p.43, Lib. 13, N. Y. surr. off. . Signed his name "Pieter Praa". He had the following Issue:- Catharina, bp. Sept. 4, 1685, in N. Y.; Maria, bp. Sept. 30, 1688, in Brn, m. Wynant Van Zandt; Lysbeth, bp. May 13, 1691, in N. Y., m. ----Messerole; Anna, bp. Nov. 14, 1694, in N. Y., m. Daniel Boddie; and Christina, bp. May i, 1698, in Brn, m. David Provoost Junr. Signed his ame "Pieter Praa."<ref>Register in alphabetical order, of the early settlers of Kings County, Long Island, N.Y. </ref>
That the infant Pieter came to America with his father, mother and half-sister in the ship "moesman" in April, 1659, is shown by his statement made in 1687, when he took his oath of Allegiance at Bushwick, that he had been in the country twenty-eight years. However, there is no mention of him in the passemger list of the ship.

After his arrival in New Netherland, he lived on his father's farm atCripplebush, a hamlet of Breucklen close to the Bushwick line, until hisfather's death in 1663 and the immediate re-marriage of his mother. He continedto live with his mother and step-father until his mother's death when he wouldhave been about twenty years of age. Whether he inherited the farm is not

He contributed civic service as town assessor,magistrate and as commander of the town militia. As Capt. Peter Praa, he isrecorded as standing at the head of his troops in 1694, and on other occasions
as mounted at maneuvers.

Peter Praa has been justly appraised as one of the three outstandingpersonalities in the history of the Town of Bushwick. The other two beingPieter Jan De Witt and Dirck Volckerszen. Peter's influence in the township
extended over a much longer period.
An oil painting of Peter Praa has been preserved. It portrays him as a youngman, elaborately dressed in a hunting costume and as carrying a gun and wild
He died at Bushwick, Kings Co., N.Y., between Aug. 6, 1739, when he executed his will, and Sept. 5, 1740, when the will was probated.

=== Name ===
: Name: Peter /Praa/Pra: Name: Capt. Peter /Praa/ <ref>Source: [[#S11721]] Page: V-4, Their Children</ref>

=== Title ===Title: Van Landt (Not likely his title, possibly from confusion with his grandson "Pieter Praa Van Zant|Zandt", no other connection found.)

=== Birth ===Pieter Praa was born ca. March 17, 1658 in Van, Landt, Leyden, Holland. '''need citation for van Landt'''

: Birth: Date: 1655 Place: Leyden, Netherlands

=== Marriage ===
Pieter Praa married widow Marritje|Maria Haes|Hey|Heyd ca. March 15, 1684 in Flatbush, Kings, Long Island, New York.<ref>Source: [[#S11721]] Page: V-4, Their Children</ref> She was daughter of Jacob Hay and Christina Coffoens. (She was at that time the widow of Joost Adriansen Molenaer, by whom she had a daughter, Sara.) . This was her third marriage: 1. Philip Johns Lieuw 28 August 1668 [NYRDC 1:33]; 2. Joost Adriaanszen Molenaer, 9 July 1681 [NYRDC 1:49]; 3. Pieter Pra 15 March 1784 at Flatbush Church [Voorhees: 244,245]

=== Children ===
* Catharina Pieterse Pra was bp. on September 04, 1685. Baptism was recorded at the central Reformed Dutch Church repository at New York<ref>NARDC Bapt. Record Page 169: 1685 Sep 04; Pieter Pra, Marritje Heys; Catharina; Jan ????, Christyntie Capoens</ref>. Sponsors were: Jan ????, Christyntie Capoens. Catharina d. bef. Aug 1739.<ref>John Reynolds Totten, "Praa-Bennet Family Notes", New York Genealogical and Biographical Record Vols. 65-66 (1934-35): 65:312. Hereinafter cited as "Praa-Bennet."</ref>
* Maria Peterse Praa, bp. Sept. 30, 1688, in Brn, m. Wynant Van Zandt (No baptism or marriage records were found a NYRDC for Maria). Maria d. 17 Oct 1709. Marie was named as daughter in her father's will. <ref>Praa-Bennet</ref>
* Lysbeth Peterse Prae, bp. May 13, 1691, in New York. Baptism was recorded at the central Reformed Dutch Church repository at New York, New York<ref>NYRDC Bapt. Record Page 203: 1691 May 13; Pieter Prae, Maria Heyd; Lysbeth; Johannes Van der Spiegel, Lysbeth Van der Spiegel</ref>. Sponsors were: Johannes Van der Spiegel, Lysbeth Van der Spiegel. Lysbeth m. ---- Messerole. Lusbeth d. ca. 1754.<ref>Andrew J. Provost, Early Settlers of Bushwick, Long Island, New York and their Descendants (Darien, CT: A.J. Provost, 1949-1963), p.43. Hereinafter cited as Early Settlers of Bushwick.</ref>
* Anna Peterse Prae, bp. Nov. 14, 1694, in New York. Baptism was recorded at the central Reformed Dutch Church repository at New York, New York<ref>NYRDC Bapt. Record Page 222: 1694 Nov 14; Pieter Prae, Maria Hey; Anna; Jacobus Van der Spiegel, Anna Sanders</ref>. Sponsors were: Van der Spiegel, Anna Sanders. Anna m. Daniel Boddie. Anna died ca. 30 May 1750.<ref>Praa-Bennet</ref>
* Christina Peterse, bp. May 1, 1698, in Brooklyn<ref>A. P. G. Jos van der Linde, Old First Dutch Reformed Church of Brooklyn, New York: First Book of Records, 1660-1752, New York Historical Manuscripts: Dutch (Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., 1983), page 139. Cristina; parents: Pieter Para, Maria Para. Hereinafter cited as OFDRC Brooklyn.</ref>, m. David Provoost Junr. (No baptism record was found at NYRDC for Christina). Christina died 15 Dec 1795. Christina was named as daughter in her father Pieter's will.

=== Other Church Events ===These NYRDC Reformed Church baptism events are of interest as they aid in identification of children and relations, as well as aid in establishing date of death. Of particular interest here is the son of Wynant Van Zandt and Marytje Pra, who was given the forename/middlename of "Pieter Pra" and the surname of Van Zant. He is the grandchild of Pieter Praa and wife Marytje|Maria Heys. [[Quick-803|Quick-803]] 14:19, 27 January 2016 (EST).
* NYRDC Bapt. Record Page 300: 1704 Jul 16; Willem Pley, Sara Jooste; Sara; Pieter Pra & wife Maria Heys [her mother]
* NYRDC Bapt. Record Page 331: 1708 May 30; Wynant Van Zant, Marytje Pra; '''Pieter Pra'''; Pieter Pra & wife Marytje [Heyd]
* NYRDC Bapt. Record Page 381: 1715 Mar 27; Davidt Jonathsz Provoost, Christina Pra; Jonathan; Pieter Pra, Catharina Provoost wid
* NYRDC Bapt. Record Page 432: 1722 Feb 18; David Jonathz Provoost, Christina Pra; Jonathan; Pieter Pra, Margrieta [Provoost wife of Johannes Kerfbyl] Kerbile
* NYRDC Bapt. Record Page 493: 1729 Aug 20; Wynant Van Zandt, Catharina Ten Eyk; Johanna; '''Pieter Pra Van Zandt''', Margarietje Van Zandt (The sponsor, '''Pieter Pra Van Zandt''', was the child bp. on 1708 May 30, son of Wynant Van Zant, Marytje Pra, where PieterPra & wife Marytje were sponsors.)
* NYRDC Bapt. Record Page 500: 1730 Aug 16; Johannes Van Zandt, Tryntje Bensing; Pieter Pra; Pieter Pra & wife Maria Pra
* NYRDC Bapt. Record Page 500: 1730 Sep 30; John Coo, Jannetje Van Zandt; Richard; Pieter Pra Van Zandt, Jannetje Fyn jd (Pieter Pra Van Zandt is not a son of Pieter Praa and wife Maria Heys )

=== Residence ===Residence: Newton, Long Island, New York<ref>Source: [[#S11721]] Page: V-4, Their Children</ref>

=== Death ===Capt. Pieter Praa died between August 6, 1739 and September 5, 1740. Bushwick (now Brooklyn), Kings County, Long Island, New York.
: Death: Date: 5 SEP 1740 Place: Bushwick, Kings Co., New York, USA

=== Will of Capt. Pieter Praa ===
Abstracts of Wills Vol III 1730-1744, pages 311 & 312, Libr 13:
Page 431.--In the name of God, Amen. I, PETER PRAA, of Bushwick, in Kings County, "being in pretty good health." I leave to my wife Maria, the use of all my estate while she remains my widow, "for her better support and maintainance." I leave to my two grand-sons, Peter Praa Van Zandt and Johanes Van Zandt, my 2 dwelling houses and ground on (???) street, in the north ward of New York. I leave to my daughter, Elizabeth Meseroll, all that tract of land and meadow which I purchased of Dirck Volkertse, adjoining the land I now live on, upon the west side, and east by the land of John Meseroll, and to run north, as the fence stands, and on the south, east, and west by ditches to the river. After my wife's decease, then to my children. I leave to my daughter Annettie,wife of Daniel Bodee, a piece of land and meadow on the east side of Maspeth Kill or creek, commonly called Dominie's Hook (except the little island in the piece, which I will that my old negro Jacob shall have so long as he lives to maintain himself). I give to my daughter, Christiana Provoost, the dwelling house and ground she now lives in; Also two houses and ground I now have by lease from Mr. John Harperdinck, for life, and then to her children. Of the rest of my estate I leave 1/4 to my two grand-sons, 1/4 to my daughter, Elizabeth Meseroll, 1/4 to my daughter, Anattie Bodee, and 1/4 to ChristianaProvoost. I make my two grand-sons, and John Colier and Isaac Bergen and Johanes Albertse, executors.
Dated August 6, 1739. Witnesses, John Vanderspiegel, Abraham Lodge, Bartholomew Cornell.
Proved, September 5, 1740.
NOTE.--Captain Peter Praa, the testator in above will, was the son of Peter Praa (or Praah), a French Huguenot, who fled to Leyden and from thence to New Amsterdam in 1659, and died there March 6, 1663. Captain Peter Praa was born in Leyden in 1655, and became a prominent citizen in Newtown, L. I. He married, March 15, 1684, Maria Hay, daughter of Jacob Hay and Christina Coffoens. (She was at that time the widow of Joost Adriansen Molenaer, by whom she had a daughter, Sara.) Their daughter Christina married David Provoost, 1712, and had a son, Peter Praa Provoost, and other children.
The houses and lots in New York, left to his grand-sons, are probably the southwest corner of Pearl and Pine streets.--W. S. P.]
From the New York Historical Society Collections, this 1892-1902, volume III, features abstracts of wills on file in the Surrogates Office, City of New York, from 1665 to 1800.; by William S. Pelletreau <ref> Abstracts of wills on file in the Surrogate's Office, City of New York, 1665-180... p.320 of this online source].</ref>

== Sources ==
<references />* Source [ Abstracts of wills on file in the Surrogate's Office, City of New York, 1665-180... p.320]
* Church Records: [ Samuel S. Purple's 'Records of the Reformed Dutch Church in New Amsterdam and New York, Marriages from 11 December 1639 to 26 August 1801.']; The beginning records show the date the Banns were registered, NOT the date of marriage. Starting on 9/20/1673 marriage dates are given.
* Source: [ Register in alphabetical order, of the early settlers of Kings County, Long Island, N.Y.]; By TEUNIS G. BERGEN, Author of Bergen, Van Brunt, and Lefferts Genealogies. New York: S. W. Green's Son, Printer, Electrotyper and Binder. 1881.
* Source: [ Family Tree Maker tree profile by Douglas Ernest]
* Source: [ The Brouwer Genealogy Database---Maria Hay]
* Source: <span id='S-1938396353'>S-1938396353</span> Ancestry Family Trees Publication: Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Original data: Family Tree files submitted by Ancestry members.Page: Ancestry Family Trees Note: Data: Repository: []
* Source: <span id='S11721'>S11721</span> Title: Fine Lineage, Url: Abbreviation: Fine Lineage Author: Ehrlich, P. S., Author Qualifier: comp. and ed. Publication: the compiler and editor, world wide web, 2003–
== Acknowledgments ==* Praa-1 was created through the import of 124-DeCoursey.ged on 13 September 2010. * Praa-7 created through the import of Travis Family Tree.ged on Jun 22, 2011 by [[Travis-185 | Roger Travis]]. * Praa-10 created through the import of wikitree1.ged on Oct 17, 2012 by [[Everingham-7 | Kimball G. Everingham]]. * WikiTree profile Praa-13 created through the import of Newsom.ged on Nov 6, 2012 by [[Nielsen-1304 | Hans Nielsen]]. See the [ Changes page] for the details of edits by Hans and others.
Author: Hans Nielsen
Author: Guy Constantineau
Author: Tom Quick
Author: Steven Mix 
Praa, Pieter (I613)
116 [[Category:Dutch Roots Project Needs Birth]]{{New Netherland Settler}}
== Biography ==
: Known most commonly as Annetje Lodewycks, may have been a half sister to Dirck and Elizabeth, in as much as Lodewyck de Jong appeared as a sponsor to the baptism of Annetje's first child. proponents of this theory point out that the mother of the family, Harmtje, widow of Jan, probably married Lodwyck de Jong in Holland and he probably sponsored the family, Elizabeth and Dirck, children of the first marriage, and Annetje, his own daughter, in the move to America. It is fairly certain that the mother came to America, but in all land transactions she is known merely, as Harmtje Jans with Lodewijck never appears in the picture.
: She lived to a ripe old age and owned considerable property in Long Island and Brooklyn and died after 1765. This would make Annetje born probably in 1636, half sister to the other two children. At her marriage in 1655, she names her self "annetje Loderwycks Van Amsterdam" (Annetje Lode(r)wycks of Amsterdam).
: note that it is conceivable, and there is indication in the records, that she was a little older than assumed and she came to America as the widow or wife of Lodowyck de Jong. This would then make the Lodowyck de Jong, sponsor of her first child, a nephew or other other relative; or this could have been an attempt to name the father of the child of a previous marriage. :Maybe this is the marriage ? :<br> inschrijvingsdatum: 18-08-1646<br> name groom- naam bruidegom: ''' Jansen, Lodewijk'''<br> name bride-naam bruid: '''Willems, Annetje'''<ref> Source: Stadsarchief Amsterdam: bronverwijzing: DTB 463, p.379 opmerkingen: Huwelijksintekeningen van de KERK</ref>

{{Image|file=Granny_s_pictures-163.jpg|caption='''Will of Simon Claasen July 8, 1684 of Brooklyn, Kings County'''}}<ref>Source: Long Island Source Records: From the New York Genealogical and Biographical Record by Henry Bainbridge Hoff [ Genealogical Publishing Com, 1987 - 737 pagina's pg.99]</ref>
: Annetje married 07 Aug 1655 in New Amsterdam Dutch Church, Simon Clause (Claeszen Van (or of) Groeningen; his will, made 08 Jul 1684 and probated 07 Oct 1684, indicated that Annetje had died before that time.) They were residents of Brooklyn, Kings, New York. Their children, all christened in Brooklyn, Kings, New York were <ref>From Source:[ Rootsweb Brouwer genealogy]</ref> :
# Grietie Simonse9 b. 29 Jul 1657
# Engeltje Simonse10 b. 15 Sep 1658
# Janneken Simonse1 b. 5 Dec 1660, d. 26 Dec 1660
# Claes Simonsen+11 b. 27 Nov 1661
# Lysbeth Simonse12 b. 22 May 1664
# Lodewycke Simonsen5 b. 25 Apr 1666
# Johannes Simonszen13 b. 19 Feb 1668
# Pieter Simonszen13 b. 19 Feb 1668
# Jan Simonsen14 b. 12 Jan 1671
# Margriet Simonse15 b. 14 Jan 1674 and Jan Simons

== Sources ==* [ John William Woertman, Harmtje Jans and Lodiwycke De Jong Families]
* [ Entry in Geni Website]
* [ Workman Family History pages 16-27]
<references />
* [ Ancestry Roots]
Author: Bea Wijma
Author: Carrie Quackenbush
Author: Bea Wijma
Author: Bea Wijma
Author: Melissa McKay
Author: Bea Wijma
Author: Melissa McKay
Author: Bea Wijma
Author: Bea Wijma
Author: Melissa McKay
Author: Bea Wijma
Author: Melissa McKay 
Lodewijcks, Annetje (I574)
117 [[Category:Dutch Roots Project Needs Birth]]{{New Netherland Settler}}
== Biography =="Hannah" Harmtje was born 1614 in Amsterdam, Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, Netherlands.
: Harmtje Jans married <ref name="Bio">Source: [ Brouwer genealogy Source mentioned here: Barbara A. Barth, "The Family of Dirck Janszen Woertman of Brooklyn Ferry", New York Genealogical and Biographical Record Vols. 132-133 (2001-2002)</ref>
# Jan Woertman.<ref name="Bio"/>
# at the Netherlands after 1640 Lodewyck Jong <ref name="Bio"/>
: She came to New Netherland in 1647<ref name="Bio"/>: Harmtje Jans died circa 1685 at Brooklyn, Kings Co., Long Island, New York.<ref name="Bio"/>

=== Marriage ===: Wife of John William Workman (Dutch Name Jans Williams Woertman) — married 1628 in Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, Netherlands
: Harmtje was a widow after the first two children were born and then married to a Lodiwycke De Jong who is the father of the third child, Annetje Lodiwycke. <ref>[ John William Woertman, Harmtje Jans and Lodiwycke De Jong Families]</ref>
: inschrijvingsdatum: 22-11-1629 naam bruidegom: '''Willemss, Jan''' naam bruid: '''Harmans, Jannetje''' <ref>Source: Stadsarchief Amsterdam bronverwijzing: DTB 434, p.356 [*n&a1=w*&i2=2&p2=p&y2=1500&z2=1660&i3=1&v3=Ja*&a3=Ha*&r3=62&x=20&z=a Marriage 22 November, 1629] opmerkingen: Huwelijksintekeningen van de KERK. Archief van de Burgerlijke Stand: doop-, trouw- en begraafboeken van Amsterdam (retroacta van de Burgerlijke Stand) Ondertrouwregister: NL-SAA-26401621</ref>{{Image|file=Granny_s_pictures-161.jpg|caption=Marriage Jan Willemss and Jannetje Harmans 22 November, 1629 Amsterdam}}<ref>'''Scan Marriage 22 November, 1629''': "Netherlands, Noord-Holland Province, Church Records, 1523-1948," images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 13 June 2016), Nederlands Hervormde > Amsterdam > Huwelijksaangiften, Trouwen 1628-1630 > image 412 of 582; Nederlands Rijksarchiefdienst, Den Haag (Netherlands National Archives, The Hague).</ref> According the record this Jan Willemsz was born in Amsterdam and Jannetje was from Zwolle (Swol)

=== Children ===# Elizabeth Jans born about 1630 Amsterdam; married (1) in America 7 July 1647 Pieter Jansen Noorman born in Norway; married (2) 6 Oct 1662 Joost Jansen Cocquit born at Brugge Flanders Belgium who migrated to America on the ship 'de Otter' 27 Apr 1660. He died before 10 Mar 1694/5. On 15 June 1688, Elizabeth and Joost Cockhuyt made a joint will with a codicil by Elizabeth dated 10 Mar 1694/5; this was proved 1 Apr 1695 with letters of administration given to Dirck Jansen Woertman, brother of deceased Elizabeth Cockhuyt. Elizabeth probably died without issue as none were named in will.# Dirck Janse born about 1630 Amsterdam Holland; died after 1708; emigrated from Amsterdam in 1647; married (1) 10 Apr 1661 Marretje Teunisse (Denyse) bp 3 Apr 1644 Brooklyn NY; died there 1690; daughter of Teunis Nijssen and Femmetje Seals; married (2) about 9 Apr 1691 Annetje Aukes, widow of Winant Pieterse Van Eck; daughter of Aucke Jansz Van (of) Nuys and Magdalena Pieterse. Dirck settled in Brooklyn where he owned land and operated the Brooklyn Ferry. He left his will dated 10 Apr 1694. In 1680, he assumed the surname of Woertman. He was named as brother in will of Elizabeth above. # Annetje commonly known as Annetje Lodowycke born about 1636; married 7 Aug 1655 New Amsterdam Simon Claasen (Clause). Annetje probably died before 8 July 1684 when Simon made his will. Named Annetje Lodewick in will of sister Elizabeth. She may be a half-sister.
# kind: '''Elizabeth''' doopdatum: 19-07-1613 kerk: Engels Presbyteraanse Kerk godsdienst: Engels Presbyteraans vader: Williams, John <ref> bronverwijzing: DTB 137, p.8 Archief van de Burgerlijke Stand: doop-, trouw- en begraafboeken van Amsterdam (retroacta van de Burgerlijke Stand) [*&r1=45&i2=2&p2=p&y2=1500&z2=1650&x=19&z=a Elizabeth baptized 1613] Doopregister: NL-SAA-24367240</ref><br>Uncertain because: No mother or last name mentioned so could be a different guy of course ...# kind: '''Dirk en Anneken''' ''[tweelingen]'' doopdatum: 07 Dec 1631; kerk: Evangelisch Luthers: boek 139; vader: Jan Woertman <ref>"Netherlands, Noord-Holland Province, Church Records, 1523-1948," images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 24 May 2016), Evangelisch Luthers > Amsterdam > Dopen 1590-1641 > image 408 of 654; Nederlands Rijksarchiefdienst, Den Haag (Netherlands National Archives, The Hague). '''right page, seventh entry'''</ref>#kind: '''Annetie''' doopdatum: 23-02-1662 kerk: Lutherse Kerk godsdienst: Evangelisch-Luthers vader: Woertman, Jan moeder: Waertmans, Annetie <ref>bronverwijzing: DTB 146, p.16 Archief van de Burgerlijke Stand: doop-, trouw- en begraafboeken van Amsterdam (retroacta van de Burgerlijke Stand) Doopregister: NL-SAA-24503710</ref> <br>this probably isn't this Jan Willems (Woertman) since it's said he died before 1647..

===Records-Deeds===* February 12th 1679, '''Harmtie Janse''' relict of Lodewijck Jong transported to Dirck Janse Woertman 12 morgan (morgen) from the land at the other side mentioned, witness Machielle Hainelle Clarck<ref name="records">Quote from Source: (pg. 250+pg.251) Long Island Source Records: From the New York Genealogical and Biographical [ by Henry Bainbridge Hoff pg 85]</ref>* May 3th, 1685: Dirck Hanse (typo= Janse) Woertman by order of '''Harmtie Janse''' transported to the heires of Jooris Dirckse a small stroke of land lying at the East side of the highway being all the claim they can pretend by virtue of Patent within last mentioned, signed at Breucklyn May 3d, 1685, Dirck Janse Woertman, J. Vandewater Noto. Publ.<ref name="records"/>

===Research notes===: Marriages for men named John Williams or Jan or John Willemsz, but dates and wifes don't match:# inschrijvingsdatum: 26-03-1605<br>naam bruidegom: William, John naam bruidegom: Willemsz, Jan<br>naam bruid: Willems, Susanna<ref> bronverwijzing: DTB 411, p.454 opmerkingen: Huwelijksintekeningen van de KERK. Archief van de Burgerlijke Stand: doop-, trouw- en begraafboeken van Amsterdam (retroacta van de Burgerlijke Stand) Ondertrouwregister: NL-SAA-26403216</ref># inschrijvingsdatum: 31-10-1626 naam bruidegom: Willemss, John<br> naam bruid: Heijndrix, Maglijntje <ref>bronverwijzing: DTB 431, p.461opmerkingen: Huwelijksintekeningen van de KERK. Archief van de Burgerlijke Stand: doop-, trouw- en begraafboeken van Amsterdam (retroacta van de Burgerlijke Stand) Ondertrouwregister: NL-SAA-26401771</ref>

== Sources ==
<references />

'''See also:'''* [ Entry in Geni Website]
* [ "Ancestral Sequence of Jans William Woertman of Netherlands 1600-2003" published by Robert Bryner Colton, 2002. ]
* [ Family of JANS WILLIAM WOERTMAN in records of the Dutch Reform Church]
* [ Land Deed] Harmtje (Harmtje) Jans relist (widow) of Lodewyck Jong to Dirck Janse Woertman - Feb 12 1679
*Source: Descendants of John William Workman [ Woertman Family]
* Chester, Chris. "The Brouwer Genealogy Database." ''''. Accessed May 23, 2016. '''Harmtje Jans d. circa 1685'''
* Source <span id='S-2117433450'>S-2117433450</span>: Repository: [[#R-2117465979]]: Title: Ancestry Family Trees: Publication: Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: No record found with id R-2117465979. Text:
* File: Format: htm Title: Hannah Harmtje

=== Acknowledgments ===* This person was created through the import of Workman _ Bree(2).ged on 20 January 2011. The following data was included in the gedcom. You may wish to edit it for readability.* WikiTree profile Harmje-1 created through the import of Rhodes 2011_2011-07-09_01_01.ged on Jul 9, 2011 by [[Rhodes-899 | Tom Rhodes]]. See the [ Changes page] for the details of edits by Tom and others.* Harmtje-3 was created by [[Workman-1252 | Katy Klug]] through the import of Kathryn Workman family tree.ged on Dec 30, 2014.* Thank you to [[Higgins-2423 | Brad Higgins]] for creating WikiTree profile Harmtje-2 through the import of Higgins_Miller_Showalter_Workm.ged on Dec 29, 2013. Click to the Changes page for the details of edits by Brad and others.
Author: Bea Wijma
Author: Melissa McKay
Author: Bea Wijma
Author: Melissa McKay
Author: Bea Wijma
Author: Melissa McKay
Author: Bea Wijma
Author: Melissa McKay
Author: Bea Wijma
Author: Melissa McKay
Author: Bea Wijma
Author: Bea Wijma
Author: Bea Wijma
Author: Melissa McKay
Author: Bea Wijma
Author: Bea Wijma
Author: Bea Wijma
Author: Melissa McKay
Author: Steven Mix
Author: Liz Shifflett 
Jans, Harmtje (I571)
118 [[Category:Dutch Roots Project Needs Birth]]{{New Netherland Settler|needs=LNAB|needs1=Church Records}}
== Biography == <blockquote>Peter, (eldest son of Louris Jansen Opdyck,) upon the occasion of the division of his father's estate, voluntarily surrenders to "his mother Stincha Loras" the interest of his portion, "for the bringing up his younger brother," to whom he leaves the principal in case he die first; "his young brother" also leaving to Peter his whole portion in case of death; - a pleasing evidence of mutual affection. The following year, Lourens Petersen conveys lot number 34 at Gravesend, with farming implements, to Peter and Otto, for their shares of the estate. Peter and Otto at the same time acknowledge the receipt, from their "father-in-law" (a very common expression in those days for step-father) Lourens Petersen, of 300 guilders, the portion of "their brother Johannes Loras, according to the dividend of the estate of their deceased father Loras Johnson." They also agree to pay to "their mother Stincha Loras" interest on Johannes' portion, for his support. Two years later Christina, "in behalf of her sons Otto Loras and Johannes Loras," ratifies a sale of the farm made by her son Peter. <br>9 January 1662: In Witnesse wereunto for the confirmation heareof the said pties have sett their hands the day and yeare above written. Loras Peeters, Pieter Louresse, Otto Louresse (Gravesend Rec. II, 141) <ref> From [[Space:Op_Dyck_Genealogy|Free Space:OpDijck Genealogy]]</ref><ref>Title ''The Op Dyck genealogy, containing the Opdyck--Opdycke--Updyke--Updike American descendents of the Wesel and Holland families'' Author Opdyke, Charles Wilson, b. 1838,Opdycke, Leonard Eckstein, 1858-1914 [ pages 149-153]</ref></blockquote>

== Sources ==
<references />

Author: Bea Wijma
Author: Ellen Smith
Author: Bea Wijma
Author: Bea Wijma
Author: Rae Santema
Author: Bea Wijma 
Lourens, Peter (I655)
119 [[Category:Dutch Roots Project Needs Birth]]{{Pennsylvania Settlers}}
== Biography == <blockquote> Dirck Keyser, the Founder of the family in America, was born in abt 1645 (at the first marriage it says he is 22 years of age and he is assisted by his guardian Gerrit (?) van de Wyngaert) he was up to the time of his departure for Germantown enofaofed in the manufacture and sale of all kinds of silk and silk wares, on Printzen Graght opposite Reestraat in Amsterdam. His marriage with his first wife, Elizabet ter Himpel is recorded with the formalities belonging to a man of prominence; the banns were published at Amsterdam, in all the churches, and on the 22d of November, 1668, the marriage formally solemnized in the church at Buyckesloot, in the presence of the Lord and congregation. She died Monday, the 12th of May, 1681, aged forty-three years six months.By this marriage he had two sons Dirck, and Pieter Dircks Keyser; and one daughter Elizabet, who died June 23, 1681. He married a second time, Johanna Harperts Snoeck also in the church at Buyckesloot on the 22d of November, 1682. She lived only four years, and on Thursday, the 29th of August, 1686, was buried from his residence on the Printzen Graght in the Wester Kerk, in the thirty-eighth year of her age. By this marriage he had a daughter Johanna and one Cornelia who died 22 Oct. 1686. Two years after, in 1688, he emigrated with his little motherless family from Amsterdam, then being fifty-three years of age. He brought with him his sons, Pieter Dircks, and Dirck by the first wife; and his daughter Johanna by his second wife, the survivors of the family of five children. They arrived in New York in the fall of the year 1688; his daughter Johanna, a little girl five years old, died on their way to Germautown in September that year. He could not remember the day she was buried, but the place was on a plantation named Congenaue between that city and Philadelphia. Dirck passed away on Nov. 30, 1714, in Germantown. <ref>The bicentennial reunion of the Keyser family. 1688-1888.[ The Keyser family, descendants of Dirck Keyser of Amsterdam"]</ref></blockquote>
===Marriages===#inschrijvingsdatum: 18-11-1667<br> naam bruidegom: Keijser, Dirk (age 22) <br> naam bruid: [ter] Himpel, Elisabeth (age 29) <ref> Amsterdam archief bronverwijzing: DTB 687, p.133 opmerkingen: Huwelijksintekeningen van de PUI. Archief van de Burgerlijke Stand: doop-, trouw- en begraafboeken van Amsterdam (retroacta van de Burgerlijke Stand) Ondertrouwregister: NL-SAA-26480399 [*&a1=Ke*ser&i2=1&v2=Elis*&x=20&z=b#A24728000069 Marriage 18-11-1667 - Keijser, Dirk - [ter] Himpel, Elisabet] - DTB 687, p.133 - Huwelijksintekeningen van de PUI. - A24728000069</ref># inschrijvingsdatum: 23-10-1682 (married 22 November)<br>naam bruidegom: Keijser, Dirk<br> naam eerdere vrouw: [ter] Himpel, Elisabet <br>naam bruid: Snoek, Johanna <br>naam eerdere man: Kalkoen, Jan <ref> Amsterdam archief [*&a1=Ke*ser&i2=1&a2=Himp*&x=20&z=b#OTR00080000219 Marriage 23 October 1682] bronverwijzing: DTB 510, p.436 opmerkingen: Huwelijksintekeningen van de KERK. Archief van de Burgerlijke Stand: doop-, trouw- en begraafboeken van Amsterdam (retroacta van de Burgerlijke Stand) Ondertrouwregister: NL-SAA-26480472</ref>
: From the second marriage:#kind:, Johanna doopdatum: 14-09-1683<br>kerk: Nieuwe Kerk godsdienst: Hervormd<br> vader: Keijser, Dirck, moeder: Snoek, Johanna <ref> Amsterdam archief [*&a1=Ke*ser&x=19&z=b#000000042431 Baptism Johanna 14 September 1683] bronverwijzing: DTB 45, p.175 Doopregister: NL-SAA-24403619 </ref>#kind: Cornelia doopdatum: 10-04-1685<br>kerk: Nieuwe Kerk godsdienst: Hervormd<br>vader: Keijser, Dirck, moeder: Snoeck, Johanna <ref> Amsterdam archief [*&a1=Ke*ser&x=19&z=b#000000042473 Baptism Cornelia 10 April 1685] bronverwijzing: DTB 45, p.256 Doopregister: NL-SAA-24625406 </ref>

== Sources ==
<references />* Source: S1297640890 Repository: R2526574106Title: Ancestry Family Trees Publication: Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Original data: Family Tree files submitted by Ancestry members.Page: Ancestry Family Trees Note: Data: Text: Repository: R2526574106 Name: Address: Note:
* Source: S-812300055 Repository: R-1243675948 Ancestry Family Trees Publication: Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Original data: Family Tree files submitted by Ancestry members. Ancestry Family Tree Repository: R-1243675948
* WikiTree profile Keyser-108 created through the import of Brinkley Family Tree.ged on Jul 4, 2011 by [[Brinkley-54 | Robert Brinkley]]. See the [ Changes page] for the details of edits by Robert and others.
Author: Bea Wijma 
Keyser, Dirck Dircksz (I435)
120 [[Category:Dutch Roots Project Needs More Records]]
{{New Netherland Settler}}

{{Image|file=Granny_s_pictures-163.jpg|caption='''Will of Simon Claasen July 8, 1684 of Brooklyn, Kings County'''}}<ref>Source: Long Island Source Records: From the New York Genealogical and Biographical Record by Henry Bainbridge Hoff [ Genealogical Publishing Com, 1987 - 737 pagina's pg.99]</ref>

<references />* Source: [ image of Source ?] 
de Jong, Lodewijck (I575)
121 [[Category:Dutch Roots Project Needs More Records]]
{{New Netherland Settler|Needs=Church Records}}
== Biography ==

Anneken was the daughter of Aucke Jans aka van Nuys she married:# 1661,04 Dec : ''Wynant Pietersze, from Eck in de Betuwe, to Anneken Auckens, from Amsterdam. Wit.: Aucke Jans, bride's father, Jan Jacobsze, from Rheenen'' <ref>Theodore M. Banta. ''Year Book of the Holland Society of New York''. (New York: Knickerbocker Press, New York, 1897.)</ref># And secondly Dirck Janse Woertman. <ref>''The New York Genealogical and Biographical Record''. 1st ed. Vol. 132. New York, N.Y.: New York Genealogical and Biographical Society, 2003. 31-32.</ref>
At the date of the marriage 9 April 1691 an ante nuptual agreement they made in Brooklyn signed by Dirck and Annetje in the presence of Auke Jansen and Jacobus Vanderwater and then inventory of her estate which Annete signed in presence of Dirck Janse Woortman and and Jacobus Vanderwater was made 6 June 1691. <ref>NY Conveyances documents on</ref>

=== Birth-Baptism ===: kind: Annetje doopdatum: 28-01-1646 <br>kerk: Nieuwe Kerk godsdienst: Hervormd<br>vader: Jansz, Albert moeder: Jans, Magdaleentje<ref>Source; Amsterdam archief bronverwijzing: DTB 42, p.481 Archief van de Burgerlijke Stand: doop-, trouw- en begraafboeken van Amsterdam (retroacta van de Burgerlijke Stand) Doopregister: NL-SAA-24727226[*&a1=Jan*&i2=1&v2=Ann*&r2=18&i3=2&p3=p&y3=1646&z3=1646&x=19&z=a#000000041815 Baptism Annetje - 28 January 1646] '''scan right page, left column 7th entry from bottom up'''.- Nieuwe Kerk - Hervormd - Jansz, Albert - Jans, Magdaleentje - DTB 42, p.481 - 000000041815</ref>

: 26 JAN 1646 Amesterdam, North Holland, Netherlands

=== Marriage ===: Wife of Wynant (Ecke) Pieterszen — married December 4, 1661 in Brooklyn, new york

=== Children ===
# Child: [[Van Ecke-3|Altje Van Ecke]]
# Child: [[Van Ecke-4|Ariaentje Van Ecke]]
# Child: [[Van Ecke-5|Ariaentje Wynant Van Ecke]]
# Child: [[Van Ecke-7|Femetje Wynants Van Ecke]]
# Child: [[Van Ecke-6|Cornelius Wynants Van Ecke]]
# Child: [[Van Ecke-9|Marytje Wynants Van Ecke]]
# Child: [[Van Ecke-2|Aeltje Wynantse Van Ecke]]
# Child: [[Van Ecke-11|Pieter Winantse Van Ecke]]
# Child: [[Van Ecke-8|Magdalena Wynant Van Ecke]]

=== Death ===
: 17 SEP 1721 Brooklyn, Kings, New York, USA

: 1723 Flatlands, Kings, New York, United States

: 1741 Brooklyn, Kings, New York, USA

== Sources ==
<references />* Bergen, Teunis G. ''Register in Alphabetical Order, of the Early Settlers of Kings County, Long Island, N.Y., from Its First Settlement by Europeans to 1700; with Contributions to Their Biographies and Genealogies, Comp. from Various Sources''. New York: S.W. Green's Son, Printer, 1881. 351.*Ancestry Family Trees. Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: URL:

== Acknowledgments ==* Thank you to [[Higgins-2423 | Brad Higgins]] for creating WikiTree profile Aukes-11 through the import of Higgins_Miller_Showalter_Workm.ged on Dec 29, 2013.* WikiTree profile Van Nuys-8 created through the import of Johnson Family Tree 2011-08-24.ged on Aug 24, 2011 by [[Johnson-8352 | Rosemary Palermo]]. * WikiTree profile Van Nuys-9 created through the import of Johnson Family Tree 2011-08-24.ged on Aug 24, 2011 by [[Johnson-8352 | Rosemary Palermo]]. * Thank you to [[Danner-239 | Jeff Danner]] for creating WikiTree profile Pieters van Nuys-1 through the import of 04db1j_465386a09252339d21t34f.ged on Aug 15, 2013. * Thank you to [[Danner-239 | Jeff Danner]] for creating WikiTree profile Pieters van Nuys-2 through the import of workman.ged on Nov 16, 2013. * Thanks to [[Newcomb-707 | Simone Newcomb]] for starting this profile.
Author: Astrid Spaargaren
Author: Bea Wijma
Author: Carrie Quackenbush
Author: Bea Wijma
Author: Bea Wijma
Author: Bea Wijma
Author: Philip van der Walt
Author: Bea Wijma
Author: Steven Mix
Author: Carrie Quackenbush 
Aukes, Anneken (I572)
122 [[Category:Famous_People_of_the_17th_Century]]
[[Category: Sine Prole Mascula Settlers of New Netherland]]
{{New Netherland Settler}}
== Biography ==

''' Jan Evertsen Bout'''
Bout, Jan Evertsen, emigrated in 1634, in the service of the West Indian Company, from Barnevelt / Barneveld in the province of Gelderland;
b. in 1603; Married. 1st Tryntje Symons de Wit; m. 2d Annetje Pieters, who after his death m. 2d Andries Janse Jurianse, and m. 3d Jan Janse Staats of Gowanus; d. in 1670. Was a farmer about 1638 at Pavonia (Jersey City) in N. J., and Indian interpreter in 1645. In 1643 he was one of the Eight Men representing the people, and in 1645 of the Council. Obtained a patent July 6, 1645, for 28 morgens at Gowanus Kil. Name on Nichols' patent of Brn of 1667, and a
representative of Brn in the Hempstead convention of 1665, and a
mem. of the R. D. ch. of Brn in 1660. Obtained a patent Mar. 17, 1662, for 58 morgens at Flh, which he sold Mar. 23, 1669, to Pieter Giliamse Cornel, as per p. 50 of Lib. C of Flh rec.
Was a mag. of Brn in 1646, '53, and '54. His will was presented for proof to the court in Brn on Sept. 27, 1661 (1671), as per p. 127 of Lib. 1 of Con. Signed his name "Jan Evertsen Bout." <ref>Register in alphabetic order, of the Early Settlers of Kings County, Long Island, N Y, p. 43. (He was an educated man and did not use a mark.)</ref>
Abstract of his will dated 18 Aug 1670: <page 165 Unrecorded Wills in NY>

== Agreement Document ==1649 BOUT, Jan Evertsen, from Barrevelt, and wife Tryntie Symons de Witt. The survivor inherits all property. Witnesses Willem Turck, Willem Tomassen
and Jacob Kip, clerk. N. Y. Col. MSS. III., p. 58.
Calendar of Wills page 55<ref> </ref>

==Land transactions in New Jersey==
a Man by this name:

=== Name ===
:- Name: Jan Evertson /Bout/<ref>: Source: [[#S-1705372416]]: Page: Place: New York, NY; Year: 1643; Page Number: 277. Note: {{Ancestry Record|pili354|1749406}} Note: Text: Name: Jan Evertsen Bout Birth Date: abt 1603 Birth Place: Arrival 1643 at New York, NY APID: 7486::1749406</ref><ref>: Source: [[#S-1707431693]]: Page: Source number: 21030.000; Source type: Electronic Database; Number of Pages: 1; Submitter Code: WAY. Note: {{Ancestry Record|worldmarr_ga|129599}} Note: Text: Name: Jan Evertson Bout Birth Date: 1603 Birth Place: NE APID: 7836::129599</ref><ref> Source: [[#S-1761906471]] Note: {{Ancestry Record|nygenrec_ga|69246}} Note: Data: Text: Residence date: 1656 Residence place: New York City, New York, New York, United States APID: 1,7831::69246</ref><ref>Source: [[#S-1766573925]] Note: {{Ancestry Record|agbi|1576628}} Note: APID: 1,3599::1576628</ref><ref>Source: [[#S-1766655151]] Page: Source number: ; Source type: ; Number of Pages: ; Submitter Code: . Note: {{Ancestry Record|worldmarr_ga|129599}} Note: Data: Text: Birth date: 1603 Birth place: Ne Marriage date: 1671 Marriage place: APID: 1,7836::129599</ref><ref>Source: [[#S-1766646199]] Page: Place: New York, New York; Year: 1643; Page Number: . Note: {{Ancestry Record|pili354|1749406}} Note: Data: Text: Birth date: abt 1603 Birth place: Arrival date: 1643 Arrival place: New York, New York APID: 1,7486::1749406</ref>

=== Birth ===Jan Evertson Bout was born ca. 1603 at Barnevelt, Gelderland, Netherlands<ref>: Source: [[#S-1705372416]]: Page: Place: New York, NY; Year: 1643; Page Number: 277. Note: {{Ancestry Record|pili354|1749406}} Note: Text: Name: Jan Evertsen Bout Birth Date: abt 1603 Birth Place: Arrival Date: 1643Arrival Place: New York, NY APID: 7486::1749406</ref><ref>: Source: [[#S-1707431693]]: Page: Source number: 21030.000; Source type: Electronic Database; Number of Pages: 1; Submitter Code: WAY. Note: {{Ancestry Record|worldmarr_ga|129599}} Note: Text: Name: Jan Evertson Bout Birth Date: 1603 Birth Place: NE APID: 7836::129599</ref><ref> Source: [[#S-1766655151]] Page: Source number: ; Source type: ; Number of Pages: ; Submitter Code: . Note: {{Ancestry Record|worldmarr_ga|129599}} Note: Data: Text: Birth date: 1603 Birth place: Ne Marriage date: 1671 Marriage place: APID: 1,7836::129599</ref><ref>Source: [[#S-1766646199]] Page: Place: New York, New York; Year: 1643; Page Number: . Note: {{Ancestry Record|pili354|1749406}} Note: Data: Text: Birth date: abt 1603 Birth place: Arrival date: 1643 Arrival place: New York, New York APID: 1,7486::1749406</ref>

=== Marriage ===Jan Evertson Bout married<ref>Register in alphabetic order, of the Early Settlers of Kings County, Long Island, N Y, p. 43</ref>:# Tryntje Symons De Wit; bef. 1620; d: Bef. August 18, 1670 West Riding, Long Island, New York src: Vol 1 1665-1707, page 57 Liber 1 prov. 27 Sep 1671 Jan Everts Bout exec named Adrian Heggeman Midwout. She may have died ca. 1666-1667, Proof of wills were often delayed; she was most likely dead before he remarried...#Annetje Pieters|Praa|Para, who after Jan's death m. 2d Andries Janse Jurianse, in Brooklyn, Kings Co. NY and 3rd. Jan Janse Staats of Gowanus (now in Brooklyn, NY) ca. 1682.<ref>Family Data Collection - Marriages, Edmund West, comp. Family Data Collection - Marriages [database online] Provo, UT:, 2001.</ref>. She was daughter of Pieter Para|Praa and Marie Philippe. This marriage between Jan and Annetje is often questioned due to the extreme differences in Jan and Annetje's ages, however a deposition taken at a 1741 property line dispute trial, supports the marriage and calls attention to the age differences. See heading "Land Trial of 1741" below.
Children of Annetje Pieters|Para|Praa and Jan Evertsen Bout were<ref>[ Sorhus, Jury, Yarham, Norrington and a whole lot more:Information about Annetje Para]</ref> :
* Jan Evertson Bout, Jr., b. ca. 1669-1671, NY; d. date unknown. This child was born posthumus according to records.

=== Other Church Events ===Events where Jan Evertsen Bout was a sponsor at baptisms. Note that recorded baptism at the Reformed Dutch Church on Manhattan, does not imply actual baptism at that location. NARDC was a central repository of marriage and baptism events for greater New Amsterdam for many years.
* NARDC Bapt. Record: 1641 Nov 10; Thomas Sanders; Robbert; Jan Evertszen Bout, Cozyn Gerrits (wheelwright), Jan Verben, Lysbeth Dircks, Elsje Hendricks Rous
* NARDC Bapt. Record: 1644 Jan 03; Barent Janszen, Chrescyntie Claes; Jan; ''Jan Evertszen Bout'', Jan Janszen Cuypher-soldt., ''Annetje Pieters ''
* NARDC Bapt. Record:1645 Feb 05; Aert Willemszen; Evert; Jan Evertszen Bout, Jacob Roy-constapel, Lyntie Jochems, Jenneken Rus
* NARDC Bapt. Record:1645 Aug 20; Cornelis Volckertszen; Jacomyntie; Jan Evertszen Bout, Isaac Abrahamszen-schippr., Mr. Paulus-surgeon, Susanna du Trieux
* NARDC Bapt. Record:1645 Dec 02; Philip du Trieux; Jacob; Jan Evertszen Bout, Marie du Trieux, Sara du Trieux
* NARDC Bapt. Record:1647 Aug 11; Gerrit Doyman; Aeltje (twin); Hendrick Van Dyck-fiscael, Jan Evertszen Bout, Judick Stuyvensant, Lydea Van Dyck
* NARDC Bapt. Record:1647 Aug 11; Gerrit Doyman; Jan (twin); Hendrick Van Dyck-fiscael, Jan Evertszen Bout, Judick Stuyvensant, Lydea Van Dyck
* NARDC Bapt. Record:1647 Sep 15; Jeurgie Blanck; Annetje; Jan Evertszen Bout, Michiel Taden, Marietie Lievens, Marritie Philips
* NARDC Bapt. Record:1647 Dec 26; Cornelis Theuniszen; Grietie (twin); Jan Evertszen Bout, Joost Theuniszen, Hendrick Westercamp, Femmetje Alberts, Grietie Harmens
* NARDC Bapt. Record:1647 Dec 26; Cornelis Theuniszen; Geertie (twin); Jan Evertszen Bout, Joost Theuniszen, Hendrick Westercamp, Femmetje Alberts, Grietie Harmens
* NARDC Bapt. Record:1649 Jun 27; Caesar Albertus; Marie; Jan Evertszen Bout, Johan Smout, Marie Lievens, Marie Corneilis
* NARDC Bapt. Record:1650 Nov 27; Paulus Van der Beeck; Paulus; Lubbert Dincklagen, Jan Evertszen Bout, Sara Philips, Hester Jans
* NARDC Bapt. Record:1653 Mar 09; Adriaen Hegeman; Jacob; Jan Evertszen Bout, Fredrick Alcke, Anneke Jans
* NARDC Bapt. Record:1653 Mar 09; Claude de le Metre; Johannes; Jan Evertszen Bout, Philip Gerardszen, Maris Gerards, Sara de Foreest
* NARDC Bapt. Record: 1654 Apr 12; Theunis Nyssen; Jan; Jan Evertszen Bout, Albert Cornelis Wantenaer, Willem Bredenbend, Paulus Van der Beeck, Aeltje Cornelis, Grietie Jans
* NARDC Bapt. Record: 1654 Apr 12; Theunis Nyssen; Nys; Jan Evertszen Bout, Albert Cornelis Wantenaer, Willem Bredenbend, Paulus Van der Beeck, Aeltje Cornelis, Grietie Jans
* NARDC Bapt. Record: 1654 May 08; Lucas Eldertszen; Jan; Jan Evertszen Bout, Jannetje Jans, Tryntie Simons
* NARDC Bapt. Record: 1656 Apr 09; Frans Franszen, Jannetie Gerrits; Jannetie; Jan Evertszen Bout, Willem Pieterszen, Hillegond Joris
* NARDC Bapt. Record: 1667 Jun 26; Jacob Leendertszen, Rebecca Fredricks; Johannes; Jan Evertszen Bout, Hans Kierstede, Tryntie Simons, Jannetie Kierstede
* NARDC Bapt. Record: 1669 Jan 20; Frans Franszen, Marritie Frans; Frans; Jan Evertszen Bout, Jacob Kip, Marritje Appels

=== Immigration ===Jan Evertsen Bout emigrated from Texel, Holland in the beginning of May, 1634, aboard the ''Eendract'' (The Unity). "He was formerly an officer of the West Indies Company, came in the year 1634, with the ship ''Eendracht'' (Unity), in the service of the Honorable Michiel Paauw, and lived in Pavonia until the year 1634" (as his plantation superintendent), "and prospered tolerably. As the Honorable Company purchased the property of the Heer Paauw, the said Jan Evertsen succeeded well in the service of the Company, but as his house and barn at Pavonia were burnt down in the war" (Gov. Keift's 1643 Pavonia Massacre and subsequent war), "he appears to take that as a cause for complaint. It is here to be remarked, that the Honorable Company, having paid 25,000 guilders for the colony of the Heer Paauw, gave to the aforesaid Jan Evertsen, gratis, long after his house was burnt, the possession of the land upon which his house and farmstead are located, and which yielded good grain"<ref> Edmund B. O'Callaghan Documents Relating to the Colonial History of the State of New York, E.B. O'Callaghan, 1856, Vol II p 432; (Source #78)]</ref>
Jan Evertsen Bout sailed after Aug.19, 1649 From New Amsterdam to Holland (The Hague) to present a Citizen's complaint petition against the officers of the West Indies Company<ref>''Petition of the Commonalty of New Netherland to the States General''.
<p>(From the Original (on a sheet of paper somewhat thick and large) in the Royal Archives at the Hague; ''Locketkas'' of the States General; Rubric ''West Indische Compagnie''; 3d division of the Bundle.)</p>
<p>To the Illustrious High and Mighty Lords, The Lords States General of the United Netherlands, our Most Excellent Sovereigns.
Gracious Lords, etc.</p>
<p>"Whereas in process of time this Province of New Netherland has attained a very poor and most low condition, the cause whereof we presume to be First, Unsuitable government...." Source: Holland Documents IV p. 259.</ref>, alleging the miss-management of Province of New Netherland. He returned to New Amsterdam aboard the ''Valckenier'' (Falconer), which sailed ca. March/April, 1650; Skipper, Willem Thomassen; arrived New Amsterdam June, 1650. While at Holland he arranged the emigration of 140 people as settlers. <ref>Documents relating to the Colonial History of New York, B. Fernow, (c)1881, Vol XII, pg 66-67</ref> <ref> Documents relating to the Colonial History of New York, E. B. O'Callaghan, (c)1856, Vol I, pg 376-77. No. 30;</ref>. </p>
: Immigration: Arrival, 1643 at New Amsterdam, NN<ref>: Source: [[#S-1705372416]]: Page: Place: New York, NY; Year: 1643; Page : 277. Note: {{Ancestry Record|pili354|1749406}} Note: Text: Name: Jan Evertsen Bout Birth Date: abt 1603 Birth Place: Arrival Date: 1643Arrival Place: New York, NY APID: 7486::1749406</ref>. '''This appears to be a bad source as Jan Evertsen Bout was well documented at being in New Netherlands as early as 1634'''
: Immigration: Arrival, 1643, at New York, New York<ref>Source: [[#S-1766646199]] Page: Place: New York, New York; Year: 1643; Note: {{Ancestry Record|pili354|1749406}} Note: Data: Text: Birth date: abt 1603 Birth place: Arrival date: 1643 Arrival place: New York, New York APID: 1,7486::1749406</ref>. '''This appears to be a bad source as Jan Evertsen Bout was well documented at being in New Netherlands as early as 1634'''

=== Residence ===* 1634-1649. Jan Evertsen Bout resided at Pavonia, New Netherland as early as * * 1634, was living at Pavonia in 1643, at the time of Keifts Pavonia Massacre; and was living there as late as 1645.* 1645, Acquired land on Gouwanes kil , Kings County, New York and removed to that property.
* 1645-1656; resided in Gowanus, Kings County, New York.* 1656; Jan Evertson Bout resided ca. 1656 at New Amsterdam, NN (now New York City, New York, New York)<ref>Source: [[#S-1761906471]] Note: {{Ancestry Record|nygenrec_ga|69246}} Note: Data: Text: Residence date: 1656 Residence place: New York City, New York, New York, United States APID: 1,7831::69246</ref> Note: Jan had acquired lands in several locations in New Netherland & Province of New York.* 1657, April 05; Jan Evertsen Bout's name appears on a list of small burgers at New Amsterdam. * 1657, May 15; Order. Permitting Jan Evertsen Bout to rent his farm at Midwout to another person, in case Dirck Theunissen the Norman's wife be not able to hire it, 577* 1660, Mar 12; Jan Evertsen Bout was a memberof the first Reformed Church of Brooklyn when the church was first organized in 1660. Rev. Teunis G. Bergen.* 1660--his death; resided on his property in Gowanus, Brooklyn, Kings County, New York.

=== Land trial in 1741 ===
[ HISTORY OF BROOKLYN.--APPENDICES. 421]"This paper, presented to the Society by Peter A. Jay, gives some curious information in relation to the localities occupied by Jacob Hanse and Jores Hanse (two sons of Hans Hansen Bergen), and by their descendants. The paper is endorsed: "Israel Horsefield, ads. On D. of Hans Bergen. (Copy of what witnesses can say.)"<ref>*Source: [ HISTORY OF BROOKLYN].--APPENDICES. p. 420] APPENDIX V.—(Page 62.) COPY OF AN ORIGINAL PAPER IN THE ARCHIVES OF THE NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY.</ref>
Also endorsed in handwriting of Governor John Jay, " see Remsen's Evid. respecting Nutten's Island." Underneath is the following endorsement by Peter A. Jay : "The first two pages of these notes are, I believe, in the handwriting of John Chambers, an eminent counsel, afterwards Judge of the Supreme Court of the Colony—the note on the margin is in the writing of John Jay, his nephew and executor of his widow. " P. A. Jay."
The trial dealing with property lines "appears to have taken place in 1741, but no records have been seen throwing light upon its results."

Depositions of Elderly residents that knew Jans Evertsen Bouts...

" Gerrit Dortland says he is 86 years of age. Was born at the ferry,and lived after at Brookland ; knew Frederick Lubbert's land since a boy,says that he knew where Frederick Lubbertse lived, which is S. Westwardof Sebring's mill, 1 and it was commonly esteemed that Frederick Lubbertse's
line was near to his house. Remember Joost Francey in possession
of land that George Bergen and Israel now have ; fences went to thecreek, about sixty years since he knew them ; has now seen the fences and
think they stand as then. Remembers Jane Evertse Bout in possession of
Bevois land, was a man of 75, and married a girl of 16. Says he help'thim to make his fences ; work't there two years and fences stood as now,was then about 23 years old ; never then heard that Frederick Lubbertse
made any pretension to these lands nor any for his right till now."

=== Events ===
[ A history of the City of Brooklyn...]
* 1660, Mar 12; Jan Evertsen Bout was a memberof the first Reformed Church of Brooklyn when the church was first organized in 1660. Rev. Teunis G. Bergen.* 1665, Feb 28. Jan Evertsen Bout was selected as Breuckelen's representative at an assembly to form and promulgate a body of laws and ordinances for future government of the province of New York. A history of the City of Brooklyn, p. 152* 1667, Feb 14; Jan Evertsen Bout received confirmation of a land patent for lands on Goeanus Kil described in the deed granted to him by Gov. Kieft, July 6, 1645. A history of City of Brooklyn, p. 98.* 1668, Apr 01; a patent was granted to Jan Evertsen Bout for " a certain Hook or corner of land within the jurisdiction of the town of Breucklyn...In 1674 this land, being the same as that known on Butt's map as belonging to G. Martense, was in possession of Andries Janse Jurianse, who had married Annetje Para, Bout's widow. He died before 1695, and she married Jan Janse Staats, and on the 17th March of that year she- conveyed to Jurian Andriese (probably the son of her second husband) for the sum of £150, certain premises in Broockland. A History of City of Brooklyn, p. 99.
From: [ Calendar of historical manuscripts in the office of the secretary of state, Albany, N.Y. by New York (State). Secretary's Office; O'Callaghan, E. B. (Edmund Bailey), 1797-1880]. A history of the City of Brooklyn p. 425., unless otherwise noted.
* 1638, Aug. 5. Court proceedings...Jan Loosrecht vs. Jan Evertsen Bout, in a suit for wages; judgment for plaintift'.... p. 14.* 1638, Oct. 21. Court proceedings... Fiscal vs. Jan Evertsen (Bout), Hendrick Cornelissen van Vorst et al., for illicit trading in furs ; case postponed, p. 23.* 1638, Feb. 17. Court proceedings. Fiscal vs. Jan Evertsen Bout et al., for going on board the Love without permission ; fined. ... Fiscal vs. Martin Cael, for selling goods on board the ship Love; it appears that the crew of this vessel had sold several articles which they had brought over, and the court held the captain responsible for their acts and condemned him to pay a fine of one month's freight (8516), one-half to the company, one-fourth towards building a new church, and the remainder to the fiscal, pp. 32-33.* 1641, June 13. Court proceedings....Direk Cornelissen vs. Jan Evertsen Bout ; action of debt ; judgment for plaintiff"...p.95.* 1643, Feb. 25. Commission. Maryn Adriaensen to attack a party of Indians behind Corlear's Hook, and Serjeant Rodolff to attack another party at at Pavonia, behind Jan Eversen (Bout's), p. 161.* 1644, Jan. 26: Power of attorney. Jan Evertsen Bout and Jan Jansen Damen to Isaac Allerton, to sell ship St. Peter in New England, p.140.* 1645, March. Power of attorney. Jan Evertsen Bout to Jan Jansen Damen, to sell his share in the ship St. Peter, p. 142.* 1645: No. date. Declaration. Jan Evertsen Bout and Claes Jansen, well versed in the Indian language, that an Indian, named Ponkes, told them that Jan Pietersen(Kuyter's) house was not burned by the Indians, our enemies, but by Dutch, p. 112.* 1645: March 9. Declaration. Ponkes, of Marechkawieek, in the presence of Jan Evertsen Bout, Frederick Lubbertsen, Cors Pietersen and Cornells van Tienhoven, all versed in the Indian language, respecting the burning of Jochem Pietersen Kuyter's) house, p. 142.* 1645, July 6. Patent. Jan Eversz Bout ; 28 morgens, 270 rods of land at Marechkawick on Gouwanes kil (Brooklyn), p. 108.* 1646, June 12. Commission. Jan Evertsen Bout and Huyck Aertsen van Rossum, to be schepens of Breuckeleu, with power to adjoin two of the inhabitants of that place to them, in case business become too heavy, p. 259.* 1646, Oct. 11. Court proceedings. Jan Evertsen Bout's wife vs. Mary de Truy, wife of Cornells Volckertsen, for delivery of boards sold by Volekertsen; defendant admits having disposed of the boards to Roeloif Jansen, which her husband had sold plaintiff, but says she has boards enough to pay her; judgment for plaintiff, defendant being held for his wife's acts, unless he declare her disqualified from trading in his absence, p. 273.* 1646, Oct. 18. Court proceedings. Anthony Jansen vs. Edmund Adley, for damages; ordered that plaintiff prove damages to his cattle and bouwery, and case referred to Jan Evertsen Bout and Huyck Aertsen, magistrates of Breuckelen, to examine Jansen's stock and bouwery, and determine whether Adley acts as an honest tenant; if he do not, he shall cpiit the premises or give security. Teimis Nyssen, appellant, vs. Mr. Stickley, respondent ; this was an appeal from a judgment of the court of Breuckelen, for recovery of a sow and its increase ; appellant declining to support his claim by oath, and defendant proving that he had purchased the pig from William Wasbandt (? Washburn), judgment of the court below is affirmed, p. 274.* 1646, Jan. 10. Minute. Settlement of a slander suit between Jan Teunissen, sheriff, .and Jan Evertsen Bout, magistrate of Breuckelen, p. 280.* 1647, Feb. 19. Patent. Jan Evertsz Bout; a lot on the south side of fort Amsterdam, Manhattan island, p. 170.* 1647, May 27. Resolution. To imprison Jan Evertsen Bout for contempt, in refusing to appear and give evidence in the affair of ex-director Kieft, p. 288.* 1649, Aug. 19. Joint-Will of Jan Evertsen Bout, of Barrevelt, and Tryntje Symons de Witt, his wife, by which the survivor would remain in possession of the lands, p. 58.* 1649, Aug. 19. Power of attorney. Jan Evertsen Bout, aforesaid, now about to sail for Fatherhind, to Tryntje Symons de Witt, his wife, to manage his affairs in his absence, p. 58.* 1649, Sep-Oct; ''Jan Evertsen Bout traveled to the Hague, Holland to present a petition against the West India Company.* 1650, Jun 25, Jan Evertsen Bout arrived back at New Amsterdam aboard the ''Valckenier'' (Falconer), which sailed ca. March/April, 1650; Skipper, Willem Thomassen.* 1654, April 9. Order. Jan Evertsen Bout, to prepare to embark for Holland, in the first ship, as he declines accepting the appointment of magistrate of Breuckelen, p. 245. * 1657, April 05; Jan Evertsen Bout's name appears on a list of small burgers at New Amsterdam. * 1657, May 15. Order. Permitting Jan Evertsen Bout to rent his farm at Midwout to another person, in case Dirck Theunissen the Norman's wife be not able to hire it, p. 577.* 1660, May 3. Commission. Jacques Cortelyou, Albert Cornelissen (Wantenaer)and Jan Evertse Bout, to examine the vicinity of Breuckelen, and report how many new plantations can be laid out there, and prepare a majj of the same, p. 197.* 1668, April 1; Jan Evertsen Bout received patent for a certain Hook, or corner of land, in Breucklen. In 1674 this land, being the same as that known on Butts May as belonging to G. Mateense, was in possession of Andrias Jurianse who had married Annetje Para, Bout's widow. A History of City of Brooklyn, p. 99.* 1669-1671: Jan Evertsen Bout died at Breucklen, Kings County, New York.* 1669 Jan 20; Jan Evertsen Bout sponsored a baptism of Frans Franszen.* 1671, Sep 27; Will of Jan Evertsen Bout proven at Breucklen, Kings County, New York... Surrogate's Office City Of New York. LIBER 1-2, page 67. * 1673: "Claes Jansen" and Andries Jurianse, heirs of Jan Evertse Bout, sold in 1673 a house and lot to Capt. Nicolls for 3000 fl. wampum, as per p. 672 of Vol. II. of Doc. of Col. History.

=== Death ===Jan Evertson Bout died ca. 1669. His will was proven on 27 September 1671 at Brooklyn, Kings, New York... Surrogate's Office City Of New York. LIBER 1-2, page 67. Pelletreau, William S. <ref>[ Abstracts of Wills on File in the Surrogate's Office, City of New York]''. New York: [Printed for the Society], 1893.

* Source: [ WiliTree--- Jan Everts Bout]
* Source <span id='S-1705372416'>S-1705372416</span>: Repository: [[#R-1829493010]]: Title: Passenger and Immigration Lists Index, 1500s-1900s: Author: Gale Research: Publication: Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: The Generations Network, Inc., 2006.Original data - Filby, P. William, ed.. Passenger and Immigration Lists Index, 1500s-1900s. Farmington Hills, MI, USA: Gale Research, 2006.Original data: Filby, P. William, ed.. Passe: Note: : APID: 7486::0: Repository <span id='R-1829493010'>R-1829493010</span>: Name: Address:
* Source: <span id='S-1766646199'>S-1766646199</span> Repository: [[#R-1790658744]] Title: Passenger and Immigration Lists Index, 1500s-1900s Author: Gale Research Publication: Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc, 2010.Original data - Filby, P. William, ed. Passenger and Immigration Lists Index, 1500s-1900s. Farmington Hills, MI, USA: Gale Research, 2010.Original data: Filby, P. William, ed. Passenge Note: APID: 1,7486::0
* Source <span id='S-1707431693'>S-1707431693</span>: Repository: [[#R-1829493010]]: Title: U.S. and International Marriage Records, 1560-1900: Author: Yates Publishing: Publication: Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: The Generations Network, Inc., 2004.Original data - This unique collection of records was extracted from a variety of sources including family group sheets and electronic databases. Originally, the information was deriv: Note: : APID: 7836::0
* Source: <span id='S-1761906471'>S-1761906471</span> Repository: [[#R-1790658744]] Title: New York, Genealogical Records, 1675-1920 Author: Publication: Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Operations Inc, 2004.Original data - For individual sources please see the source information listed with each record. Many of the source documents are available in the Genealogical Research Library collect Note: APID: 1,7831::0 Repository: <span id='R-1790658744'>R-1790658744</span> Name: Address: Note:
* Source: <span id='S-1766573925'>S-1766573925</span> Repository: [[#R-1790658744]] Title: American Genealogical-Biographical Index (AGBI) Author: Godfrey Memorial Library, comp. Publication: Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Operations Inc, 1999.Original data - Godfrey Memorial Library. American Genealogical-Biographical Index. Middletown, CT, USA: Godfrey Memorial Library.Original data: Godfrey Memorial Library. American Genea Note: APID: 1,3599::0
* Source: <span id='S-1766655151'>S-1766655151</span> Repository: [[#R-1790658744]] Title: U.S. and International Marriage Records, 1560-1900 Author: Yates Publishing Publication: Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Operations Inc, 2004.Original data - This unique collection of records was extracted from a variety of sources including family group sheets and electronic databases. Originally, the information was derived Note: APID: 1,7836::0
* Source: <span id='S-1767109022'>S-1767109022</span> Repository: [[#R-1790658744]] Title: Ancestry Family Trees Publication: Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Original data: Family Tree files submitted by Ancestry members. Note: This information comes from 1 or more individual Ancestry Family Tree files. Page: Ancestry Family Trees Note: Data: Text:
* Source: [ Register in Alphabetical Order of the Early Settlers of Kings County, Long Island.], From its First Settlement by Europeans to 1700; with contributions to their biographies and genealogies, Compiled from various sources. By Teunis G. Bergen.
* Church Records: [ Samuel S. Purple's 'Records of the Reformed Dutch Church in New Amsterdam and New York, Marriages from 11 December 1639 to 26 August 1801.']; The beginning records show the date the Banns were registered, NOT the date of marriage. Starting on 9/20/1673 marriage dates are given.

=== Footnotes ===
<references />

=== Acknowledgments ===* Bout-2 was created through the import of 104-B.ged on 12 September 2010. * Bout-6 was created through the import of Misty_s ancestry.ged on Sep 16, 2012 by [[Bacon-1754 | Misty Wood]].
Author: Tom Quick 
Bout, Jan Evertsen (I611)
123 [[Category:First Families of Maryland]]

==Biography==John Cole’s 1669 birth date can be determined by depositions giving his age as 38 in 1707, 63 in 1732 and 67 in 1737.<ref name="Barnes">Barnes, Robert, ''Colonial Families of Anne Arundel County, Maryland.'' Willow Bend Books 2000.</ref>

==1669 Birth and Parentage==His parents are uncertain. There are several candidates; none are proven. He may be the son of the Thomas Cole who was living in Anne Arundel County when he "confessed the truth" of the Quaker faith in 1657 and was fined for not taking an oath after 1658. This Thomas surveyed land on the Severn River in 1665 and was closely connected to William Coale of West River.<ref>Kelly, J. Reaney. ''Quakers in The Founding of Anne Arundel County Maryland, Baltimore''. The Maryland Historical Society 1963.</ref>
According to research complied by John Frederick Dorman, senior fellow in the American Society of Genealogists, the John Cole who married Johanna Garrett and died in Baltimore County, Maryland in 1746 cannot be a descendant of Humphrie Cole of Tillingham, Essex, England as is currently given in some online genealogies. This book has a detailed genealogy of the descendants of his eldest son, William, who came to Virginia in 1618 on the ship ''Neptune''. Dorman gives evidence that there was only one son for this emigrant, who was also named William (William). William was living on a 1350 acre plantation called “Bolthrope” near Elizabeth City, Virginia in 1671 and his descendants continued to live there for nearly 100 years. William Cole II died in 1693 and was buried on this plantation. According to Dorman, only two of William’s children survived to adulthood and produced heirs, Susannah and William III, who was born in 1691.<ref> Dorman, John Frederick. A''dventurers of Purse and Person, Virginia, 1607-1624/5''. 4th ed. Vol. One. Baltimore: Genealogical Pub., 2004. 713-716. Print.</ref>
&copy;Seely Kenny Foley [[Kenny-549|Kenny-549]] 12:47, 1 February 2015 (EST)
According to Tuttle, he was born in Maryland,<ref name="Tuttle">Tuttle, Ralph E., compiler, [ ''Some Descendants of John Cole (Born 1669 in Maryland) ...''] [self published], accessed March 12, 2015</ref> but no documentation of his birth has been found.

==1690 First Marriage to Johanna Garrett==
John married about 1690 his 1st wife, [[Garrett-34|Johanna Garrett]] (c1675 - c1715), daughter of Dennis Garrett and Barbara Unknown. Johanna died in 1715.<ref>Barnes, Robert W. Baltimore County Families, 1659-1759. Baltimore, Maryland: Clearfield, 1989. </ref>
During this time, there was a law in Maryland that the wife had to release her dower rights to her husband’s property in the deed. This law provides us with a record of John Cole’s two wives.
Johanna signed a deed dated 17 MAR 1711 and by the time of his next land sale dated 3 AUG 1719, his wife was named Dinah. This particular land sale is very odd because the tract called Cole’s Adventure containing 300 acres was sold to Susannah Noden, the wife of Samuel Noden of Baltimore County for the sum of 8,500 lbs. of tobacco.<ref>BAL Co. Land TR DS/18</ref> Susannah was his daughter which is proved when her grandson, Thomas Demmet sold part of Cole's Adventure left to him by his mother, Susanna Moorcock, the daughter of John Cole.<ref>Baltimore County Liber HWS M folio 85</ref> These deeds of sale also inform us that John Cole could sign his name. John Cole was most likely from an upper class family to have the means for these extensive land purchases.

== 1691 Murder of Father-in-law, Dennis Garrett ==John's father-in-law, [[Garrett-35|Dennis Garrett]], was stabbed by [[Oldton-1|Captain John Oldton]]. John and other family members were witnesses and testified in court.<ref name="Barnes"/><ref name="MHM">Browne, William Hand and Louis Henry Dielman, [ "The Baltimore County "Garrison."] ''Maryland Historical Magazine'' Vol 16, Page 115-16, Maryland: Maryland Historical Society., 1921 - accessed January 21, 2015</ref> Dennis Garrett died two days later, on September 2, 1691.<ref name="Tuttle"/> Oldton was convicted and sentenced to hang, but he was later pardoned by the King. Oldton was married to [[Gorsuch-26|Anna (Gorsuch) Oldton]] who was the aunt of [[Gorsuch-20|Charles Gorsuch]], the husband of John's daughter, Sarah (Cole) Gorsuch.<ref name="Tuttle"/>

==1694 Land==Over a period of 48 years, from 1694 to 1742, John Cole claimed over 1,800 acres of land in Baltimore County by patent from the provincial government. Most of these claims were along the Patapsco River around the area of the modern city of Baltimore, or the northeast side of Baltimore County along the Gunpowder River.<ref> MD Patent Records PL G/149; CD/38, 283, 270; DD5/675; EE6/317; EI3/305</ref> Baltimore County land records also contain many deeds recording the transfer of these properties via sale to others.

== 1702 Sale of Cole's Choice ==In 1702, John Cole, planter of Patapsco, assigned "Cole's Choice," a 809-acre tract, to Richard Owens, merchant of Herring Creek in Anne Arundel. This property was located on the north side of the northwest branch of the Patapsco River, and in the Baltimore City area, from Sharp Street to the east. The land was put up as collateral for a mortgage of 150 lbs. sterling from Richard Owens. It appears that he paid back the loan and kept ownership of this land.<ref>Baltimore County Land Records Liber HW 2/183.</ref>

==1712 Gave Son Daniel's Whimsey==In November 1712, John conveyed to his son, Joseph (2nd), part of Daniel's Whimsey.<ref name="Tuttle"/> In March 1733, John conveyed to his son, John, part of Daniel's Whimsey.<ref name="Tuttle"/>

==1716 Second Marriage to Dianah Hawkins==He married c1716 Baltimore Co., MD, as his 2nd, to [[Hawkins-4120|Dianah Hawkins]] (1699 - 1747), daughter of Matthew Hawkins and Mary Parrish.<ref name="Wigglesworth"/> They had three sons.

==1733 Sale of Daniel's Whimsey==It’s possible that Baltimore was getting too crowded for John Cole by 1733. In that year he sold the remainder of his plantation called Daniel’s Whimsey to his son, John Cole Jr. for 1000 lbs. of tobacco. All deeds after this reveal John Cole Sr. living near the Gunpowder River in northeast Baltimore County.

== Abstract of Will ==
12 Nov 1745 I John Cole of Gunpowder in Baltimore County
I appoint my wife '''Dinah Cole''' whole and sole executor.*The land whereon I now live containing 100 acres more/less called ''Coles Chance'' I will to my '''son Charles Cole'''.*Unto my '''son Joseph Cole''' I will the land where he now lives called ''Coles Church'' containing 208 acres more/less according to the tenor of the lease.*The land that I have contracted by virtue of assigment from Soloman Cross in the fork of the Falls I will to my son '''Matthew Cole''' after his mother’s decease.*Signed with a signature by John Cole in the presence of Dennis Garret Cole, Matthew Hale & William Cole.
Presented to the Probate Court on 5 NOV 1746.<ref> Maryland Colonial Wills Liber 24/495</ref>
The estate was administered 5 FEB 1747 by Joseph Taylor (Quaker). A second inventory was cited as valued at 99.7.6 lbs. Payments were made to Dinah Cole, Mordicai Price & Aquilla Carr, William Rogers, Daniel Dulaney Esq. and William Fell (accountant).<ref>Prerogative Court Adm. & Accts. Liber 24/247</ref>

Children of John and Johanna:<ref name="Tuttle"/># [[Cole-531|Joseph Cole]] (1st of two Joseph Coles, sons of John Cole) b: c. 1690 d: before 3-13-1719/20 Baltimore Co., MD; mar Susannah (Darwell?)<ref name="Tuttle"/> John Cole named two of his sons, "Joseph." The significance of that name is not known, but it is interesting that he named his first son Joseph. After that son died in 1720, John again named a son "Joseph," assuring that he would have a living son with the name.<ref name="Tuttle"/># [[Cole-79|Elizabeth Cole]] b c. 1690's Anne Arundel, MD; mar John Ensor<ref name="Tuttle"/># [[Cole-75|John Cole, Jr]], b: 1699 probably Baltimore Co., MD d: c1750 Baltimore, MD; mar Mary Charfinch (Chaffinch?)<ref name="Tuttle"/># [[Cole-73|Thomas Cole]] b c. 1690's d: c1781 mar Sarah Unknown<ref name="Tuttle"/> 1702: John Broad who married Dennis Garrett’s widow, Barbara, made a will naming Thomas the son of John & Johanna Cole.<ref name="Barnes"/># [[Cole-62|Sarah Cole]] b c. 1693 MD d: 1758?; mar Charles Gorsuch. [[Stone-68|Barbara]], the mother of Johanna, died in 1733 and left a will in which she named her granddaughter, Sarah, wife of Charles Gorsuch, son Thomas Broad and his wife Ann the daughter of Frances Haile.<ref name="Tuttle"/># [[Cole-77|Dennis Garrett Cole]] b: c. 1696 MD, d: c. 1773 Baltimore Co., MD; mar Rachel Price<ref name="Tuttle"/># [[Cole-74|William Cole]] b: 1691 Anne Arundel, MD d: c. 1770 Baltimore Co., MD; mar Mary Giles<ref name="Tuttle"/>

Children of John and Dianah:# [[Cole-517|Charles Cole]] b: c. 1717 d: after 1754<ref name="Tuttle"/># [[Cole-72|Joseph Cole]] (2nd of two Joseph Coles, sons of John Cole) b: c. 1726 d: c. 1795; mar Ruth Cross<ref name="Tuttle"/> John Cole named two of his sons, "Joseph." The significance of that name is not known, but it is interesting that he named his first son Joseph. After that son died in 1720, John again named a son "Joseph," assuring that he would have a living son with the name.<ref name="Tuttle"/># [[Cole-535|Matthew Cole]] b: c1732 d: Aft. 11-12-1754 Baltimore Co., MD<ref name="Tuttle"/>
[[Cole-540|Samuel Cole]] was not found in the sources used to prepare this profile. According to Ralph Tuttle, "no Samuel could be found in public records as having been born during that time period" (Page 6).<ref name="Tuttle"/>

== Sources ==
<references />

See also:* Lewis, Robert, [ The Thomas, William and John Cole / Coale Families of Ann Arundale Co., MD] GenForum post February 6, 2012, accessed January 22, 2015* Maryland Patent Records: CD/38, 270, 283; DD 5/675; EE 6/317; E 13/305; 337; IS H/340.
* Baltimore County Land Records HWS M/47
* Archives of Maryland Vol. 87/397
* Archives of Maryland Vol. 407/19* Gibb, Carson, [ New Early Settlers of Maryland Query] from Gust Skordas' ''Early Settlers of Maryland'' and Carson Gibb's ''Supplement to the Early Settlers of Maryland'', accessed January 19. 2015* Sutherland, Hunter C., [ "A Brief History of the Bush River Friends Meeting of Harford County, Maryland"] ''Maryland Historical Magazine,'' (Vol 77, No. 4, Pgs 365-69) The Museum and Library of Maryland History, accessed March 12, 2015

== Acknowledgments ==
Thank you to [[Hamilton-5324 | Robert Hamilton]] for creating WikiTree profile Cole-4638 through the import of HAMILT~3.GED on Jul 6, 2013. Click to the Changes page for the details of edits by Robert and others.21:17, 19 March 2018 (EDT)21:17, 19 March 2018 (EDT)21:17, 19 March 2018 (EDT)21:17, 19 March 2018 (EDT)21:17, 19 March 2018 (EDT)21:17, 19 March 2018 (EDT)21:17, 19 March 2018 (EDT)21:17, 19 March 2018 (EDT)21:17, 19 March 2018 (EDT)21:17, 19 March 2018 (EDT)~I added the following info from and anyone is welcome to delete it. John Cole Sr. is my 6th Great Grandfather, Karen Cole Reitano
Cattle Marks, Somerset County, MD
N Side Patapscounty Hund, Baltimore County, MD
N Side Patapscounty Hund, Baltimore County, MD
N Side Patapscounty Hund, Baltimore County, MD
N Side Patapscounty Hund, Baltimore County, MD
Upper Patapsco, Baltimore County, MD
Custom Event
Alt. Birth
20 November 1669
Anne Arundel Co, Maryland Colony, G.B.
was wittness to the assualt on Dennis Garrett by Capt. John Oldton
31 July 1691
Baltimore County, Maryland
Will dated
12 November 1745
Gun Powder, Baltimore County, Maryland
Will probated
5 November 1746
Baltimore County, Maryland
Author: Anonymous Trogstad
Author: Seely Foley
Author: Seely Foley
Author: Cynthia B
Author: Cynthia B
Author: Cynthia B
Author: Seely Foley 
Cole, John (I200)
124 [[Category:First Families of Maryland]]
[[Category:Maiden's Choice Land Grant]]

== Biography ==
{{Quakers Sticker}}


=== 1642 Birth and Parentage ===
Charles was born August 25, 1642 (or August 27) at Walkern, Hertfordshire, England. He was a son of [[Gorsuch-22|John Gorsuch]] and [[Lovelace-8|Ann Lovelace]]. Charles was baptized in infancy, at Walkern, Hertfordshire, England, August 25, 1642, and died, a resident of Maryland, before June 27, 1716. <ref>Musser and allied families : a genealogical study with biographical notes [database on-line]. Provo, UT: Operations Inc, 2005.Original data: Musser and allied families : a genealogical study with biographical notes. New York: The Company, 1941</ref> Charles was one of the seven members of his parents' family who were transported to Virginia prior to February 22, 1652, by Theo. Hoane, Gent.

===1657 Guardianship===
At the Lancaster, Virginia, County Court, April 1, 1657, "Richard, Robert and Charles Gorsuch, sonnes & Cohiers of John Gorsuch, professor of Divinity, dec'd," had appointed "their sister Katheryn Whitby, widd, their guardian for such estate as doth any ways belong to them in England,"and Francis Morrison, Esquire, for their estate in Virginia. <ref>Musser and allied families : a genealogical study with biographical notes [database on-line]. Provo, UT: Operations Inc, 2005.Original data: Musser and allied families : a genealogical study with biographical notes. New York: The Company, 1941</ref><blockquote>April 1st, 1657, At this Court personally appearing Richard, Robert & Charles Gorsuch, sonnes & Coheirs of John Gorsuch, professor of Divinity, dec'd, did by their petition presented to this Court noiate (?) that their sister Katheryn Whitby, widd. their guardian for such estate as doth any ways belong to them in Englande. The Court taking the question into consideration did accordingly admitt & approve of the s'd Katheryn guardian according to the request of petitioners. At this Court personally appearing Richard, Robert & Charles Gorsuch sonnes & Coheirs of John Gorsuch, professor in Divinity, dec'd, did by their petition presented to this court noiate (?) that Francis Morrison Esqr their guardian for such estate as doth any ways belong to them in Virginia, craving this court to admit thereof, of such request this Court taking consideration did admitt & approve of the s'd Coll. Francis Morrison according to the request of the petitioners. (Lancaster County Records Vol. 1656-LXVI p. 7)<ref name="VMHB24.1">Pleasants, J. Hall, [ "The Gorsuch and Lovelace Families"] ''The Virginia Magazine of History and Biography,'' Vol. 24, No. 1 (Jan., 1916), pp. 81-93, Virginia Historical Society, accessed February 16, 2015</ref></blockquote>

===1659 To Patapsco River, Maryland ===
Charles and his family were apparently new converts to Quakerism and removed with a group of settlers to the shores of the Patapsco River (site of present Baltimore) in Maryland.<ref name="VMHB24.1"/> This first settlement was made about 1659 where today the Gwynn's Falls empties into Baltimore's harbor, and Robert Gorsuch took out a patent for 500 acres he called 'Grosuch'. <ref>Maryland Patent Records Liber 4 folio 228 & 322</ref> Robert then seems to have removed his family to the area around the Gunpowder River north of present day Baltimore where his wife was killed by Indians in 1660<ref>Archives of Maryland Vol. 3 pg. 413</ref> John Gorsuch, sold the original tract in 1733 as the eldest son and heir at law.<ref>Provincial Court Records Liber PL 8 folio 694.</ref>
On February 24, 1661, Charles Gorsuch patented fifty acres in Baltimore County located between branches of the Patapsco River and where Fort McHenry stands today, at the proprietary rent of £1 per year.<ref name="Scharf">Scharf, John Thomas, [ ''History of Baltimore City and County, from the Earliest Period to the Present Day ...''] (Page 50) Philadelphia: L.H. Everts, 1881, accessed February 1, 2015</ref> Charles apparently vacated this land, and it was patented on June 2, 1702 to James Carroll at the yearly rent of 2 shillings.<ref name="Scharf"/> Carroll called the property "Whetstone Point."
Charles apparently relocated to Talbot County sometime before December 1679 when he and his wife Sarah Cole conveyed 1200 acres of land Sarah inherited from her father, Thomas Cole, to David Jones the husband of his sister in exchange for 300 acres called Jones Range. Both parties signed a letter of attorney with their signatures. <ref>Baltimore County Land Liber IS IK folio 60</ref>
=== 1679 Quakers at [ "Tred Avon"] ===The first meeting was the Betty's Cove Meeting (1660-1693), and in 1693, the Third Haven Meeting was formed out of it.<ref name="THMeeting">Shattuck, Candace, clerk, [ Third Haven Friends Meeting (Quaker)] November 20, 2014 accessed November 26, 2014</ref> Charles is known to have been a Quaker, as were his brother Lovelace and his sister Elizabeth (Gorsuch) Powell.<ref name="Gorsuch24.3">J. H. P., [ "The Gorsuch and Lovelace Families (Continued)"] ''The Virginia Magazine of History and Biography,'' Vol. 24, No. 3 (Jun., 1916), pp. 317-327, Virginia Historical Society, accessed January 5, 2015</ref> It is uncertain whether their brother, Richard Gorsuch became a Quaker.<ref name="Gorsuch24.3"/>

==Land Holdings==
For the next thirty years Charles Gorsuch claimed lands in the Baltimore area near Dundalk using Lord Baltimore's conditions for plantation amounting to over 1300 acres. Most of these patents appear to be investments because they were sold over the ensuing years. <ref> Maryland Patent Records Index</ref> According to the Baltimore County land rents Charles held on to a 500 acre parcel called 'Gorsuch' that was patented by his brother Robert Gorsuch in 1659, and was listed as the possessor in 1705. This tract was sold by his son John in 1733. <ref>Maryland Historical Magazine Vol. 21 pg. 290</ref>

===1679 Maiden Choice===
In a Deed, December 8, 1679, Charles Gorsuch of Talbot County and his wife Sarah convey to his brother in law David Jones the three Baltimore County tracts, Cole’s Harbour, 550 acres, upon which Baltimore Town was later laid out; Maiden’s Choice, 450 acres, at the head of the Middle Branch of the Patapsco, and Marybourne, on Jones Falls in what is now North Baltimore, 200 acres, the deed reading, his wife Sarah “being heiress to said land, as ye last will and testament of Thomas Cole will make appear. “And again, in a confirmatiory deed to these same tracs executed by Sarah, with Charles Gorscuh, alone, August 1, 1682, she is described as “the only and sole heir of Thomas Cole, late of Patapsco River, Baltimore County, deceased. The Annapolis patent records show that Thomas Cole in 1649 transported himself and wife Priscilla into the Province and settled in Anne Arundel County on the Severn, but later patented Maiden’s Choice and Cole’s Harbour in Baltimore County.” <ref name="jhp"> J. H. P, Baltimore, MD. The Gorsuch and Lovelace Families. Pages 207-222 and 325-332. Virginia Magazine of History and Biography, Published Quarterly by the Virginia Historical Society, Richmond, Virginia. Volume XXVI for the year ending December 31, 1918. Richmond, Virginia: House of the Society.'s%20Choice%22&f=false.. Accessed January 1, 2017 </ref>

===1687 Maiden Choice===
John Gorsuch, carpenter, the oldest son of Charles Gorsuch and his wife Sarah Cole, apparently born between 1678 and 1679, jointly with his brother Thomas Gorsuch, planter, received the tract Maiden’s Choice, 450 acres, under the will of David Jones 1687. Jones was the second husband of their aunt Anna Gorsuch. They sold it in 1708-9. <ref name="jhp"/>

=== 1704 Upper Patapsco Hundred, Baltimore County, Maryland ===
Charles was taxed at the Upper Patapsco Hundred in 1704 and in 1706, living next to his son, John.<ref name="Gorsuch26"/> Charles Gorsuch, Sr., March 3rd, 1708-9, by a deed of gift conveys to his son John the tract Wheatstone or Whetstone Point, "where I now live", reserving the use during his life (idem. R. M.: H. S.; 636).<ref name="Gorsuch26"/>

==Marriage & Family==

=== 1679 Marriage to Sarah Cole ===
Charles Gorsuch, of "Tred Avon," married by 8 Dec 1679, to Sarah Cole, heir of Thomas Cole (BALR IR#PP:46, IR#AM:185).<ref name="Gorsuch26"> J. H. P., [ "The Gorsuch and Lovelace Familes, Continued"] (Vol 26, Page 325) ''The Virginia Magazine of History and Biography'' accessed November 26, 2014</ref>
They were the parents of at least four sons who lived to adulthood, and likely also had some girls.


Children:<ref name="Gorsuch26"/>
#Robert Gorsuch deceased 1720, his son, Robert also died without issue
# [[Gorsuch-28|John Gorsuch]], eldest b 1678-9
# [[Gorsuch-20|Charles Gorsuch, Jr]] b 1678-80
# [[Gorsuch-37|Thomas Gorsuch]]
Note: Researcher, Haschemeyer, reverses the birth order of Charles and Thomas thus: * John b. 1678-1732, Thomas 1680-1774, Charles 1686-1746/7<ref name="Haschemeyer"/>

===1691 Marriage to Anne Hawkins===
Charles is identified as Charles Gosidge of Baltimore County, son of John and Anne of the Kingdom of England, deceased in the marriage certificate of the West River Maryland Quakers dated the 15th day of the 12th month 1690/1 to Anne Hawkins <ref>Peden, Henry C. Jr. "Quaker Records of Southern Maryland 1658-1800" Willow Bend Books, Westminster 2000</ref> There is no record of children from this marriage.
Charles was deceased by 25 JUL 1716 when an inventory of his estate was taken in Baltimore County. It's a pretty sad collection of old tools, an old bull, and some hoggs. The value was 11.07.20L.<ref>Baltimore County Inventories Liber 5 folio 1, [[]]</ref> There is no accounting of the land he owned at death and no will has been found.

== Sources ==

<references />
See also:
* Scisco, L.D. (1935). Land records of Baltimore County, 1679 and 1680, (pp.271- 277). * J.Hall Pleasants, ed., "Proceedings of the Court of Chancery of Maryland, 1669 - 1679," Vol. LI, Series 5. Maryland Historical Society, XXX(3), Archives of Maryland, [ [ PDF]

== Acknowledgments ==* Thank you to Sue N. Haschemeyer for your research and for publishing it on the "Dunn*ck Family Genealogy" website. Note: This information is [ copyright]; it is free for use, as long as it is never used for profit (this includes never uploading it to a genealogy website which charges a fee for access). 
Gorsuch, Charles (I40)
125 [[Category:Fleet of William Penn]]
[[Category: Friends Adventure, sailed May 1682]]
[[Category: Falls Monthly Meeting, Fallsington, Pennsylvania]][[Category: Chesterfield Monthly Meeting, Burlington County, New Jersey]]
[[Category: Buckingham Monthly Meeting, Lahaska, Pennsylvania]]
{{Pennsylvania Settlers}}
== Biography ==
{{Quakers Sticker}}

=== Migration ===
{{Penn Fleet Passenger}}Reuben Pownall, son of George Pownall migrated to the new world on board the William Penn Fleet ship "Friends Adventure" that sailed in May 1682.<ref>"" William Penn Fleet ancestors approved for membership: The Welcome Society of Pennsylvania. Accessed 5 March 2019 by [[Baty-260|Sj Baty]].</ref>

== Research Notes ==We have several individuals by the name of Reuben Pownall in the Philadelphia area at this time. (work in progress [[Powell-5629|Powell-5629]] 12:09, 21 June 2015 (EDT) see: [[Space:POWNALL family of early Pennsylvania]]
{| table border=1
! align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;" width="200px;" | Name
! align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;" width= "150px;" | Spouse
! align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|Parents
|-| Reuben Pownall || Mary Stacy <br> m. 7 March 1699 <br>? 7 May 1700 || George & Eleanor Pownall
|-| Reuben Pownall <br>(8 March 1718/9 - 1784) ||Effie Bird || George & Hannah (Hutchinson) Pownall
|-|Reuben Pownall <br>(6 November 1750 - 1826) ||Mary Lee <br>m. 9 October 1782 || Reuben & Effie (Bird) Pownall
|-| Reuben Pownall <br> (26 April 1784 - 1837) ||Mary Hopper ||John & Rebecca (Phillips) Pownall
Reuben was born about 1665. Reuben's father [[Pownall-12|George Pownall]] ...
Reuben's mother [[Carter-3734|Elinor Carter]] ...

From the records of the [[:Category: Falls Monthly Meeting, Fallsington, Pennsylvania|Falls Monthly Meeting]]::1m, 6, 1700 (Marcy 6, 1700) Reuban Pownal given certificate to [[:Category: Chesterfield Monthly Meeting, Burlington County, New Jersey|Chesterfield Monthly]] meeting to marry [[Stacy-25 |Mary Stacy]], daughter of Mahlon Stacy<ref>Encyclopedia of American Quaker Genealogy, 1607–1943 vol 2; [ ($)]; [ STACY, vol. 2, page 1029]</ref>

== Sources ==
<references />

See also:* [[Space:POWNALL family of early Pennsylvania | POWNALL family of early Pennsylvania]], [[Powell-5629]] on wikitree
<!-- Please edit, add, or delete anything in this text, including this note. Be bold and experiment! If you make a mistake you can always see the previous version of the text on the Changes page. -->
Author: SJ Baty
Author: Kenneth Kinman
Author: Andrea Powell 
Pownall, Reuben (I760)
126 [[Category:Fleet of William Penn]]
[[Category: Friends Adventure, sailed May 1682]]
[[Category: Middletown Monthly Meeting, Langhorne, Pennsylvania]]
[[Category: Duck Creek Monthly Meeting, Smyrna, Delaware]]
{{Pennsylvania Settlers}}

== Biography ==
Abigail, daughter of George & Elinor Pownall was born February 4, 1678 in England. She emigrated from Lostock, Cheshire, England to Pennsylvania in 1682 aboard ''Friends Adventure''. She married William Paxson (son of James & Jane (Gurden) Paxson) at [[:Category: Middletown Monthly Meeting, Langhorne, Pennsylvania| Middletown Monthly Meeting]] on February 12, 1696.<ref name=Grundy>MJP Grundy, ''Paxson Family in Colonial Bucks County'' (2002), online [ rootsweb] (3/3/2015)</ref>
After William's death, she removed from [[:Category: Duck Creek Monthly Meeting, Smyrna, Delaware| Duck Creek Monthly Meeting]] to [[:Category: Buckingham Monthly Meeting, Lahaska, Pennsylvania| Buckingham Monthly Meeting]] with her three sons in the summer of 1724.<ref name=Grundy/> As a Quaker, she frequently exercised her gift of ministry.
In 1742 Abigail was recognized as a minister by Buckingham Monthly Meeting. A memorial described her as "a diligent attender of meetings, even in her old age; had a gift of the ministry, in which she was exercised pretty frequently. She was sound in her matter, which tended to edification."[69]
In her will dated July 16, 1742 Abigail left money to many children and grandchildren for the purchase of Bibles. The will was proven April 8, 1749 with Robert Smith and John Hill named executors.<ref name=Grundy/>

===Family History===
:::William2 Paxson, Junior, son of James and Jane (Gurden) Paxson, was baptised 22 January 1675/6 in Marsh Gibbon, and died in July 1719 in Newcastle County, in what has become the state of Delaware. He married in Middletown Meeting on 20 Twelfth Month [February] 1695/6 Abigail POWNALL[64], daughter of George and Elinor Pownall. The Pownalls emigrated from Lostock, Cheshire, on the Friends' Adventure, arriving in the Delaware River 11 October 1682. Abigail was born 4 February 1677/8 and died in 1749.[64a]
:::Contemporaries referred to him as William Junior to differentiate him from his uncle William1 (#2). Unless land transactions specify "William Junr.", there is no way of separating his from those of his uncle William1 or his younger first cousin William2 (#9). In 1699 William Junr. conveyed a parcel of land to John SCARBOROUGH, with his father acting as attorney.[65] It was not usual practice for a father so to act, or for a young man to divest himself of land. But William Junr. did not conform to the usual Quaker mold. Two years earlier he had had a fight with Jonathan SCARBOROUGH, who went to the magistrate seeking redress. The Meeting intervened and persuaded the antagonists to forgive each other and promise to live in peace. Another rather cryptic incident in 1700 involved the charge that William Jr. had "raised a scandall" upon William COWPER. Friends decided that the scandal may have been accurate (and therefore not libel).[66]
:::In 1704 William Jr. and his family removed to Falls.[66a] He apparently purchased a farm from Solomon WARDER, that had been in the BILES family and was originally owned by Thomas and Jane ATKINSON.[66b] William was disowned from Falls Monthly Meeting 1 July 1712, for "being overtaken with drink also for uttering several extravagant expressions against the whole body of friends, and he not condemning his actions". The following year William sold his property to John and mary SOTCHER, and took his family to St. George's Hundred, Newcastle County (in what became Delaware). Abigail and some of the children carried a certificate of removal dated 5 March 1713.[67] Children born after one parent's disownment were generally not recorded by the meeting.
:::After William Jr.'s death intestate at the age of forty-three, his uncle Henry1 (#1) Paxson posted bond on 22 September 1719 and administered the estate. Henry devised to each of William Junr.'s sons a substantial farm with the stipulation that they provide comfortably for their mother for the rest of her life. Abigail removed to Buckingham Monthly Meeting from Duck Creek Meeting with her three sons in the summer of 1724.

=== Children of William and Abigail (Pownall) Paxson ===Abigail Pownall and William Paxson together had 8 children.<ref name=Grundy/># [[Paxson-28 |Mary Paxson]], born January 1696/7 in Middletown; died 171_, unmarried
# [[Paxton-92 | Marrabeh]], died June 30, 1714 in Duck Creek, unmarried
# [[Paxson-31 |Abigail Paxson]], born August 20 1700 in Middletown; married (1) September 1718, [[Lamplugh-45 |Nathaniel Lamplugh]], son of Nathaniel and Susannah (BEZER) of Chichester; at least 2 children; She "eloped to Philadelphia" in 1731/2. Nathaniel d. 1742 in Concord Twp., Chester Co., and Abigail m(2) [[Whiteley-228 |Anthony Whitley]], March 14, 1744 by license at the First Presbyterian Church in Philadelphia; married (3) John Passmore, September 17, 1764 at Immanuel Church, New Castle, Del.; died 1778 in New Castle Her will, dated 31 Mar. 1778, was pr. 31 July 1778 at New Castle.
# [[Paxson-29 |James Paxson]], born November 5, 1702 in Middletown; married (1) [[Horseman-10 |Mary Horseman]] 1724; married (2) [[Hodges-169 |Margaret Hodges]] in 1730; died February 1747; 9 children
# [[Paxson-30 |Thomas Paxson]]; born November 20, 1712; married [[Canby-2 |Jane Canby]] 1732; died October 1782
# [[Paxson-10 |Reuben Paxson]]; born 1713; married [[Simcock-1 |Alice Simcock]] with whom he had 5 children; died 1744
# [[Paxson-32 |Esther Paxson]]; married [[Clayton-193| Abel Clayton]] with whom she had 3 children

# [[Paxton-94 |Amy Paxson]], died young

== Sources ==
<references />

* "Our Quaker Ancestry" by Rusha Wesley 1945
* Millennium File
* American Marriages Before 1699
* Pennsylvania Marriage Records
<!-- Please edit, add, or delete anything in this text, including this note. Be bold and experiment! If you make a mistake you can always see the previous version of the text on the Changes page. -->
Author: Andrea Powell
Author: Andrea Powell 
Pownall, Abigail (I721)
127 [[Category:Germantown%2C_Pennsylvania]]
== Biography ==Beatrix was born in 1660. Beatrix Luckens ... She passed away in 1713. <ref>First-hand information as remembered by [[Priest-412 | Edwin Priest]], Tuesday, January 14, 2014. ''Replace this citation if there is another source.''</ref>
''This profile is a collaborative work-in-progress. Can you contribute information or sources?'' <!-- This comment, and everything else, can be edited or removed. -->

== Sources ==

<references />

See also:

* ''Add [[sources]] here.'' 
Luckens, Beatrix Boetzen (I481)
128 [[Category:Huguenot]]
[[Category:New Netherland Huguenots]]
{{New Netherland Settler}}
== Biography ==
Pierre "Pieter" Prat was a Huguenot. In 1645 with his first wife, Marie Phillippe, he joined the Walloon Church at Leyden, Holland, with letters from Vlissingen
Pieter Prat, his wife and one or two of their children emigrated from Holland toNew Amsterdam in the ship "''Moesman''" in April 1659. The passenger list of theship is preserved and includes "''Pieter Pieterson, alias Pia from Picardy, his wife and daughter.''"
On April 10, 1661 "''Pieter Praa from Dieppe, and Catharine Lethie, with letters from Middlewout''" (Holland) were admitted as members of the Brooklyn Dutch Church. This record indicates they had resided at Middlewout shortly before the emigration and, since they are recorded as being in Leyden on May 17,1658, tends to confirm Dieppe as having been Pieter's place of birth. <ref>DRC records with this entry (image att.) </ref>
A record exists to show that on August 26, 1659, very soon after Pieter's arrival at New Amsterdam, he entered into an agreement to purchase from Derick Jans, for 300 guilders, a bouwery with house and barn at Cowanus [South Brooklyn] between the lands of Teunis Nyssen and Jan Pietersen Staats. It appears probable that the agreement was not consumated. It is of some interest, however to note that Pieter Praa's daughter Annetje, as a widow married June 11, 1682 a son of Jan Pietersen Staats.
PRAA or PRAT, PIETER, (or PIERRE PRAT,) a Huguenot from Dieppe in France, as per Brn ch. rec.; emigrated in 1659 with w. and family, residing at first in N. A. and afterwards settling in Buk (''Bushwick--Brooklyn''). He m. Catharine dau of Abm Lothie, who after his death m. June 10, 1663, Joost Casparse Springsteen. He d. Mar. 6, 1663, at Cripplebush, Brn (''Brooklyn''). See p. 322 of Vol. 2 of Stiles's Brn. Aug. 26, 1659, Derick Janse agreed to convey to "Pierre Prat" for 300 gl. a bouwery with house and barn at Gowanus (''Brooklyn'') , between the lands of Teunis Nyssen (Denyse) and Jan Pietersen Staats, as per p. 6 of Lib. B of Flh rec. No evidence of this agreement being consummated. Issue:- Peter Junr; Adam, bp. Feb. 6, 1661, in Brn (''Brooklyn''), d. Feb. 8, 1662; Abraham, bp. Mar. 5, 1662, in Brn (''Brooklyn''); and Annatie, who m. Jan Jansen. Signed his name "Pierre Prat."<ref>Register in alphabetical order, of the early settlers of Kings County, Long Island, N.Y. </ref>
His son, Pieter Junr or Capt. Peter, b. 1655 at Leiden, and emigrated with his father; m. Mar. 15, 1684, Maria or Mary Hays wid. of Joost Adriaense, miller; d. 1740. On patent of Buk (''Bushwick--Brooklyn'') of 1687, in which year he took the oath of allegiance in said town. On ass. roll of 1693, cen. of 1698, and capt. of militia in 1700, as per p. 809 of Vol. IV. of Doc of Col. His. Removed to Newtown (''Elmhurst''), his name appearing on the records of said town in 1703 and 1708. Will da. Aug. 6, 1739; rec. p.43, Lib. 13, N. Y. surr. off.
Pierre Praa was born 1620 in Dieppe, Picardy, France, and died March 05, 1662/63 in Cripplebush, Queens, New York. He married Marie Phillipe on June 28, 1642 in Walloon Church, Leiden, South Holland, The Netherlands.
A note from Brooklyn RDC Church Book #72 - ...the orphans of Pieter Praa were to be paid 80 guilders in produce by Beet Jenne Carton as she promised but she complained about her crops, she had to pay Marcus Soissons 80 guilders for the land as shown by a bond, she or the land was "arrested" or foreclosed upon by Timotheus Gabry, scheepen of N Amsterdam...she owed on account of the amount Soissons had borrowed on the land.<ref></ref>

=== Name ===
: Name: Pierre /Prat/<ref>Source: [[#S-1766655151]] Page: Source number: ; Source type: ; Number of Pages: ; Submitter Code: . Note: {{Ancestry Record|worldmarr_ga|975817}} Note: Data: Text: Birth date: 1620 Birth place: Fr APID: 1,7836::975817</ref>
: Name: Pieter /Praa/<ref>Source: [[#S-1766646199]] Page: Place: New York, New York; Year: 1659; Page Number: . Note: {{Ancestry Record|pili354|1958789}} Note: Data: Text: Arrival date: 1659 Arrival place: New York, New York APID: 1,7486::1958789</ref><ref>Source: [[#S-1766655151]] Page: Source number: ; Source type: ; Number of Pages: ; Submitter Code: . Note: {{Ancestry Record|worldmarr_ga|975816}} Note: Data: Text: Birth date: 1620 Birth place: Fr APID: 1,7836::975816</ref><ref>Source: [[#S-1766655151]] Page: Source number: ; Source type: ; Number of Pages: ; Submitter Code: . Note: {{Ancestry Record|worldmarr_ga|975818}} Note: Data: Text: Birth date: 1620 Birth place: Fr APID: 1,7836::975818</ref><ref>Source: [[#S-1766643515]] Note: {{Ancestry Record|genepoold|2096576}} Note: Data: Text: Death date: 6 March 1662 Death place: Cripplebush, Brooklyn Queens, NY, USA APID: 1,5771::2096576</ref><ref>Source: [[#S-1766647449]] Note: {{Ancestry Record|genepoolb|3593534}} Note: Data: Text: Birth date: 1620 Birth place: Dieppe, Picardy, France APID: 1,5769::3593534</ref>

=== Birth ===
Pierre Prat|Praa was born ca. 1620 at: : Place: Fr<ref>Source: [[#S-1766655151]] Page: Source number: ; Source type: ; Number of Pages: ; Submitter Code: . Note: {{Ancestry Record|worldmarr_ga|975817}} Note: Data: Text: Birth date: 1620 Birth place: Fr APID: 1,7836::975817</ref>: Place: Dieppe, Picardie, France<ref>Source: [[#S-1766655151]] Page: Source number: ; Source type: ; Number of Pages: ; Submitter Code: . Note: {{Ancestry Record|worldmarr_ga|975816}} Note: Data: Text: Birth date: 1620 Birth place: Fr APID: 1,7836::975816</ref><ref>Source: [[#S-1766655151]] Page: Source number: ; Source type: ; Number of Pages: ; Submitter Code: . Note: {{Ancestry Record|worldmarr_ga|975818}} Note: Data: Text: Birth date: 1620 Birth place: Fr APID: 1,7836::975818</ref><ref>Source: [[#S-1766647449]] Note: {{Ancestry Record|genepoolb|3593534}} Note: Data: Text: Birth date: 1620 Birth place: Dieppe, Picardy, France APID: 1,5769::3593534</ref>

=== Immigration ===Peter Petersen, alias Pia, from Picardy, second wife Catharine Lothie and daughter (Annetje (aged 7)) aboard the ''Moesman'' (Market Gardener), sailed from Amsterdam on 25 April, 1659 and arrived at New Amsterdam before 10 Aug. 1659<ref>[ THE MOESMAN (MARKET GARDENER)]</ref>. Aboard the same ship were: Albert Petersen, Agriculturist or Mason, and Gerrit Petersen; no identified relationship. A son Peter Pertesen Praa Jr. b. 1655, (aged about 5) was aboard the same ship, but was not listed.:Arrival: 1659, New York, New York<ref>Source: [[#S-1766646199]] Page: Place: New York, New York; Year: 1659; Page Number: . Note: {{Ancestry Record|pili354|1958789}} Note: Data: Text: Arrival date: 1659 Arrival place: New York, New York APID: 1,7486::1958789</ref>

::Note: Distance between Dieppe, FR and Leiden, Neth is 510 KM.

===Marriage ===
Pieter Praa married:
1) Marie Phillipe (born Abt. 1624 in Dieppe, Picardy, France and died Bef. March 17, 1657/58 in Lieden, South Holland) on June 28, 1642 in Walloon Church, Leiden, South Holland, The Netherlands. She died at Lieden, Zuid-Holland
Possible children of Marie and Pieter are<ref>[ MARIE PHILIPPE, Female 1622 - 1658]</ref>:
* 1. Pierre PRAT, b. Abt May 1643, at Leiden, South Holland, Netherlands.
* 2. Pierre PRAT, b. Abt May 1646, at Leiden, South Holland, Netherlands. d. ca. 17 Mar 1658.
* 3. Samuel PRAT, b. Abt Jun 1647 at Leiden, South Holland, Netherlands.
* 4. Marie PRAT, b. Abt May 1648 at Leiden, South Holland, Netherlands.
* 5. Catharine PRAT, b. Abt Jun 1650 at Leiden, South Holland, Netherlands.
* 6. Annetje Pieterse Praa, bp. February 04, 1651/52, Walloon Church, Leiden, South Holland, The Netherlands, d. Aft. 1698, Brooklyn, Kings, New York.<ref>U.S. and International Marriage Records, 1560-1900, Yates Publishing. U.S. and International Marriage Records, </ref>, d. Brooklyn, Kings, New York. She immigrated on the ship "De Moseman'' with her father and step mother..
It would appear that these children, if they all actually existed, with the exception of son Pieter and daughter Annetje, died young, as they did not accompany their father on the ship ''de Moesman'' to the new world on April 25, 1659.
2) Catharina Lethie aka Lothier", "Lothie", "Lethie", "Loiittie" (born ca. 1630 at Dieppe, Picardy, Seine Inferieure, France, died March 6, 1663 in Cripplebush, Kings County, New York,) ca. 1658 at Leiden, Zuid Holland, Netherlands

Pieter Praa and Catharina Lethie had the following known children:
* Pieter le per|Para (son of Pierre Peter Praa)<ref>Passenger and Immigration Lists Index, 1500s-1900s, Gale Research. Passenger and Immigration Lists Index, 1500s-1900s [database online]. Provo, Utah:, Inc., 2005. Original data: Filby, P. William, edit. Passenger and Immigration Lists Index, 1500s-1900s. Farmington Hills, MI:Gale Research, 2003.</ref>, was born in Zuid Holland, Leiden, Netherlands, : Date born 3: 1655, Leiden, South Holland, Nth., and died 3: 05 Sep 1740, Bushwick, Kings, NY, <ref>OneWorldTreeSM, One World Tree (sm) [database online]. Provo, UT:, Inc.</ref>
* Adam Praa; born Brooklyn, Kings Co., New York bp 2 Feb 1661; died 8 Feb 1662 in Cripplebush, Brooklyn, Kings Co., NY, son of Pieter Praa and Catharina Letie. <ref>RDC Flatbush Book 72</ref>
* Abraham Praa born / bp 5 March 1662 at Cripplebush, Brooklyn, Kings Co., New York; died young at Brooklyn, Kings Co., NY, son of Pieter Pra and Catrina Abrahams Lothie aka Letie. <ref>RDC Flatbush Book 72</ref>

=== Death ===
Peter Praa::Died 6 Mar 1663 at Bushwick, Kings, New York<ref>Source: [[#S-1766643515]] Note: {{Ancestry Record|genepoold|2096576}} Note: Data: Text: Death date: 6 March 1662 Death place: Cripplebush, Brooklyn Queens, NY APID: 1,5771::2096576</ref>
:Died March 05, 1663 in Cripplebush, Kings County, New York.
:Died: 06 Mar 1663, Cripplebush, Queens County, New York

=== Note ===
<references />
: Note: Praa Family::

== Sources ==* Wiles, Harriett M. "Additions and Corrections: Praa." In ''The New York Genealogical and Biographical Record'', 394-397. 4th ed. Vol. 69. New York, N.Y.: New York Genealogical and Biographical Society, 1938.
* Totten, F.G.B.S, John Reynolds. "Praa-Bennet Family Notes*." In ''The New York Genealogical and Biographical Record'', 308-319. 4th ed. Vol. 65. New York, N.Y.: New York Genealogical and Biographical Society, 1934.
* Source: <span id='S-1766655151'>S-1766655151</span> Repository: [[#R-1790658744]] Title: U.S. and International Marriage Records, 1560-1900 Author: Yates Publishing Publication: Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Operations Inc, 2004.Original data - This unique collection of records was extracted from a variety of sources including family group sheets and electronic databases. Originally, the information was derived Note: APID: 1,7836::0 Repository: <span id='R-1790658744'>R-1790658744</span> Name: Address: Note:
* Source: [ Family Tree Maker tree profile by Douglas Ernest]
* Source: <span id='S-1766643515'>S-1766643515</span> Repository: [[#R-1790658744]] Title: Family Data Collection - Deaths Author: Edmund West, comp. Publication: Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: The Generations Network, Inc., 2001. Note: APID: 1,5771::0 Repository: <span id='R-1790658744'>R-1790658744</span> Name: Address: Note:
* Source: <span id='S-1766646199'>S-1766646199</span> Repository: [[#R-1790658744]] Title: Passenger and Immigration Lists Index, 1500s-1900s Author: Gale Research Publication: Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc, 2010.Original data - Filby, P. William, ed. Passenger and Immigration Lists Index, 1500s-1900s. Farmington Hills, MI, USA: Gale Research, 2010.Original data: Filby, P. William, ed. Passenge Note: APID: 1,7486::0
* Source: <span id='S-1766647449'>S-1766647449</span> Repository: [[#R-1790658744]] Title: Family Data Collection - Births Author: Edmund West, comp. Publication: Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Operations Inc, 2001. Note: APID: 1,5769::0
* Source: <span id='S-1766655151'>S-1766655151</span> Repository: [[#R-1790658744]] Title: U.S. and International Marriage Records, 1560-1900 Author: Yates Publishing Publication: Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Operations Inc, 2004.Original data - This unique collection of records was extracted from a variety of sources including family group sheets and electronic databases. Originally, the information was derived Note: APID: 1,7836::0
* Source: <span id='S-1767109022'>S-1767109022</span> Repository: [[#R-1790658744]] Title: Ancestry Family Trees Publication: Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Original data: Family Tree files submitted by Ancestry members. Note: This information comes from 1 or more individual Ancestry Family Tree files. This source citation points you to a current version of those files. Note: The owners of these tree files may have removed or changed information since this source citation was created. Page: Ancestry Family Trees Note: Data:
::: Text:
* Source: [ GENI--Pierre Praa / Prat]
* Source: [ Sorhus, Jury, Yarham, Norrington and a whole lot more:Information about Pieter Para]
* Source: [ The Piper Frederickson Family: Information about Pierre Praa]
* Source: [ Register in alphabetical order, of the early settlers of Kings County, Long Island, N.Y.]; By TEUNIS G. BERGEN, Author of Bergen, Van Brunt, and Lefferts Genealogies. New York: S. W. Green's Son, Printer, Electrotyper and Binder. 1881.
* Source: [ Ships passenger lists]
Author: Tom Quick
Author: Hans Nielsen
Author: Steven Mix 
Prat, Pierre (I609)
129 [[Category:Huntingfield-11 Descendants]]
{{Magna Carta|Gateway Ancestor|11}}
== Biography ==

: Father: William Lovelace

: Mother: Anne Barne
: Thomas Lovelace was the second child of William Lovelace III and Anne Barne. He was born 1619 in England. He later emigrated to New York, settling on Staten Island.
: An active Royalist, he was elected Alderman in 1671. He was also the Sheriff of Richmond County, New York from 1684-1685.<ref>Douglas Richardson, ''[ Magna Carta Ancestry: A Study in Colonial and Medieval Families],'' Royal Ancestry series, 2nd edition, 4 vols., ed. Kimball G. Everingham, (Salt Lake City, Utah: the author, 2011), [ Volume III, page 53], LOVELACE 16ii.</ref>

: He married Mary _____ and they had one known son, William.

: He died in 1689 on Staten Island, New York.


: Wife: Mary

: Child: William

: Brothers:
:: Francis Lovelace, Governor of New York 1668 - 1673
:: Dudley Lovelace, Ensign and Lieut. of New York militia, 1670-1672

== Sources ==
<references />
: See also:
* The Parlett-Hern Family Home Page:Information about Thomas Lovelace
<!-- -- obsolete ----------------- <div style="padding-bottom:4px;text-align:center;border-bottom:3px solid DarkRed;"><span style="font-size:120%;color:DarkRed;">[[Image:Magna Carta Image one inch high.png|66px]] Magna Carta Gateway Ancestor [[Image:Magna Carta Image one inch high.png|66px]]</span></div>
<div style="line-height:1.8; font-size: 1.1em"><center>This profile is being maintained by the [ Magna Carta Project].</center></div><center>''Thomas Lovelace'' is a descendant of Magna Carta surety baron ''William de Huntingfield''</center>[[Category:Huntingfield-11 Descendants]]
[[Category:Gateway Ancestors]] ------------------------------- -->
Author: Liz Shifflett 
Lovelace, Thomas (I71)
130 [[Category:Kings County, New York]]
{{New Netherland Settler}}
== Biography ==
Catherine Lothie, her husband Pieter Praa, one child from his first marriage and one from his second marriage emigrated from Holland to New Amsterdam in the ship ''Moesman'' in April 1659. The passenger list of the ship is preserved and includes "Pieter Pieterson, alias Pia from Picardy, his wife and daughter."<ref>Source: Douglas Ernest</ref>
On April 10, 1661 Pieter Praa from Dieppe, and Catharine Lethie, with letters from Middlewout (Holland) were admitted as members of the Brooklyn Dutch Church. This record indicates they had resided at Middlewout shortly before the emigration and, since they are recorded as being in Leyden on May 17,1658, tends to confirm Dieppe as having been Pieter's place of birth. <ref>DRC Church record</ref>
::Note: New Town, Middelwout or Midwout (Middle Woods) was one of the original settlements on Long Island and the location of one of the earliest churches. This community was located in the Vlacke bos or Flatbush between Breukelen and Amersfoort and received from Director Stuyvesant the name of Middelwout, ca. 1658.<ref> History of New Netherlands: Or, New York Under the Dutch, Volume 1By Edmund Bailey O'Callaghan</ref> This community was later absorbed by Flatbush, Kings County, New York and became a part of Brooklyn. Unable to locate a Middelwout in Holland, Netherlands [[Quick-803|Quick-803]] 15:05, 31 January 2016 (EST).

=== Name ===: Name: Catherine was born about 1630. Catherine Lothie ... <ref>First-hand information as remembered by [[Quattlebaum-131 | Julian Quattlebaum]], Sunday, April 13, 2014. </ref>: Name: Catharine /Lothie/<ref>Source: [[#S478]] Page: Database online. Data: Text: Record for Casper Joosten Springsteen</ref><ref>Source: [[#S478]] Page: Database online. Data: Text: Record for Joost Casperse Springsteen</ref>

===Birth=== Catherine Lothie was b. ca. 1630 at Picardie, France<ref>Source: [[#S478]] Page: Database online. Data: Text: Record for Casper Joosten Springsteen</ref><ref>Source: [[#S478]] Page: Database online. Data: Text: Record for Joost Casperse Springsteen</ref>

=== Immigration ===Catherine Lothie, from Picardy, husband Pieter Praa and step-daughter (Annetje (aged 7)), aboard the ''Moesman'' (Market Gardener), sailed from Amsterdam on 25 April, 1659 and arrived New Amsterdam before 10 Aug. 1659<ref>[ THE MOESMAN (MARKET GARDENER)]</ref>. Aboard the same ship were: Albert Petersen, Agriculturist or Mason, and Gerrit Petersen; no identified relationship. A son Peter Pertesen Praa Jr. b. ca. 1655, (aged about 5) was aboard the same ship, but was not listed in the manifest. They arrived at New Amsterdam before 10 Aug. 1659 .

::Note: Distance between Dieppe, FR and Leiden, Neth is 510 KM.
Catharina Lethie aka Lothier", "Lothie", "Lethie", "Loiittie" (born ca. 1630 at Dieppe, Picardy, Seine Inferieure, France, died March 6, 1663 in Cripplebush, Kings County, New York,) ca. 1658 at Leiden, Zuid Holland, Netherlands

Catharina Lethie married:

1) Pieter Praa at Leiden Zuid-Holland, Netherlands ca. 1658.

Pieter Praa and Catharina Lethie had the following known children:
• Pieter le per|Para (son of Pierre Peter Praa)[5], was born in Zuid Holland, Leiden, Netherlands, :Date born 3: 1655, Leiden, South Holland, Nth., and died 3: 05 Sep 1740, Bushwick, Kings, NY, [6]
• Adam Praa; born Brooklyn, Kings Co., New York ca. 1660; died in Cripplebush, Brooklyn, Kings Co., NY
• Abraham Praa born ca. 1662 at Cripplebush, Brooklyn, Kings Co., New York; died young at Brooklyn, Kings Co., NY .

2) Joost Casperse Springsteen 19 June 1663

=== Butter rent Money paid ===Circa 1662-3 Catharina Lethie agreed to pay 14 guilders, 8 stivers as noted in Brooklyn and Flatbush NY, Book 72 <ref></ref>
An explanation of what butter rent money referred to is in Old World Colony: Cork and South Munster, 1630-1830 By David Dickson<ref></ref>

===Death===Catharina Lethie died ca. 06 MAR 1663 at Kings County, New York<ref>Source: [[#S478]] Page: Database online. Data: Text: Record for Casper Joosten Springsteen</ref>
:aft 19 June 1663 when she re-married.

== Sources ==
<references />
* Source: [ Family Tree Maker tree profile by Douglas Ernest]
* Source: <span id='S478'>S478</span> Author: Public Member Trees Publication: Name: The Generations Network, Inc.; Location: Provo, UT, USA; Date: 2006; * Repository: .
* Pieter le per|Para (son of Pierre Peter Praa)<ref>Passenger and Immigration Lists Index, 1500s-1900s, Gale Research. Passenger and Immigration Lists Index, 1500s-1900s [database online]. Provo, Utah:, Inc., 2005. Original data: Filby, P. William, edit. Passenger and Immigration Lists Index, 1500s-1900s. Farmington Hills, MI:Gale Research, 2003.</ref>, was born in Zuid Holland, Leiden, Netherlands, :Date born 3: 1655, Leiden, South Holland, Nth., and died 3: 05 Sep 1740, Bushwick, Kings, NY, <ref>OneWorldTreeSM, One World Tree (sm) [database online]. Provo, UT:, Inc.</ref>
* Source: [ SHIPS PASSENGER LISTS - The ''Moesman''-1659]
*Praa-Bennet Family Notes by John Reynolds Totten in Genealogies of Long Island Families, Vol. II.

=== Acknowledgments ===* Catherine Lothie as remembered by [[Quattlebaum-131 | Julian Quattlebaum]], Sunday, April 13, 2014.* Lothie-3 was created by [[Baker-12099 | Gail Williams]] through the import of Carry Case gedcome - Jan 2015.ged on Jan 26, 2015.
Author: Isabelle Martin
Author: Steven Mix 
Lothie, Catherine (I614)
131 [[Category:Knights of the Bath]]
{{British Isles Aristo}}

== Biography ==
Robert Rich, 2nd Baron Rich (c.1537-1580/1) was the son of Richard Rich, 1st Baron Rich and Elizabeth Jenks. He married Elizabeth Baldry, daughter of George Baldry, before 25 November 1554.

Children of Robert Rich, 2nd Baron Rich and Elizabeth Baldry
#Sir Edwin Rich+
#Robert Rich, 1st Earl of Warwick+ b. Dec 1559, d. 24 Mar 1618/19

== Sources ==
<references />

|size=450|caption=A Genealogical History of the Dormant: Abeyant, Forfeited, and Extinct Peerages of the British Empire
}}*Burke, Bernard. A Genealogical History of the Dormant, Abeyant, Forfeited, and Extinct Peerages of the British Empire. New ed. London: Harrison, 1866. P. 452.


See also:

===Web Databases===
* [°B.RichofLeez) '''The Tudor Place''']
** '''Born:''' ABT 1537
** '''Died:''' 27 Feb 1581
** '''Father:''' Richard RICH (1º B. Rich of Leez)
** '''Mother:''' Elizabeth JENKINS
** '''Married:''' Elizabeth BALDRY BEF 25 Nov 1554
** '''Children:'''
*** 1. Robert RICH (1° E. Warwick)
*** 2. Richard RICH (Hon.)
*** 3. Frances RICH
*** 4. Thomas RICH

===Death Records===
*'''"Find A Grave Index,"''' index, FamilySearch ([ '''Link'''] : accessed 12 April 2015), '''Robert Rich''', 1581; Burial, Felsted, Uttlesford District, Essex, England, Holy Cross Churchyard; citing record ID 47321420, Find a Grave, 
Rich, Robert (I121)
132 [[Category:Krefeld,_Nordrhein-Westfalen]]

Greitijen Pletjes, daughter of Pletjes Driessen of Kempen, a small town halfway between Aldekerk and Krefeld, wed [[Op den Graef-10| Herman Op den Graeff]] in 1615. <ref name="Hull">William I. Hull, William Penn and the Dutch Quaker Migration to Pennsylvania: (Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Company, 1970), p.210.</ref> She became a widow on December 27, 1642 and followed her husband less than two weeks later on January 7, 1643.<ref name="Pennypacker">Samuel Whitaker Pennypacker, The Settlement of Germantown Pennsylvania and the Beginning of German Immigration to North America: (Philadelphia: William J. Campbell, 1899), p.149.</ref>

== Timeline ==

== Research Notes ==

Source for birthdate needed.

== Links ==

=== Acknowledgments ===

== Sources ==

<references />

See also:
* "Margaret Grietjen Pletjes." Family Search. Accessed Jan. 23rd, 2019.
* Hurd, Jill J. The Ancestors & Descendants of Jan Lucken. Baltimore, MD: Gateway Press, Inc., 1989.

* "Grietgen* (Margaret) Pletjes." Our Family History. Accessed Jan. 23rd, 2019.

* ''Add [[sources]] here.''
''This profile is a collaborative work-in-progress. Can you contribute information or sources?'' <!-- This comment, and everything else, can be edited or removed. -->
Author: Beryl Meehan
Author: Edwin Priest 
Pletjes, Greitjen (I513)
133 [[Category:Krefeld,_Nordrhein-Westfalen]]
== Biography<ref name="Hull">William I. Hull, William Penn and the Dutch Quaker Migration to Pennsylvania: (Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Company, 1970), p.210.</ref> ==
Isack Hermans Op den Graeff was born in Krefeld in 1616 to [[Op den Graef-10| Herman Op den Graeff]] and [[Pletjes-1|Greitijen Pletjes]]. He married [[Pieters-42|Greitijen Peters]] and was converted along with his family to Quakerism. He died in 1679 leaving his widow, three sons, Derick, [[Op den Graeff-12|Herman]], and [[Op den Graeff-7|Abraham]] and one daughter, [[Op den Graeff-16|Margrit.]]
The family, including the widow set sail for Philadelphia on the "Concord" and arrived in October 1683. The widow died soon after arrival, but the children went on to help establish Germantown, Pennsylvania.
Note: This wiki profile had the date of birth listed as 28 Feb 1616 and the date of death listed as 17 Jan 1679 when it was adopted by [[Friebel-9|Donna Storz]]. There were no sources for the exact dates provided.
== Sources ==
<references />
Author: Donna Storz
Author: Bob Fields
Author: Erik Granstrom 
op den Graeff, Isaak Hermann (I515)
134 [[Category:Krefeld,_Nordrhein-Westfalen]]
[[Category: Immigrants to Pennsylvania from Germany]]
[[Category:Lukens Name Study]]

== Biography ==
=== Birth ===
Jan Lukens was born sometime between 1650-1661. His birthplace is traditionally stated as Rheinland-Pfalz, then part of Prussia. He was the son of Wilhelm Lucken and Adelheid Oettgenoeltgen [this may be a diminutive of Oettgen.] <ref>Niepoth, William “ Die Abstammung der 13 Auswanderer von Krefekd nach Pennsylvanien im Lichte niederrheinischer Quellen,” originally published in die Heimat Volume 24, 1953. Translation publication details - John Brockie Lukens in The Pennsylvania Genealogical Magazine, Volume 31, 1979, number 1, pp. 190-207.</ref> They were Mennonites. <ref>Vince Summers post to Original-13 Rootsweb list
7 Jan 2000, he had received it from From, who wrote'These records were sent to me in 1969 by Lloyd F. Oliver of San Antonio,TX'
Mennonites were required to register themselves and their property in the "Mennonite Register." The register of "2 July 1652 for Dahlen (now M.Gladbach Rheindahlen) said - 'William Lucken was born here, has engaged himself in business outside till he returned three years ago and married a citizen's daughter of the same religion' ".

=== Marriage & Identity of Jan's wife ===
Jan and Mary Lukens were married in 1683, either just before they embarked for Pennsylvania, or shortly after their arrival in Germantown. There is a story of a marriage record in the diary of Jan Lukens' sister that speaks of the wedding dinner at their parents home. Given that they were non-conformists, it's certainly possible that they married in Krefeld, but not in a Lutheran or Catholic church. That his wife was named Mary is attested in a 1697 deed whereby Jan Lukens sold 50 acres, attested by his wife Mary. <ref>[Grund und Lager Buch, Germantown; p. 105; translation.] [from p. 157 in Roberts (1940)],</ref> Jan Lukens' will also left his house in Germantown to his wife Mary. <ref>transcribed in "Krefeld Immigrants and Their Descendants", Volume 1 No. 1, page 11, 1984; citing Phila. Will Book G, #130, Page 157, 1744</ref>
Some researchers have concluded that Jan's wife was Maria Tyson, daughter of Theiss Doors [Theis son] (1660 - 1742) Pennypacker states that Jan Lucken was married to Reiner Tyson's sister<ref>Pennypacker, Samuel Whitaker ''The Settlement of Germantown'' William J Campbell , Philadelphia 1899 p 4. Available at internet archive here []</ref>, and other writers have carried this story on. ''Jan Lucken married, about the time of his embarking for America, Mary, sister to Rynier Tyson, who accompanied him to Pennsylvania.'' <ref name="Jordan"> [[#Jordan|Jordan]]: Vol. 2, p.1470.</ref>

<blockquote>From the birth date of his oldest daughter Elizabeth (28-7-1684) [it] is to be concluded that his marriage with Maria Theissen had taken place shortly after the arrival in the new country. He is supposed to have come from Krefeld. He did not marry there, since his name is not in the public records there, which begin in 1677 in the Reformed Church. <ref name="Roberts"> [[#Roberts|Roberts]]: p.164.</ref> <BR> </blockquote>
Mary Tyson as the wife of Jan Lukens is now in dispute. Earlier researchers, including Niepoth before 1955, had thought she was a Tyson. However, this would have made the later marriage of Jan's son William to Elizabeth Tyson grounds for dismissal from the Quaker church for marrying too close a relative. No such disowning occurred, and the couple were married in the Abingdon MM. More recently, researchers have reexamined a power of attorney issued by the Lukens adult children to the one child who was remaining in Krefeld before they sailed for Pennsylvania. The power of attorney was transcribed by William Niepoth in his 1953 article and used as a source for Jan Lukens parents and his relationship to other people on the Concord. The reexamination leads some to conclude that Jan's wife was Maria (Mercken) Gastes, who signed next to Jan Lukens, The spouses of the other Lukens children signed next to their already identified spouse.

=== Immigration to Germantown ===
Jan and Mary embarked from Rotterdam in the Concord on 17 Jul 1683, and arrived in Philadelphia Oct 6 1683. The thirteen families on board had come together having bought land through their attorney Daniel Francis Pastorius. The company consisted of Lenart Arets, Abraham Op den Graeff, Dirck Op den Graeff, Herman Op den Graeff, Willem Streypers, Thones Kunders, Reyner Tyseon, Jan Seimens, Jan Lensen, Peter Keurlis, Johannes Bleikers, Jan Lucken, and Abraham Tunes. They were nearly all related to each other in some way. The three Op den Graffs were brothers, and Willem Streypers was their cousin. Thones Kunders and Lenart Arets were married to Willem Streypers' sisters. These 13 men cast lots for specific properties for themselves and their families in Germantown, <ref>Pennypacker, Samuel Whitaker ''The Settlement of Germantown'' p 4. This story is in multiple secondary sources written in the 19th C. I believe I first read the story in Pennypacker.</ref>
July - October 1683 - <ref>Source: [[#B01]] Conrad, p. 6. </ref>, <ref>Source: [[#B02]] Pennypacker, p. 56. </ref> [[Space:CONCORD_the_GERMAN_MAYFLOWER|Concord]]
: Note: Crossing on the Concord::
: Note: Germantown::

== Life in Pennsylvania ==Jan bought 200 acres directly from Benjamin Furly, of Rotterdam, merchant, attorney of Jacobus van de Walle of Frankford am Main, Merchant through his attorney, Johannes Bleyckers of Crevelt, Meurs. The land was subject to a yearly ground rent of 8 rix dollars and the deed contained the clause that required John Lucken to transport himself and his family to America. The land consisted of 50 acres, Lot 6 toward Bristol; 50 acres, Lot 16 toward Schuylkill; and 100 acres, Lot 3 in Krisheim. He sold Lot Six, Frankfurt Company, to Eve Bellonge of Germantown, tailor in 1697. This is the same lot that Arnold Kusters bought in 1699 from Paul Engel.
In the summer of 1683, Jan left [[wikipedia:Rotterdam|Rotterdam]], immigrating to the [[wikipedia:Province_of_Pennsylvania|Pennsylvania Province]] aboard the ship [[Space:CONCORD_the_GERMAN_MAYFLOWER| Concord]]. <ref>Source: [[#B03]] Anonymous. </ref>, <ref name="Prough">"Ship Passengers Mentioned in Merion MM Minutes; Chester County, PA," ( Accessed 29 January 2015), Yvonne Prough. U.S. Genealogical Web Archives.</ref>, <ref>Source: [[#B01]] Conrad, p. 6. </ref> On July 24, 1863, they embarked from Gravesend, England for America aboard the ship Concord (there were two Concord ships). The ship arrived in Philadelphia on 06 October, 1683. The voyage took 73 days. <BR>
In Germantown Jan served as Constable of the town 1691, and as Sheriff in 1694-95. <ref name="B02">Source: [[#B02]] Pennypacker, p. 287.</ref><BR>

Death: Jan 2 1744 Germantown, Phil Co, PA

=== Name ===
: Name: Jan /Lucken/
:: Source: [[#S-1574634830]]::: Note: Note:
::: Data: :::: Text: Name: Jan Lucken Birth Date: 1640 Birth Place: Pennsylvania,
::: APID: 3599::418666Note: Niepoth uses the spelling for LNAB of '''Lucken''' in his German language discussion of Jan's ancestry. <ref name="Jordon01"> Vol. 1, pp. 162-169. </ref><BR>

=== Children ===
Jan and Maria married Maria "Mercken" Gastes 1683, probably in Krefeld, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany. They were the parents of:

Elase (Elsje or Alitzel),
Mary or Maria,
1. Elizabeth Luckens, born 28, 7th month 1684; married Edward White 25, 1st month 1717 Abington Monthly Meeting; died before 1744.
2. Elase/Elias Luckens, born 10, 5th month 1686; married John Cunnard/Cunrad 29, 5th month 1706; died before 1744. ..."<ref>"The Descendants of Paulus and Gertrude Kusters of Kaldenkirchen, Germany and Germantown, Pennsylvania, the first four generations", Jean M. White, Editor; Publisher The Castor Association of America, 1991; page 65</ref><ref>''Bible of Jan Lucken'' in the collection of the Montgomery Historical Society </ref>

=== Death ===
:: Date: 1744-01-02 Germantown,Philadelphia,Pennsylvania, USAImported only 1744 from Death Date. <ref>Will of Jan Lucken, Philadelphia Wills Index Philadelphia Will Bk G- p 157 Folder 130 . The will is discussed on pps 105-106 of the book "Hallowell-Paul Family History."(see below)</ref> The will mentions his wife Mary, who gets the house in Germantown. Son Abraham immediately gets 300 acres where he was then living. The rest of the property to be used by his wife, and then divided at her death into 8 parts, one part for each of his 8 children who had had children, to be divided between the grandchildren.

== Sources ==
===Books===# <span id='Niepoth'></span>Niepoth, Wilhelm. ''[[Space:The_Ancestry_of_the_Thirteen_Krefeld_Emigrants_of_1683|The Ancestry of the Thirteen Krefeld Emigrants of 1683]]'' <BR># <span id='Jordan'></span>Jordan, John W., ed. ''[[Space:OCLC-11953941|Colonial Families of Philadelphia]]'' (Lewis Publishing Company, 1911.) # <span id="Roberts"></span>Roberts, Clarence V. ''[[Space:OCLC-3530764| Ancestry of Clarence V. Roberts & Frances A. (Walton)Roberts]]'' (Wiliam F. Fell Company, 1940.) <BR># [<span id='B01'>B01</span>] Conrad, H. C. (1958). Thones Kunders and his children: Also a list of the descendants for six generations of his youngest son Henry Cunreds, of Whitpain, 1683-1891. Salt Lake City, Utah: Filmed by the Genealogical Society of Utah. [], [] # [<span id="B02">B02</span>] Pennypacker, S. W. (1899). The settlement of Germantown, Pennsylvania, and the beginning of German immigration to North America. Lancaster, Pa: The Society. [] []# [<span id='B03'>B03</span>] Anonymous. (1875) The Friend, Volume 48. Harvard University. p. 67 []
Hallowell--Hough, Mary Paul "The Hallowell-Paul Family History" Henry Ferris: Philadelphia, PA 1924. []

Title: The Ancestors & Descendants of Jan Lucken
Author: Jill J. Hurd
Published: 1989
Type of Source: Book

: Source <span id='S-1574634830'>S-1574634830</span>
: Repository: [[#R-2068617806]]
: Title: American Genealogical-Biographical Index (AGBI)
: Author: Godfrey Memorial Library, comp.: Publication: Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: The Generations Network, Inc., 1999.Original data - Godfrey Memorial Library. American Genealogical-Biographical Index. Middletown, CT, USA: Godfrey Memorial Library.Original data: Godfrey Memorial Library. American Gen
: APID: 3599::0

No REPO record found with id R-2068617806.

<references /> <BR>

===Other Resources===* [ Jamie Allen's Family Tree site]

Thank you to the person who started this page. I have removed the references to trees and myheritage in favor of primary source documents and papers researching same, including the research paper of William Niepoth, written in German, translated, and shared to the Original13 rootsweb mailing list. See sources above. Had to quit, will come back with info on the children from the Jan Lukens Bible
Many thanks to the researchers who made up the Original-13 list back in the day - moderator Vince Summers, the sadly departed Eric Conard, Gene Stackhouse, Maurine Ward, Howard Swain, and Michael Jones, whom I actually met in person, and who shared his well thought out article on Jan Lukens's wife. I'm sure I've left someone out, but it has been several years since the height of the list's activity.
* Thank you to [[Lynch-78|Alice Lynch]] for [ creating] Lucken-11 on 06 August 2010. Click the Changes tab for the details on contributions by Alice and others.
<!-- Please edit or improve on anything you see on this page. Thank you! -->

Lucken, Jan (I465)
135 [[Category:Krefeld,_Nordrhein-Westfalen]]
== Biography == Herman was born of Mennonite parents in the village of Aldekerk, Germany on 26 Nov 1585.<ref name= "Bender">Bender, Harold S. (1957). Graeff, op den (Opdegraf, Updegrave, Updegrove) family. [,_op_den_(Opdegraf,_Updegrave,_Updegrove)_family&oldid=141143 Global Anabaptist Mennonite Encyclopedia Online], adapted by permission of Herald Press, Harrisonburg, Virginia, and Kitchener, Ontario, from Mennonite Encyclopedia, Vol.2, p.561. Accessed 9 December 2016.</ref>
In 1615 in Krefeld (about 12 miles from Aldekerk) he wed a Mennonite girl named Greitijen Driessen (often seen as Grietjen Pletjes) of Kempen, a small town between Aldekerk and Krefeld.She was the daughter of Pletjes Driessen of Kempen. <ref name="Hull">William I. Hull, William Penn and the Dutch Quaker Migration to Pennsylvania: (Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Company, 1970), p.210.</ref> The date 16 Aug 1605 was given for the marriage on this profile, but a source is needed for this date since it does not concur with the year 1615 given in two previously cited sources. The marriage date on the profile has been changed to 1615.
Herman died 27 December 1642, leaving his widow and eighteen children.<ref name= "Bender" /> His widow would die the next year.<ref name="Hull" />
Their son [[Op den Graef-11|Isack Hermans Op den Graeff]] would marry and convert to Quakerism. <ref name= "Bender" /><ref name="Hull" />After he passed in 1679, his family would sail aboard the ship "Concord" to Philadelphia arriving in October 1683.<ref name="Hull" /><ref name= "Bender" />

== Op den Graeff Family Origins ==
There are a few theories regarding who the parents of Herman Op den Graeff's were.
One such story is that Herman Op den Graeff was the son of the the Duke of Julich-Cleves-Berg, [[De La Marck-1|Johan Wilhelm De La Marck]] and [[Van Aldekerk-1|Anna Van Aldekerk]]. The source for this is the ''Scheuten Manuscript.''

== Sources ==
<references />
See also:*[ Wikipedia on Herman op den Graeff]*[ The life of Francis Daniel Pastorius, the founder of Germantown]*[ Ancient and modern Germantown, Mount Airy and Chestnut Hill]
Author: Beryl Meehan
Author: Erik Granstrom 
Op den Graeff, Herman Isaaks (I512)
136 [[Category:Krefeld%2C_Nordrhein-Westfalen]]
[[Category: Immigrants to Pennsylvania from Germany]]

=== Greitjen Op Den Graeff 1620 - 1683 ===
Birth: 1620 Krefeld, Krefeld, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany

Death: Nov 11 1683 Philadelphia, Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania

Husband: Isaak Hermann Op Den Graeff 1616 - 1679

#Herman Isaaks Op Den Graeff 1642 - 1708
#Mary Castle (born Op Den Graeff) 1643 - 1686 <ref>MyHeritage</ref>
==Biography==In the summer of 1683, Greitjen left [[wikipedia:Rotterdam|Rotterdam]], immigrating to the [[wikipedia:Province_of_Pennsylvania|Pennsylvania Province]] along with her children aboard the ship [[Space:CONCORD_the_GERMAN_MAYFLOWER| Concord]]. <ref>Source: [[#B03]] Anonymous. </ref>, <ref name="Prough">"Ship Passengers Mentioned in Merion MM Minutes; Chester County, PA," ( Accessed 29 January 2015), Yvonne Prough. U.S. Genealogical Web Archives.</ref>, <ref>Source: [[#B01]] Conrad, p. 6. </ref>, <ref>Source: [[#B01x]] Niepoth. </ref> The ship arrived in Philadelphia in October, 1683.

''Germantown Settlement'' <BR>The op den Graeff family was one of the original 13 families which settled Germantown, Pennsylvania <ref>Source: [[wikipedia:Colonial_Germantown_Historic_District]]</ref>, <ref>Source: [[wikipedia:Germantown,_Philadelphia]]</ref>

: Name: Greitjen /Pieters/<ref>Source: [[#S-1950044272]] <BR>
Page: <BR>
Place: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; <BR>
Year: 1683; <BR>
Page Number: . <BR>Note: <BR>
Note: <BR>Data: Text: Arrival date: 1683Arrival place: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania APID: 1,7486::3334457</ref>
"However, the actual source is the 1681 Krefeld Quaker wedding certificate, which both Hull and Niepoth use as their principal source documents in analyzing the relationships between the Krefeld emigrants; they both appear unaware that the Scheuten manuscripts exist. Grietjen signed the wedding certificate of her brother in law and his bride along
with her husband; "Grietjen Peters". <ref>Source: Greitjen PEITERS
Accessed March 3, 2017</ref>



1683 - <ref>Source: [[#B01x]] Niepoth. </ref> <BR>

=== Event ===
: Event: <BR>
:: Type: Arrival <BR>
:: Date: 1683 <BR>:: Place: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania<ref>Source: [[#S-1950044272]] <BR>
Page: <BR>
Place: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; <BR>
Year: 1683; <BR>
Page Number: . <BR>Note: Note: Data: Text: Arrival date: 1683Arrival place: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania APID: 1,7486::3334457</ref>

<ref>Source: [[#B01x]] Niepoth. </ref> <BR>

===Census Records===
Greitjen passed away before the first US census occurred in 1790. <BR>

Date: <BR>

===Death===1683 - <ref name="cite-02"> .</ref>, <ref>Source: [[#B01x]] Niepoth. </ref> <BR>

~dd November 1683 - <ref name="cite-02"/> <BR>
xxx Cemetery <BR>
city, Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania, USA <BR>
Plot: . <BR>Find A Grave Memorial# ### <ref></ref> <BR>
Billion Graves <BR>

==Sources==* Source: <span id='S-1950044272'>S-1950044272</span> Repository: [[#R-1957927527]] Title: Passenger and Immigration Lists Index, 1500s-1900s Author: Gale Research Publication: Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc, 2010.Original data - Filby, P. William, ed. Passenger and Immigration Lists Index, 1500s-1900s. Farmington Hills, MI, USA: Gale Research, 2010.Original data: Filby, P. William, ed. Passenge Note: APID: 1,7486::0
No REPO record found with id R-1957927527.* Source: <span id='S-1957927525'>S-1957927525</span> Repository: [[#R-1957927527]] Title: Ancestry Family Trees Publication: Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Original data: Family Tree files submitted by Ancestry members. Note: This information comes from 1 or more individual Ancestry Family Tree files. This source citation points you to a current version of those files. Note: The owners of these tree files may have removed or changed information since this source citation was created. Page: Ancestry Family Trees Note: Data: Text:

===Books===# [<span id='B01x'>B01x</span>] Niepoth, Wilhelm. (nd). "The Ancestry of the Thirteen Krefeld Emigrants of 1683" in Egge, Marion F. (2000) Pennsylvania German Roots Across the Ocean. Philadelphia, PA: Genealogical Society of Pennsylvania. [] [] # [<span id='B01'>B01</span>] Conrad, H. C. (1958). Thones Kunders and his children: Also a list of the descendants for six generations of his youngest son Henry Cunreds, of Whitpain, 1683-1891. Salt Lake City, Utah: Filmed by the Genealogical Society of Utah. [], [] # [<span id='B02'>B02</span>] Pennypacker, S. W. (1899). The settlement of Germantown, Pennsylvania, and the beginning of German immigration to North America. Lancaster, Pa: The Society. [] []# [<span id='B03'>B03</span>] Anonymous. (1875) The Friend, Volume 48. Harvard University. p. 67 []# [<span id='B04'>B04</span>] Herrick, C. A. (1970). White servitude in Pennsylvania: Indentured and redemption labor in colony and commonwealth. Freeport, N.Y: Books for Libraries Press. [] []# [<span id='B05'>B05</span>] National Society of the Colonial Dames of America in the state of Pennsylvania. (1907). Register of the Pennsylvania Society of the Colonial Dames of America. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: J.B. Lippincott. [][] []# [<span id='B06'>B06</span>] Pennypacker, S. W. (1875). "Abraham and Dirck op den Graeff" in Friends' review: a religious, literary and miscellaneous journal' ed. Henry Hartshorne. Volume 29", 1876. []# [<span id='B07'>B07</span>] Pennypacker, S. W. (1918). The autobiography of a Pennsylvanian. Philadelphia: John C. Winston Company. [][]

=== Note ===: Note:;db=grooks&amp;id=I646::

==Other Resources==# [<span id='OR01'>OR01</span>] ''' Dates''':''Two things to be aware of - Quakers didn't use the names of months, just the numbers (7 8m 1742 for example), and until 1752, "8m" would have been October, not August, since the year started in March (1m).''[] <BR>

See also:*

== Acknowledgements ==* WikiTree profile Peiters-1 created by [[Arnold-1235 | Larry Arnold]].
* Thank you to [[Burk-74|Les Burk]] for creating Pieters-42
* Thank you to [[Young-5884|Judy Young]] for creating] Pieters-137.Click the Changes tab for the details on contributions by Judy and others.

Thanks to '''x''' [] for Find A Grave memorial. <BR>

<references />
Author: Donna Storz 
Pieters, Margaret Greitjen (I508)
137 [[Category:Krefeld%2C_Nordrhein-Westfalen]]
== Biography =="According to Neipoth, Maria Tyson was a sister of Reiner Theisson, and thus one of the Doors children. She may have first married Jochim Huiskens as there is an entry in 1675 in the Reformed Church of Kaldenkirchen records for the baptism of "the little daughter of Jochim and Maria Doors with the witnesses Thonis Huiskens and Nys Doors. A marriage record for the couple has not been found, however.
"10. Maria Theisen, born about 1660; ?married Jochim Huiskens; married Johann Lucken of Dahlen or Wickerath about 1683; came to Germantown in 1683; died 1742, Germantown, PA."<ref>"The Descendants of Paulus and Gertrude Kusters of Kaldenkirchen, Germany and Germantown, Pennsylvania, the first four generations", Jean M. White, Editor; Publisher The Castor Association of America, 1991; page 51</ref>
Maria did marry Jan Luykens around 1683 at the time of their leaving Germany to come to Germantown. Jan was born in 1650/51, the son of Wilhelm and Adelheid Lucken, and grew up in Gladbach.
Jan bought 200 acres directly from Benjamin Furly, of Rotterdam, merchant, attorney of Jacobus van de Walle of Frankford am Main, Merchant through his attorney, Johannes Bleyckers of Crevelt, Meurs. The land was subject to a yearly ground rent of 8 rix dollars and the deed contained the clause that required John Lucken to transport himself and his family to America. The land consisted of 50 acres, Lot 6 toward Bristol; 50 acres, Lot 16 toward Schuylkill; and 100 acres, Lot 3 in Krisheim. He sold Lot Six, Frankfurt Company, to Eve Bellonge of Germantown, tailor in 1697. This is the same lot that Arnold Kusters bought in 1699 from Paul Engel.
Neessgen (Agnes) was Maria's mother. "After her marriage to Theiss Doors which probably occurred around 1633-40, they became parents of eleven children."<ref>"The Descendants of Paulus and Gertrude Kusters of Kaldenkirchen, Germany and Germantown, Pennsylvania, the first four generations", Jean M. White, Editor; Publisher The Castor Association of America, 1991; page 48</ref>

"Jan and Maria had five daughters and six sons:
1. Elizabeth Luckens, born 28, 7th month 1684; married Edward White 25, 1st month 1717 Abington MM; died before 1744.
2. Elase/Elias Luckens, born 10, 5th month 1686; married John Cunnard/Cunrad 29, 5th month 1706; died before 1744...."<ref>"The Descendants of Paulus and Gertrude Kusters of Kaldenkirchen, Germany and Germantown, Pennsylvania, the first four generations", Jean M. White, Editor; Publisher The Castor Association of America, 1991; page 65</ref>
In Germantown Jan served as constable of the town 1691-95, and as sheriff in 1694-95. Jan and Maria had five daughters and six sons:

===Surname===<span id='FN01'>FN01</span> Niepoth observes on names: <ref>[[#Niepoth|Niepoth]]: p. 88</ref>
<blockquote>'''(1)''' In large portions of the Lower Rhineland, especially in the Mennonite areas, it was customary to give to the eldest children their grandparents' first names. Thus certain first names became the principal [surnames] of these families. With the method of the principal name custom we have the possibility of determining relationships when church records and other sources are lacking, relationships which would have to remain unknown were it not for our knowledge of this custom. <BR>'''(2)''' Last names formed from first names at the end of the 17th century are not truly family names in the modern sense, but rather nothing more than the first name of the father placed second. <BR>'''(3)''' If the surname is not always important, the form and spelling of the names is even less important. </blockquote>

<blockquote>The wife of J. Lucken was Maria Theissen (Mary Tyson) who is supposed to have been a sister of [[Dohrs-3|Reynier Tyson]]. Maria calls her oldest daughter Elizabeth. Since Reynier Tyson has a daughter of the same name, who later became the wife of Wilhelm Lucken, we may surmise that the Christian (first) name comes from the Theissen family. Unfortunately, for the time being we do not know the children of Rein. Theissen, just as we do not know his parents. The elimination of the Christian names from (or of ?) her family is therefore more difficult. But we may take it for granted that the name of Theissen is not a mere family name in our modern sense; the family name of the father is nothing else than the first name of the father attached to the first name of his son. This was done very often, particularly by the Mennonites. Therefore, Reiner and Maria would be the children of a certain ''Theiss'', whose family name is unknown still. Jan Lucken and Maria Theissen have a son named Theiss. Theiss is an abbreviated form for Matthias. <ref name="Roberts"> [[#Roberts|Roberts]]: pp.163-164.</ref> </blockquote>
"Of the thirteen emigrants, six bore genuine family names, namely the three op den Graeffs, Lucken, Strepers and Kürlis." Theissen was not one of these six men which implies that the surname of '''Theissen''' is not a family name. <ref>[[#Niepoth|Niepoth]]: Page 89</ref> <BR>
A ''1681 marriage certificate'' discussed by Niepoth refers to the Krefeld wedding of [[Op_den_Graeff-17|Dirck op den Graeff]] and Nolcken Vijten. <ref name="Niepoth"> [[#Niepoth|Niepoth]]: p. 88.</ref> [[Doors-21|Lijntijen Teissen]] was a sister of Maria. The surname of Lijntijen was ''Teissen'' is a variant spelling of her father's first name '''Theis''' or Matthias, so this is not a family name. The surname was usually created by combining the father's first name and ''sen'' or ''son''. The father of Lijntijen is [[Dohrs-1|Matteis Peters (Dohrs) Doors]]. <BR>
In a ''Power of Attorney'' agreement dated 15 June 1683, Niepoth believes that '''Mercken Gastes''' is the wife of ''Jan Luicken''. <ref name="Niepoth"> [[#Niepoth|Niepoth]]: p. 91.</ref> ''Mercken'' is a variant of ''Maria''.
''Johann Lucken was married to Merken Gastes.'' <ref>[[#Niepoth|Niepoth]]: p. 92.</ref> ''Mercken'' is a variant of ''Maria''. Niepoth bases this relationship on the signatures of the two seen on the ''Power of Attorney'' agreement.
''Jan Lucken married, about the time of his embarking for America, Mary, sister to Rynier Tyson, who accompanied him to Pennsylvania.
<ref name="Jordan"> [[#Jordan|Jordan]]: Vol. 2, p.1470.</ref>
''It's also common in cases of earlier ancestors that the spelling of a name was not standardized and that the person him or herself would have used more than one. In those cases, we recommend choosing the spelling that is most recognizable to modern descendants ...'' []Since ''Theissen'' is not a family name, this Wikitree guideline suggests a preferred LNAB spelling of '''Doors''', which is a more familiar, modern variant of ''Dohrs''.[[Priest-412|Priest-412]] 20:24, 21 December 2015 (EST)

=== Birth ===
: Date: ABT 1660
: SDATE 1 JUL 1660: Place: Kaldenkirchen, , , Germany <ref>Source: [[#S199]] TMPLT FIELD Name: Page</ref>

=== Death ===
: Date: 1742
: SDATE 1 JUL 1742: Place: Germantown, Philadelphia, PA <ref>Source: [[#S199]] TMPLT FIELD Name: Page</ref>

== Sources ==# <span id='Niepoth'></span>Niepoth, Wilhelm. ''[[Space:The_Ancestry_of_the_Thirteen_Krefeld_Emigrants_of_1683|The Ancestry of the Thirteen Krefeld Emigrants of 1683]]'' <BR># <span id='Jordan'></span>Jordan, John W., ed. ''[[Space:OCLC-11953941|Colonial Families of Philadelphia]]'' (Lewis Publishing Company, 1911.) # <span id='Niepoth'></span>Niepoth, Wilhelm. ''[[Space:The_Ancestry_of_the_Thirteen_Krefeld_Emigrants_of_1683|The Ancestry of the Thirteen Krefeld Emigrants of 1683]]'' <BR># <span id="Roberts"></span>Roberts, Clarence V. ''[[Space:OCLC-3530764| Ancestry of Clarence V. Roberts & Frances A. (Walton)Roberts]]'' (Wiliam F. Fell Company, 1940.) <BR>

''Add [[sources]] here.''
* Source: <span id='S86'>S86</span> Abbreviation: Ancestry Family Trees Title: Ancestry Family Trees Publication: Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Original data: Family Tree files submitted by Ancestry members. Repository: [[#R1]] Parenthetical: Y Page: Ancestry Family Tree Quality or Certainty of Data: 3 Text:
* Repository: <span id='R1'>R1</span> Name: Address: Name:
* Source: [[#S-1492602156]] Page: 1 or more individual Ancestry Family Tree files were combined to create this source citation. Note: Information extracted from various family tree data submitted to and The Generations Network Text:
* Source <span id='S-1492602156'>S-1492602156</span> Repository: [[#R-2068617806]] Title: Public Member Trees Author: Publication: Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: The Generations Network, Inc., 2006.
* Source: [[#S498864642]] Page: Ancestry Family Trees ext:
* Source <span id='S498864642'>S498864642</span> Repository: [[#R498754515]] Title: Ancestry Family Trees Publication: Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: The Generations Network. Repository <span id='R498754515'>R498754515</span> Name: Address:

<references />

===Other Resources===[<span id='OR01'>OR01</span>] ''' Dates''':''Two things to be aware of - Quakers didn't use the names of months, just the numbers (7 8m 1742 for example), and until 1752, "8m" would have been October, not August, since the year started in March (1m). ''[]

===Family Trees===
[ Mary Tyson tree] <BR>[ Maria Gastes on] <BR>

==Acknowledgments==* WikiTree profile Doors-25 created through the import of Lupton file.ged on Jul 7, 2011 by [[Ostermyer-1 | Kim Ostermyer]]* Doors-40 was created by [[Saunders-3398 | Pat Saunders]] through the import of Ancestry_William_Saunders.ged on Oct 3, 2014. * Dohrs-2 was created by [[Phillips-9876|Brian Ward]] on 07 November 2014. * Thank you to [[Ostermyer-1 | Kim Ostermyer]] Click the Changes tab for the details on contributions by Kim, [[Phillips-9876|Brian Ward]], and others.<!-- Please edit or improve on anything you see on this page. Thank you! -->
Author: Erik Granstrom
Author: D H
Author: D H
Author: D B
Author: Pat D Saunders
Author: D H
Author: Pat D Saunders
Author: D H
Author: Edwin Priest
Author: Bob Fields
Author: John Martin 
Doors, Maria (I466)
138 [[Category:Krefeld%2C_Nordrhein-Westfalen]]
== Biography ==There are two Find-a-grave profiles for Hester Op den Graeff Van Bibber; neither of which have known burial sites. One gives her birth date as March 5, 1609 and her death date as November 19, 1643. <ref>[ Findagrave Memorial #113599817 for Hester Op den Graeff Van Bebber ], accessed 16 Nov 2015.</ref> It also mentions in a bio that a Van Bibber website gives the date of death as December 11, 1657. The second Find-a-grave memorial page gives her date of birth as January 18, 1609 and the date of death as November 19, 1643.<ref>[ Findagrave Memorial #99346936 for Hester Op den Graeff Van Bibber], accessed 16 Nov 2015.</ref>
More reliable sources are needed to determine the correct dates. For now, they must remain designated as being uncertain.

== Sources ==

<references />
<!-- Please edit, add, or delete anything in this text, including this note. Be bold and experiment! If you make a mistake you can always see the previous version of the text on the Changes page. -->

Author: Donna Storz 
op den Graeff, Hester (I514)
139 [[Category:Landowner Map of the Province of Pennsylvania, 1681 - c1705]]
[[Category:Fleet of William Penn]]
[[Category: Amity, sailed April 1682]]
[[Category: Upperside Monthly Meeting, Buckinghamshire]]
[[Category: Middletown Monthly Meeting, Langhorne, Pennsylvania]]
{{Pennsylvania Settlers}}
== Biography ==
=== Family & Children ===Children of James Paxson by his first wife (name unknown), all were born in Marsh Gibbon:<ref name=GrundyPA>Grundy, MJP. ''Paxson Family in Colonial Bucks County''. online [ rootsweb] (3/3/2015)</ref># James Paxson, baptised October 3, 1666; buried November 8, 1666<ref name=GrundyPA/>#James Paxson (second of this name), baptised 20 or 26 April 1668; buried May 27, 1673<ref name=GrundyPA/>#Henry Paxson, baptised January 15, 1669/70; presumed to have died young.<ref name=GrundyPA/>

Children of James Paxson and his second wife Jane Gurden.# Sarah Paxson, born October 23, 1671; baptized October 29 the same year in Marsh Gibbon; married(1) John Burling, married (2) James Kirkman<ref name=GrundyPA/># Henry Paxson (twin)<ref>James had another son named Henry with his first wife, who died as an infant</ref>; baptized May 25, 1673; buried two days later on May 27<ref name=GrundyPA/># William Paxson (twin); baptized May 25, 1673; buried two days later on May 27 <ref name=GrundyPA/># William Paxson (second of this name); born December 25, 1675; baptized January 27 1675/6 in Marsh Gibbon; died July 1719 in Newcastle County, Delaware; married Abigail Pownall February 20, 1695/6<ref name=GrundyPA/># Henry Paxson (second of this name); baptized April (22 or 27), 1678; buried February 7, 1681/2 in St. Mary's graveyard, Marsh Gibbon<ref name=GrundyPA/># Henry Paxson (third of this name); Born September 20, 1683 in Middletown, Bucks County, Pennsylvania; died 1756; married(1) Ann Plumley, April 1707; married (2) Mary (Budd) Shinn, February 7, 1739/40<ref name=GrundyPA/># James Paxson<ref>Two half brothers name James (by James with his first wife) died as infants in England</ref>; born April 10, 1687; died July(?) 16, 1687 in Middletown Pennsylvania<ref name=GrundyPA/>

=== Emigration from England to Pennsylvania ===
James arrived in Pennsylvania in 1682 aboard ''[[:Category: Amity, sailed April 1682 |Amity]]'' with his brother William. They carried with them certificates of removal from [[:Category: Upperside Monthly Meeting, Buckinghamshire | Upperside Monthly Meeting]]. Jame's certificate read as follows:
<blockquote>"Whereas James Paxson of the parrish [sic] of Marsh Gibbon in the County of Bucks, Labourer, hath signified unto us that he hath an intention (If the Lord permit) to transport himself, his wife and children unto the Province of Pennsylvania in America and hath desired a testimonial from the meeting for the satisfaction of friends here or elsewhere, unto whom he may be outwardly unknown, we therefore whose names are underwritten here do certify all whom it may concern that upon diligent observation and inquiry made we do not find but that the said James Paxson hath walked conscientiously and honestly in the place where he lives agreeably to the profession and testimony of truth.
<br>In witness whereof we have hereunto set our hands at our monthly meeting holden at Coleshill for the upper side of the county of Bucks the 3rd day of the 2nd month [April] 1682."<ref>MJP Grundy, ''Paxson Family in Colonial Bucks County'' (2002), online [ rootsweb] (3/3/2015)<br>cites as source "The Minute Book of the Monthly Meeting of the Society of Friends for the Upperside of Buckinghamshire, 1669-1690," Records Branch of the Buckinghamshire Archeological Society, 1:102-l03.</ref></blockquote>
''No more info is currently available. Can you add to this biography?''

== Confused with Lancester County Paxton Family ==This Paxson family is often confused with the Paxtons of Lancaster County. Those Paxtons were three brothers (Samuel, Thomas and William) who arrived from Ballymoney, County Antrim, Ireland about 1735 and settled in Marsh Creek, Lancaster (now Adams?) Pennsylvania. They are said to be sons of the [[Paxton-367 |James Paxton]] who died about 1720 in Ballymoney.
For more on the Lancaster County Paxtons see the book by W.M. Paxton, ''The Paxtons'', Landmark Print, Platte City Missouri (1903) [ OL7151712M]; [ Internet Archive]
This Paxson family arrived in America from Marsh Gibbon, Buckinghamshire, England in 1682 and settled in Middleton, Bucks County, Pennsylvania.
I do not know if there is a connection between these two families. [[Powell-5629|Powell-5629]] 22:25, 4 March 2015 (EST)

== Sources ==
See also:* Jesse Bryan. Paxon ancestry: an adjunct to the Moorman-Johnson family (1906), [ Google eBooks]
*Rusha Wesley, ''Our Quaker Ancestry'' (1945)
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== Acknowledgments ==* Thank you [[Powell-5629 | Andrea Powell]] for contributions to this profile.* [[Thomas-10063 | Michael Thomas]], import of Thomas family tree.ged on Aug 27, 2013.
* import of kerr2012.ged on Nov 4, 2012 by [[Kerr-1233 | Bob Kerr]]
Author: Kenneth Kinman
Author: Andrea Powell
Author: Andrea Powell
Author: Andrea Powell 
Paxson, James (I730)
140 [[Category:Landowner Map of the Province of Pennsylvania, 1681 - c1705]]
[[Category:Samuel, sailed May 1682]]
[[Category: Middletown Monthly Meeting, Langhorne, Pennsylvania]]
[[Category: Biddlesden Monthly Meeting, Buckinghamshire]]
[[Category:Fleet of William Penn]]
{{Pennsylvania Settlers}}

== Biography ==Henry Paxson (or Paxton) was baptized at St. Mary's Church in Marsh Gibbon on January 11, 1646/7. He was the son of James & Jane (Clerk) Paxton.<ref name=Grundy>Grundy, MJP. ''Paxson Family in Colonial Bucks County''. online [ rootsweb] (3/3/2015)</ref>
Henry was a Quaker, and in October of 1681 Biddlesden Monthly Meeting made him a trustee for the Meeting property. While still in England he purchased 500 acres of land in Pennsylvania from William Penn. Four of the Paxson brothers and their families emigrated from England to Pennsylvania: William & James on ''[[:Category: Amity, sailed April 1682 |Amity]]'' and Henry & Thomas aboard ''[[:Category:Samuel, sailed May 1682 |Samuel]]''. When smallpox broke out on ''Samuel'', Henry's wife and sons John & Henry, along with his brother Thomas, died enroute.<ref name=Grundy/>
His second marriage to widow Marjorie (Page) Plumley on August 13, 1684 was the first marriage recorded by the Middletown Monthly Meeting. Henry & Marjorie had no children together.<ref name=Grundy/>

=== Children of Henry Paxson ===Henry had three children by his first wife (name unknown), all were born in England:
# John Paxon, died at sea July 1682<ref name=Grundy/># [[Paxson-33 |Henry Paxon]], died at sea 30 July 1682<ref name=Grundy/># Elizabeth Paxson, born about September 5, 1675; died December 1700 in Pennsylvania; married Richard Burgess in 1691 (no children)<ref name=Grundy/>

== confused with nephew ==This Henry's brother James had a son also named Henry. After 1704 when Henry's nephew became of age, both Henrys appeared in the public records and are often confused.
''No more info is currently available. Can you add to this biography?''

== Sources ==

<references />

See also:

* ''Add [[sources]] here.''

== Acknowledgments ==Thank you [[Powell-5629 |Andrea Powell]] for contributing to this profile.
* [[Bradley-3871 | John Bradley]], Thursday, July 10, 2014
* import of kerr2012.ged on Nov 4, 2012 by [[Kerr-1233 | Bob Kerr]]
Author: Andrea Powell 
Paxson, Henry (I746)
141 [[Category:Loyalists, New York, American Revolution]]
[[Category:Nova Scotia United Empire Loyalists]]
[[Category:Queen's Rangers, American Revolution]]
== Biography ==
*Stephen Dodge born about 1748, in Oyster Bay, Long Island, Queens County, New York.
*He was the son of [[Dodge-1921|Tristram Dodge III]]. *Stephen emigrated Oct, 1783, with wife and six children, to Nova Scotia .
*Recorded as a worthy Loyalist.* He passed away on June 06, 1808 in Wilmot, Annapolis County, Nova Scotia.
All authorities seem to agree that Stephen Dodge, son of Tristram III and Sarah Hawshurst Dodge, emigrated Oct, 1783, with wife and five children, to Nova Scotia and settled there pursuant to conditions of treaty of peace. Judge Savary,[sic: W.A. Calnek, author] in his History of Annapolis County, Nova Scotia, calls him a "worthy Loyalist.," and says that he settled first at Granville but afterwards in Wilmot, where he obtained a grant to the rear of the river grants, north of Middleton West. In a list or "muster roll" of discharged officers and disbanded soldiers and Loyalists taken in the County of Annapolis in June, 1784, the name of Stephen Dodge appears, "1 man, 1 woman, 3 children over 10, 3 children under 10, eight in all."
In the book Loyalists in the Southern Campaign of the Revolutionary War, Volume II by Murtie June Clark, published 1981 is the following information:
Page 568: Muster Roll of the Light Infantry Company, Captain James Murray, Queen's Rangers, J. Graves Simcoe, Esq., Lieut Colonel Cammandant, from 25 August to 24 October 1779
Nr-36, Rank-Private, Name-Dodge, Stephen, Remarks-in Rgtl Hosp
Attest: Francis Stephenson, Captain
Page 569: Muster Roll of Captain Francis Stephenson's Light Infantry Company, Queen's Rangers, from 25 October 1779 to 24 December 1779
Nr-21, Rank-Private, Name-Dodge, Stephen
Attest: Francis Stephenson, Captain

PAC, RG8I "C" Series, Vol 1862
Muster Roll of Captain Francis STEPHENSON's Light Infantry Company Queen's Rangers ,Commanded by J .Graves SIMCOE, Lieut. Coll. Commandant From the 25th December 1779 to the 23rd February 1780 inclusiveStephen Dodge is not listed on this muster roll. This is the next muster roll that was taken of Stephensons Queens Rangers.
2. 1784 Loyalists muster roll - Annapolis County, Nova Scotia ,Canada2.

Page 7 of 9Stephen Dodge -1 Man, 1 Woman, 3 children; under 10, 3 children over 10; Loyalist settled in Granville
Note - The names after Stephen Dodge's name is "Lt. Thomas Walker, Disbanded Officer New York Volunteers, settled at Annapolis". The only other Dodge I have found on muster rolls can be seen on the 29 November 1779 muster roll of NY Volunteers, Kanes Coy. "Ensign Thomas WALKER" is the 3rd name on the list. The 55th name on the list is "Private William Dodge, Carpenter at New York".

The Commissioners of Sequestrations of New York reported, July, 1781, that the property of Stephen Dodge had been sold. Page 270: ( Supplement): The Commissioners of Forfeitures of New York listed the estate of Stephen Dodge among those forfeited. These commisssioners sold the real estate of Tories or others who had either gone over to the enemy or were suspected of not being friendly to the American cause. They did not begin work until late in the war, and were more systematic in their accounts than the Committee of Sequestration, who dealt for the most part with personal property. Samuel Dodge was a commissioner for the counties of Dutchess, Orange, and Ulster, and as such he probably sold the estate of his kinsman, Stephen Dodge. The comptroller of the state of New York writes as follows concerning the confiscation of the estate of Stephen Dodge:
"The name of Stephen Dodge mentioned in New York in the Revolution (Supplement) among those whose estates were forfeited and confiscated, appears on the original documents as follows:
"List of farms and houses sold by the commissioners of Sequestration in Dutchess County state that the house and small lot of Stephen Dodge of Charlotte was sold to Gilbert Worden May, 1779, and that in March, 1780, he paid eight pounds.
"Alphabetical list of forfeited estates contains the name of Stephen Dodge. Name also appears on a list of forfeitures. No additional information.
"On a statement of Sales of forfeited estates sold by the Commissioners of Forfeitures in the Middle District there appears the name of Stephen Dodge, opposite which is set the amount, one hundred and thirty pounds. "A claim of Joseph Mabbett appears for thirty-four pounds fourteen shillings and seven pence against the forfeited estate of Stephen Dodge, and states the indebtedness was incurred previous to forfeiting the estate."

Blanche Chadeayne Dodge
Wife of Stephen Dodge the Loyalist In 1771, Stephen Dodge of Oyster Bay, Queens County, New York married his wife Blanche.Blanche’s maiden name was Shaddon according to an 1886 Dodge genealogy.Her maiden name was Shadwin according to a 1904 Dodge genealogy.
by Rebecca Walch, May 2006
“Stephen Dodge … was born at Oyster Bay, Long Island, N.Y., 1748, came with his wife Blanche Shadwin and several children, a worthy Loyalist of 1783, and settled first in Granville, but afterwards in Wilmot where he obtained a grant to the rear of the river grants, north of Middleton West. He died 1808. (Calnek, p. 502)
”Chute mentions Stephen Dodge only once in his 1895 book A Genealogy and History of the Chute Family in America.On page 21, Chute wrote, “Luther … m., 2nd, Nov. 6, 1851, Emily Dodge (Samuel, Stephen, Tristram, etc.) …”

== Sources ==
<references />Dodge, Stephen []
Find A Grave, database and images ( : accessed 31 December 2018), memorial page for Stephen "the Loyalist" Dodge (1748–6 Jun 1808), Find A Grave Memorial no. 144525131, ; Maintained by Lenny Dodge (contributor 47281999) Non-Cemetery Burial.
Calnek, W. A. Ed by A. W. Savary History of the county of Annapolis: including old Port Royal and Acadia, Toronto: W. Briggs, 1897.© 1999 Global Heritage Press, p. 502 PDF
"Pedigree Resource File," database, FamilySearch ( : accessed 31 December 2018), entry for Stephen "the Loyalist" /Dodge/, cites sources; "Dodge Family Tree" file (2:2:2:MMDD-DV1), submitted 26 December 2014 by KAZLindstrom [identity withheld for privacy].

See also:
Dodge Family of New Shoreham, Rhode Island, A Genealogy of the descendents of Tristram Dodge, Volume 1, Pages 38 and 39 The Dodge Family Asociation : ISBN number 0-9753026-5-5

History of the Queen’s Rangers, Pages 148 to 151 Open Library :
New York in the Revolution as colony and state : a compilation of documents and records from the Office of the State comptroller (1904), Page 270 Open Library : Call number: AMM-5186
New Englanders in Nova Scotia Manuscript, Page 465 New England Historical Genealogical Society :
Blanche Shadden/Shadwin CHADEAYNE---marr. Stephen Dodge, Loyalist of NY, in 1771, Blanche Shadden/Shadwin CHADEAYNE---marr. Stephen Dodge, Loyalist of NY, in 1771 
Dodge, Stephen (I320)
142 [[Category:Maiden's Choice Land Grant]]

No birth record for John Gorsuch has been found. He was deceased by 1733 when his brother, Thomas Gorsuch, took over the administration of the estate of their brother, Robert Gorsuch. He was definitely married to a woman named Elizabeth, and may have had one son named Charles who was born about 1720 and died in 1806.<ref>Barnes, Robert W. Baltimore County Families, 1659-1759. Baltimore, Maryland: Clearfield, 1989. </ref>
John Gorsuch, carpenter, the oldest son of Charles Gorsuch and his wife Sarah Cole, apparently born between 1678 and 1679, jointly with his brother Thomas Gorsuch, planter, received the tract Maiden’s Choice, 450 acres, under the will of David Jones 1687. Jones was the second husband of their aunt Anna Gorsuch. They sold it in 1708-9. <ref name="jhp"/>

===1687 Maiden Choice Inheritance===
Background of Maiden Choice: In a Deed, December 8, 1679, Charles Gorsuch of Talbot County and his wife Sarah convey to his brother in law David Jones the three Baltimore County tracts, Cole’s Harbour, 550 acres, upon which Baltimore Town was later laid out; Maiden’s Choice, 450 acres, at the head of the Middle Branch of the Patapsco, and Marybourne, on Jones Falls in what is now North Baltimore, 200 acres, the deed reading, his wife Sarah “being heiress to said land, as ye last will and testament of Thomas Cole will make appear. “And again, in a confirmatiory deed to these same tracs executed by Sarah, with Charles Gorscuh, alone, August 1, 1682, she is described as “the only and sole heir of Thomas Cole, late of Patapsco River, Baltimore County, deceased. The Annapolis patent records show that Thomas Cole in 1649 transported himself and wife Priscilla into the Province and settled in Anne Arundel County on the Severn, but later patented Maiden’s Choice and Cole’s Harbour in Baltimore County.” <ref name="jhp"> J. H. P, Baltimore, MD. The Gorsuch and Lovelace Families. Pages 207-222 and 325-332. Virginia Magazine of History and Biography, Published Quarterly by the Virginia Historical Society, Richmond, Virginia. Volume XXVI for the year ending December 31, 1918. Richmond, Virginia: House of the Society.'s%20Choice%22&f=false.. Accessed January 1, 2017 </ref>

===Gorsuches Venture===
In a land deed dated 25 MAR 1749 John Gorsuch, the son and heir of Charles Gorsuch late of Baltimore County deceased, transferred a tract of land called Gorsuches Venture located in the Patapsco River Valley and surveyed by Charles Gorsuch on 20 FEB 1723 for 150 acres to a partnership of some of the wealthiest men in Maryland operating as the Baltimore Company. The deed states that Charles Gorsuch, father to John Gorsuch, by an obligation in writing signed with his own hand on 30 NOV 1744 held himself to be bound to the said Charles Carroll & Company in the sum of 80 pounds sterling on condition that Charles Gorsuch or his heirs make over unto Charles Carroll & Co. one tract of land called Gorsuches Venture in consideration that Charles Carroll & Co. should discharge Charles Gorsuch & his heirs from the payment of 8,000 pounds of tobacco which became due. John Gorsuch as eldest son of Charles Gorsuch, in order to comply with the condition of his father’s bond, released title to the land to the five partners: Charles Carroll, Daniel Dulany, Dr. Charles Carroll, Benjamin Tasker Jr., and Charles Carroll son & heir of Daniel Carroll of Dudington Manor deceased as tenants in common. The Baltimore Company owned over 28,000 acres of land in the Patapsco River Valley and operated several iron forges in the area. <ref>Baltimore County Land Records Liber TR C folio 170</ref>


Gorsuch, John (I44)
143 [[Category:Maryland_Founders_and_Settlers]]

{{Migrating Ancestor
| origin = England
| destination = Colony of Virginia
| origin-flag = Flags-3.jpg
| destination-flag = Flags_of_Colonial_America-7.png

== Biography ==

===1637 Birth===
Richard Gorsuch was born Apr. 19, 1637 in Bethersden, Kent, England. He was the son of Reverend John Gorsuch D.D. (1600-1647) and Anne Lovelace Goursuch (1610-1652). <ref name="grave"> Find A Grave Memorial# 111857317, created by Stella, Jun 06, 2013</ref> <ref name="cite-01">[[#B-01|Dorman]] vol. 2, p. 472 </ref>
England & Wales Christening Records, 1530-1906 about Richard Gorsuch Name: Richard Gorsuch Gender: Male Christening Date: 20 Apr 1637 Christening Place: Walkern, Hertfordshire, England Father's Name: John Gorsuch Mother's Name: Anne. <ref name="grave"/>

Parents:<ref name="grave"/>
John Gorsuch (1600 - 1648)
Anne Lovelace Gorsuch (1610 - 1652)

===1652 Immigration to Virginia===
[[Gorsuch-25|Richard Gorsuch]] bpt Apr 19, 1637, to Virginia <ref name="VMHB27.34">Pleasants, J. Hall, [ "The Gorsuch and Lovelace Families (Concluded)"] ''The Virginia Magazine of History and Biography,'' Vol. 27, No. 3/4 (Jul. - Oct., 1919), pp. 379-392, Virginia Historical Society, accessed April 19, 2015</ref>

Passenger and Immigration Lists Index, 1500s-1900s
about Richard Gorsuch - Name: Richard Gorsuch - Year:
1652 - Place: Virginia -Source Publication Code: 6220 -
Primary Immigrant: Gorsuch, Richard - Annotation:Record of 20,000 very early immigrants, with much relevant information. Taken from Patent Books 1 through 5. Title page states, "In 5 volumes," but up to 1979 only three had appeared. See nos. 6221 and 6223 for second and third volumes, published in 1977 - Source Bibliography: NUGENT, NELL MARION. Cavaliers and Pioneers: Abstracts of Virginia Land Patents and Grants, 1623-1666. Vol. 1. Richmond [VA]: Dietz Printing Co., 1934. 767p. Reprinted by Genealogical Publishing Co., Baltimore, 1983. Page: 275 <ref name="grave"/>
Richard, with Thomas Powell, he entered rights for three hundred acres in Baltimore County, maryland, July 16,1659: Later removed to Talbot County, Maryland; married Elizabeth, Surname not known. <ref>Musser and allied families : a genealogical study with biographical notes [database on-line]. Provo, UT: Operations Inc, 2005.Original data: Musser and allied families : a genealogical study with biographical notes. New York: The Company, 1941</ref> []

===1657 Katherine Guardian of Younger Brothers Richard, Robert and Charles===
After the death of her parents, Katharine was made guardian of her three younger brothers:
<blockquote>April 1st, 1657, At this Court personally appearing Richard, Robert & Charles Gorsuch, sonnes & Coheirs of John Gorsuch, professor of Divinity, dec'd, did by their petition presented to this Court noiate (?) that their sister Katheryn Whitby, widd. their guardian for such estate as doth any ways belong to them in Englande. The Court taking the question into consideration did accordingly admitt & approve of the s'd Katheryn guardian according to the request of petitioners. At this Court personally appearing Richard, Robert & Charles Gorsuch sonnes & Coheirs of John Gorsuch, professor in Divinity, dec'd, did by their petition presented to this court noiate (?) that Francis Morrison Esqr their guardian for such estate as doth any ways belong to them in Virginia, craving this court to admit thereof, of such request this Court taking consideration did admitt & approve of the s'd Coll. Francis Morrison according to the request of the petitioners. (Lancaster County Records Vol. 1656-LXVI p. 7)<ref name="VMHB24.1">J. H. P., [ "The Gorsuch and Lovelace Families"] ''The Virginia Magazine of History and Biography,'' Vol. 24, No. 1 (Jan., 1916), pp. 81-93, Virginia Historical Society, accessed February 16, 2015</ref></blockquote>

===1659 Move to Baltimore County, Maryland with Gorsuch Family===
1659 July 16. Thomas Powell granted 700 acres, Howell Powell granted 300 acres on north shore of Patapsco River in Baltimore County, MD. Grants in same vicinity the same date were made to other residents (or former residents) of Lancaster County, VA: Robert Gorsuch, Richard Gorsuch, William Dickinson, and others. <ref name="strong"> Robert T. Strong< > Manager, Strong Mail List, Thomas POWELLs of Old Rappahannock Co., VA & Lancaster Co., VA; 08 Apr 1997. Accessed February 9, 2016 </ref>
1661 May 13. Thomas Powell and Richard Gorsuch claimed headrights for transporting 12 persons to Maryland, including Howell Powell, Elizabeth Powell, Ann Powell, Thomas Powell, Ann Powell, Richard Gorsuch, Elizabeth Gorsuch, <b>Lovelace Gorsuch</b>. <ref name="strong"/>

The Powells and Gorsuch's moving to Maryland in 1661 are therefore:

*Thomas Powell*[[Gorsuch-25|Richard Gorsuch]]. (1637-1694), age 24, son of Anne Lovelace Gorsuch (1611-1652). Richard, joined the Society of Friends, and were with the group of Quakers driven out of Lancaster County, Virginia by Gov. Berkeley in 1660. <ref name="VMHB24.1">J. H. P., [ "The Gorsuch and Lovelace Families"] ''The Virginia Magazine of History and Biography,'' Vol. 24, No. 1 (Jan., 1916), pp. 81-93, Virginia Historical Society, accessed July 19, 2015</ref> Three years later, in 1665, married Elizabeth Rowe and had children.
*Howell Powell
*Elizabeth Powell, wife of Howell
*Ann Powell, wife of Thomas Powell
*Thomas Powell
*Ann Powell, eldest daughter of Thomas
*Richard Gorsuch
*Elizabeth Gorsuch*[[Gorsuch-168|Lovelace Gorsuch]] (1644-1702), age 17, son of Anne Lovelace Gorsuch (1611-1652). Lovelace joined the Society of Friends, and were with the group of Quakers driven out of Lancaster County, Virginia by Gov. Berkeley in 1660.<ref name="VMHB24.1"/> Married in 1696 at age 52 in Third Haven Quaker Meeting, Talbot Co, MD, had daughter Sarah.

===1662 Named in Will of Grandmother Alice===
Richard Gorsuch was named in the July 7, 1662 will of his grandmother [[Hall-347|Alice (Hall) Gorsuch]], of Weston, Co. Hertford, spinster, widow of Daniel Gorsuch, proved February 3, 1662-3 in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury, to receive a bequest of £10. <ref name="jhp"> The Gorsuch and Lovelace Families, by J. H. P., Baltimore, Md. Virginia Historical Magazine, pp. 85-86. Accessed Feb 10, 2016 </ref>

===1664 Marriage to Elizabeth Rowe===
Richard married Elizabeth Rowe (1639-1719) in Talbot, MD on Nov. 12, 1664. Elizabeth was the daughter of Edward Roe (1622-1676) and Mary Cunningham Roe (1623-1676).<ref name="grave"/><ref name="cite-02"/>, <BR>

===1694 Death and Burial in Talbot County, Maryland===
Richard Gorsuch died in 1694 in Talbot County, Maryland. <ref name="grave"/><ref name="cite-02"> [[#B-02|Faris]] p. 172. </ref>

Richard died in 1694 in Talbot County, Maryland. He was 57 years old.
He was buried in 1694 in Talbot County, Maryland. - <ref name="cite-02"/>

Richard and Elizabeth Roe Gorsuch were the parents of the following known children: <ref name="grave"/>
#Ann Rachel Gorsuch Phelps (1666 - 1711)*
#Richard and
#Charles Gorsuch.



See also:
# <span id='B-01'>B-01</span> Dorman, John Frederick. (2004). Adventurers of purse and person, Virginia, 1607-1624/5. Baltimore: Genealogical Pub. Co. [] <BR>
# <span id='B-02'>B-02</span> Faris, David, (2nd ed., 1999) Plantagenet Ancestry of Seventeenth-century Colonists: the Descent from the Later Plantagenet Kings of England, Henry III, Edward I, Edward II, and Edward III, of Emigrants from England and Wales to the North American Colonies Before 1701. Boston: New England Historic Genealogical Society, 1999 []. <BR>
*A nicely sourced family tree for Richard is at [] <BR>
* Source: <span id='S-781676472'>S-781676472</span> Repository: [[#R-1197866539]] Title: Ancestry Family Trees Publication: Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Original data: Family Tree files submitted by Ancestry members. Page: Ancestry Family Tree Data: Text: * Repository: <span id='R-1197866539'>R-1197866539</span> Name:
Author: Kern Brogan
Author: Kern Brogan
Author: Amanda Pitts 
Gorsuch, Richard (I52)
144 [[Category:Middletown Monthly Meeting, Langhorne, Pennsylvania]]
[[Category:Fleet of William Penn]]
[[Category: Lamb, sailed July 1682]]
[[Category: Settle Monthly Meeting, Yorkshire]]
{{Pennsylvania Settlers}}
[[Category: Philadelphia Monthly Meeting, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania]]
== Biography ==
{{Quakers Sticker}}

Robert was born in 1671. He is the son of [[Heaton-542|Robert Heaton]] and [[Rycroft-13|Alice Rycroft]]. <ref>SHEPPARD, WALTER LEE, JR., compiler and editor. Passengers and Ships prior to 1684. (Publications of the Welcome Society of Pennsylvania, 1.) Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Co., 1970. 245p. Reprinted by Heritage Books, Bowie, MD, 1985. pg 53</ref> His birth was recorded by the Settle Monthly Meeting<ref> England & Wales, Quaker Birth, Marriage, and Death Registers, 1578-1837 {{Ancestry Record|7097|144022}}</ref>Robert arrived with his parents and siblings to Pennsylvania in 1682.<ref>Place: Pennsylvania; Year: 1682; Page Number: 53; U.S. and Canada, Passenger and Immigration Lists Index, 1500s-1900s {{Ancestry Record|7486|3065403}}</ref>
On 8 May 1700 Robert married Grace Pearson, [[Pearson-2932]] the daughter of Thomas Pearson at the Middletown Monthly Meeting<ref>Swarthmore College; Swarthmore, Pennsylvania; Marriages, 1700-1779; Collection: Quaker Meeting Records; Call Number: MR Ph 301; U.S., Quaker Meeting Records, 1681-1935 {{Ancestry Record|2189|5676384}}</ref>The children of Robert Heaton and Grace were: <ref>Swarthmore College; Swarthmore, Pennsylvania; Minutes, 1664-1807; Collection: Philadelphia Yearly Meeting Minutes; Call Number: MR-Ph 305; U.S., Quaker Meeting Records, 1681-1935 {{Ancestry Record|2189|99997218}}</ref>
* Sarah b. 1701
* Elizabeth b. 1705
* Alice b. 1708The birth of his daughter Grace was not recorded by the Middletown Meeting at the time it recorded the births of her sisters. The birth of 1703 was recorded by the Middletown MM when it recorded her death in a memorial.
Robert's wife Grace died in 1719 and on 3 Nov 1720 Robert married Susanna Carter [[Griffith-587]] the marriage being recorded as orderly by the Middletown Monthly Meeting.<ref>Swarthmore College; Swarthmore, Pennsylvania; Minutes, 1683-1892; Collection: Quaker Meeting Records; Call Number: MR Ph 309; U.S., Quaker Meeting Records, 1681-1935 {{Ancestry Record|2189|6197261}}</ref>On Apr 1721 Robert was accused of having a child "with his then wife" 6 months after their marriage, the child being full term. Robert would admit no wrongdoing and was disowned by the Middletown MM.<ref>Swarthmore College; Swarthmore, Pennsylvania; Minutes, 1698-1824; Collection: Quaker Meeting Records; Call Number: RG2/Ph/M5 7.1; U.S., Quaker Meeting Records, 1681-1935 {{Ancestry Record|2189|162958}}</ref><ref>Swarthmore College; Swarthmore, Pennsylvania; Minutes, 1664-1807; Collection: Philadelphia Yearly Meeting Minutes; Call Number: MR-Ph 305; U.S., Quaker Meeting Records, 1681-1935 {{Ancestry Record|2189|99997431}}</ref> No further records were found for Robert after this time.
Robert died in 1743, his will being proved 23 Jul 1743. His will named his wife Susannah, and children Sarah Walker, Grace Croasdale, Elizabeth Noble, Alice Plumly, Anna Heaton and Robert Heaton<ref>Abstracts of Wills, 1685-1825; Probate Place: Bucks, Pennsylvania; Pennsylvania, Wills and Probate Records, 1683-1993 {{Ancestry Record|8802|16439}}</ref>
Robert Heaton and Grace Pearson were married "2,26,1700"<ref>Pennsylvania Archives. J. Severns & Company (1800).[ Google Books]<br>I don't know if this is old style (April) or new style (Feb) -AP)</ref>. Their marriage was authorized by the Philadelphia Monthly Meeting (Quakers).

''This profile is a collaborative work-in-progress. Can you contribute information or sources?'' <!-- This comment, and everything else, can be edited or removed. -->

== Sources ==
<references />
Author: Jean Adams
Author: Jean Adams
Author: A Hayes
Author: Beverly Swann
Author: Jean Adams
Author: Rakelle Teschner
Author: Robert Comfort
Author: Diane Stark 
Heaton, Robert (I704)
145 [[Category:Monmouth County, New Jersey]]
[[Category:Boston, Massachusetts Bay Colony]]

== Biography ==
William Critchfield was born on 13 October 1686 in Boston, Massachusetts Bay Colony, the son of [[Critchfield-50|William]] and [[Critchfield-14|Susannah Critchfield]].<ref>[ ''A report of the Record Commissioners containing Boston births, baptisms, marriages and deaths, 1630-1699,'' (Boston, Mass. : Rockwell and Churchill, 1883), p. 168].
:"William of William & Susanna Critchfield born Oct. 13 [1686]."</ref>
William Critchfield is mentioned in Johannis Opdyck's will from 12 February 1728/9 <ref> [ ''The Op Dyck genealogy, containing the Opdyck--Opdycke--Updyke--Updike American descendents of the Wesel and Holland families''Author Opdyke, Charles Wilson, b. 1838,Opdycke, Leonard Eckstein, 1858-1914 Collections</ref>
He died on 5 May 1773 in Monmouth County, New Jersey, in 1776.<ref>Find A Grave, database and images ( : accessed 05 October 2019), memorial page for William Critchfield (13 Oct 1686–5 May 1773), {{FindAGrave|129874955}}; Maintained by Gary Workman (contributor 47264126) Unknown. (NO gravestone photo or sources given.)</ref>

== Sources ==
<references />

See also:
* Massachusetts, Town and Vital Records, 1620-1988
*[ doddridge County Roots]
*[ geneanet William Critchfield]

==Acknowledgements==* WikiTree profile Critchfield-16 created through the import of Rhodes 2011_2011-07-09_01_01.ged on Jul 9, 2011 by [[Rhodes-899 | Tom Rhodes]]. * * This person was created through the import of Jenkins Family File w:sources 9.ged on 04 October 2010.
Author: Janice Tomaschefsky
Author: Bea Wijma
Author: Janice Tomaschefsky
Author: Janice Tomaschefsky
Author: Janice Tomaschefsky
Author: Janice Tomaschefsky
Author: Janice Tomaschefsky 
Critchfield, William (I624)
146 [[Category:Nederlanders uit Zuid-Holland voor 1700]]]]{{New Netherland Settler|needs=LNAB}}
== Biography ==

'''Annetje Pieterse Praa'''

Background:Annetje Praa's father, Pieter Praa or Prat (or Pierre Prat,) a Huguenot from Dieppe in France, as per Brn (Brooklyn) church reccords; emigrated in 1659 with wife and family, residing at first in N. A. and afterwards settling in Buk (''Bushwick--Brooklyn''). He married Catharine, dau of Abraham Lothie, who after his death m. June 10, 1663, Joost Casparse Springsteen. Pieter Praa d. Mar. 6, 1663, at Cripplebush, Brn (''Brooklyn''). See p. 322 of Vol. 2 of Stiles's Brn. Aug. 26, 1659, Derick Janse agreed to convey to "Pierre Prat" for 300 gl. a bouwery with house and barn at Gowanus (''Brooklyn'') , between the lands of Teunis Nyssen (Denyse) and Jan Pietersen Staats, as per p. 6 of Lib. B of Flh rec. No evidence of this agreement being consummated. Issue:- Peter Junr; Adam, bp. Feb. 6, 1660, in Brn (''Brooklyn''), d. Feb. 8, 1660; Abraham, bp. Mar. 5, 1662, in Brn (''Brooklyn''); and Annatie, who m. Jan Jansen. Signed his name "Pierre Prat."<ref>Register in alphabetical order, of the early settlers of Kings County, Long Island, N.Y. </ref>

=== Notes relating to Annetje ===
:Anne|Annetje Praa|Prat|Para (b. ca. 1647 at Leiden, Zuid Holland), d. 1708, Kings County, New York). :Anne Prat was baptized: February 04, 1651/52, Leiden, Zuid-Holland- Walloon Church. :She was baptised as Anne, daughter of Pierre Prat and Marie Phillippe. She came to America with her father and step-mother in the ship "Moesman" in April 1659. :Annetje as Annetje Pieters, or as Annetje Pra appears in the records of the Dutch churces at Brooklyn and Flatbush at her marriage; at the baptisms of her children; as baptismal sponsor on various occasions; and as "the mother of the bride" when her daughter was married. That she was closely allied with Pieter Praa, identified as her half-brother, is evidenced by the fact that both, she and he, acted as god-parent for a child of the other. Two of her children by her first marriage were co-sponsors for a child of brother, Pieter Praa. :It is considered possible that from the time of her immigation until her first marriage, that she lived on the Cripplebush farm, first with her father and then with her step-father. During both of her marriages, or at least until 1692, she continued to live in the town of Brooklyn. :Pieter Praa's daughter Annetje, as a widow married June 11, 1682 a son of Jan Pietersen Staats. :Annetje is not found of record after the baptism of her eleventh child, Oct. 30,1692, when she would have been about 40 years of age. She may have moved from Brooklyn to Somerset Co., N.J., where her daughter's in-laws, a Woertman family of Brooklyn, had become established before about 1700. This is also where her son, Andries Andriesen had six children baptised between 1703 and 1716.

=== Name ===
: Name: Annetje Pieters /PRAA (PRAT)/ Surname: PRAA (PRAT)
:Given Name: Annetje Pieters
: Name: Annetie Pieterse Praa
: Name: Anne Annetje Prat: Name: Annetje Pieterse /Praa/<ref>Source: [[#S-1766643515]] Note: Note: Data: Text: Death date: 1698 Death place: Brooklyn, Kings, NY, USA APID: 1,5771::2096210</ref><ref>Source: [[#S-1766646199]] Page: Place: Maryland; Year: 1670; Page Number: . Note: Note: Data: Text: Arrival date: 1670 Arrival place: Maryland APID: 1,7486::1429181</ref><ref>Source: [[#S-1766573297]] Note: Note: Data: Text: Marriage date: 1667 Marriage place: Brooklyn, Kings Co, NY APID: 1,5774::1946561</ref><ref>Source: [[#S-1766647449]] Note: Note: Data: Text: Birth date: 4 February 1652 Birth place: Leiden, S Holland, Netherlands APID: 1,5769::3593110</ref><ref>Source: [[#S-1766647449]] Note: Note: Data: Text: Birth date: 1647 Birth place: Leiden, Shpn, Netherlands APID: 1,5769::3593109</ref><ref>Source: [[#S-1766655151]] Page: Source number: ; Source type: ; Number of Pages: ; Submitter Code: . Note: Note: APID: 1,7836::975749</ref>

=== Birth ===There are a lot of conflicting sources relating to the birth of Anne Prat aka Annetje Praa. Many use the baptism date. These conflicts are listed below:
: 1647: Annetje Para (daughter of Pieter Para|Praa and Marie Philippe)<ref> OneWorldTreeSM, One World Tree (sm) [database online]. Provo, UT:, Inc.</ref> <ref>American Genealogical-Biographical Index (AGBI), Godfrey Memorial Library, comp. American Genealogical-Biographical Index. [database online] Provo, UT:, 1999-. Original data: Godfrey Memorial Library. American Genealogical-Biographical Index. Middletown, CT: Godfrey Memorial Library, 1952</ref>-. was born 1647 in The Netherlands<ref>U.S. and International Marriage Records, 1560-1900, Yates Publishing. U.S. and International Marriage Records, 1560-1900 [database online]. Provo, Utah:, Inc., 2004. Originally, the information was derived from an array of materials including pedigree charts, family history articles, queries, letters, Bible records, wills, biographies, and manuscript genealogies.For specific original source information contact Yates Publishing, providing them with the Source Number, Source Type, Number of Pages, and Submitter Code information listed for each individual.</ref>
: 1652 Feb 04: Leyden, Holland, Netherlands : 1652 April 2: in Holland, '''Reusel-de Mierden, Noord-Brabant, Netherlands''' :: Note that this is a completely bogus birth location. [ Here is a Dutch Genealogy blog] which explains the error. It comes from an early Family Tree Maker autocomplete for "Holland" which failed to recognize the name as the intended Netherlands, and instead "found" a match for an obscure street in a tiny village of Reusel. As a result, this location has been propagated into countless trees all over databases and the Internet. It should be removed wherever it is found, because it is extremely unlikely that many people's genealogical ancestors actually came from that small town. [[Mix-216|Mix-216]] 20:39, 14 February 2015 (EST) : 1652 Feb 04: Leiden, S Holland, Netherlands<ref>Source: [[#S-1766647449]] Note: Note: Data: Text: Birth date: 4 February 1652 Birth place: Leiden, S Holland, Netherlands APID: 1,5769::3593110</ref><ref>Source: [[#S-1766647449]] Note: Note: Data: Text: Birth date: 1647 Birth place: Leiden, Shpn, Netherlands APID: 1,5769::3593109</ref> : 1652 Feb 04: Leiden, Zuid-Holland, Netherlands; Christening: 4 Feb 1652 Leiden, Zuid-Holland, Netherlands at the Walloon Church<ref>WeRelate---Annetje Pieterse Praa</ref>
: 1651 Feb 04: Huysen, Holland.1067: 1652, Leyden, Holland.<ref>OneWorldTreeSM, One World Tree (sm) [database online]. Provo, UT:, Inc.</ref>

=== Baptism from Leiden Church Records ===Anne Prat aka Annetje Prat (Praa) was baptized at Leiden, Zuid-Holland on April 02, 1652. <br>Place-Plaats: Leiden Date-Datum: 04-02-1652 Child-Kind: '''Anne Prat''' <br>Father-Vader : '''Pierre Prat''' Mother-Moeder: '''Marie Philippe''' <br>Witn-Getuige: Marie Bonaventure Getuige: Cateline Philippe Getuige: Jean Potion Getuige: Henri Matthieu <ref>Bron : Archiefnr 1004 Archiefnaam Dopen Waalse Kerk Inventarisnummer: 272 * Source: [ baptism Leiden archief]* Source: [ scan baptism Erfgoed Leiden en Omstreken] </ref>

=== Parents === * Father: Pierre Prat <ref>Bron : Archiefnr 1004 Archiefnaam Dopen Waalse Kerk Inventarisnummer: 272 :* Source: [ baptism Leiden archief] :* Source: [ scan baptism Erfgoed Leiden en Omstreken] </ref> * Mother: Marie Philippe <ref>Bron : Archiefnr 1004 Archiefnaam Dopen Waalse Kerk Inventarisnummer: 272 :* Source: [ baptism Leiden archief] :* Source: [ scan baptism Erfgoed Leiden en Omstreken] </ref>

=== Siblings === [Source: Register in alphabetical order, of the early settlers of Kings County, Long Island, N.Y.]

*Anne|Annatie, (self).
*Pieter Praa Junior or Capt. Peter, (b. 1655 at Leiden, d. 1740.) and emigrated with his father; m. Mar. 15, 1684, Maria or Mary Hays wid. of Joost Adriaense, miller;On patent of Buk (''Bushwick--Brooklyn'') of 1687, in which year he took the oath of allegiance in said town. On ass. roll of 1693, cen. of 1698, and capt. of militia in 1700, as per p. 809 of Vol. IV. of Doc of Col. His. Removed to Newtown (''Elmhurst''), his name appearing on the records of said town in 1703 and 1708. Will da. Aug. 6, 1739; rec. p.43, Lib. 13, N. Y. surr. off.

* Adam, bp. Feb. 6, 1660, in Brn (''Brooklyn''), d. Feb. 8, 1660;

* Abraham, bp. Mar. 5, 1662, in Brn (''Brooklyn'');

=== Immigration === Peter Petersen, alias Pia, from Picardy, second wife Catharine Lothie and daughter (Annetje (aged 7)) aboard the ''Moesman'' (Market Gardener), sailed from Amsterdam on 25 April, 1659 and arrived at New Amsterdam before 10 Aug. 1659<ref>[ THE MOESMAN (MARKET GARDENER)]</ref>. Aboard the same ship were: Albert Petersen, Agriculturist or Mason, and Gerrit Petersen; no identified relationship. A son Peter Pertesen Praa Jr. b. 1655, (aged about 5) was aboard the same ship, but was not listed. :Arrival: 1659, New Amsterdam. NN<ref>Source: [[#S-1766646199]] Page: Place: New York, New York; Year: 1659; Page Number: . Note: Note: Data: Text: Arrival date: 1659 Arrival place: New York, New York APID: 1,7486::1958789</ref> : Arrival: 1670 at Maryland<ref>Source: [[#S-1766646199]] Page: Place: Maryland; Year: 1670; Page Number: . Note: Note: Data: Text: Arrival date: 1670 Arrival place: Maryland APID: 1,7486::1429181</ref> '''Bad source''' : The ship's passenger list, which gives the daughter's age as 16 years, is doubtless in error. (probably relates to the 1670 at Maryland arrival.

=== Marriage ===
Annetje Praa married:
(1) Jan Evertsen Bout, son of Evert Bout. Marriage ca. 1670 at Brooklyn, Kings County, New York, to Jan Evertson Bout (1603 - 1671) <ref>WeRelate---Annetje Pieterse Praa.</ref> This marriage is often questioned due to the extreme differences in Jan and Annetje's ages, however a deposition taken at a 1741 property line dispute trial supports the marriage and calls attention to the age differences. See heading "Land Trial of 1741" below.
(2) Andries Janse jurianse ca. 1667 in Brooklyn, Kings Co, NY1065, son of Jeuriaen Juriaen Andrieszen and Jannetja Jans.<ref>Family Data Collection - Marriages, Edmund West, comp.Family Data Collection - Marriages[database online] Provo, UT:, 2001.</ref>: Marriage: 1667 at Brooklyn, Kings Co, NY<ref>Source: [[#S-1766573297]] Note: Note: Data: Text: Marriage date: 1667 Marriage place: Brooklyn, Kings Co, NY APID: 1,5774::1946561</ref>:Marriage: 1668<ref>OneWorldTreeSM, One World Tree (sm) [database online]. Provo, UT: </ref>:Marriage: 1674, Flatbush, Kings, NY, .<ref>U.S. and International Marriage Records, 1560-1900, Yates Publishing. U.S. and International Marriage Records, 1560-1900 [database online]. Provo, Utah:, Inc., 2004. Original data: This unique collection of records was extracted from a variety of sources including family group sheets and electronic databases. Originally, the information was derived from an array of materials including pedigree charts, family history articles, queries, letters, Bible records, wills, biographies, and manuscript genealogies. </ref>
(3) Jan Janse Staats on Jun 11, 1682.<ref>U.S. and International Marriage Records, 1560-1900, Yates Publishing. U.S. and International Marriage Records, 1560-1900 [database online]. Provo, Utah:, Inc., 2004. Original data: This unique collection of records was extracted from a variety of sources including family group sheets and electronic databases. Originally, the information was derived from an array of materials including pedigree charts, family history articles, queries, letters, Bible records, wills, biographies, and manuscript genealogies.For specific original source information contact Yates Publishing, providing them with the Source Number, Source Type, Number of Pages, and Submitter Code information listed for each individual.</ref>
:Marriage 2: Aft. 1695

=== Children ===
Known children of Annetje Para and Jan Evertsen Bout are:
* Jan Evertson Bout, b. 1669, NY, USA<ref>OneWorldTreeSM, One World Tree (sm) [database online]. Provo, UT:, Inc.</ref>, d. date unknown.

Known children of Annetje Para and Andries Janse jurianse are:
* Juriaen Andriessen, b., Flatbush, Kings County, New York; d. date unknown.

* Angenietja Andriesse, b. 1668; d. 1712.

* Lamber Andriesen, b. 1669; d. 1715. ??
* Anna Maria Andries Bout, b. ca. 1670 at Cripplebush, Kings County, New York; d. 1707 or 1712. She married: (1) Jans Derek WOERTMAN on 17 Jan 1689 in Brooklyn - Kings County, NY, son of Derick Jans WOERTMAN and Merritje Teunise DeNyssen; and (2) Jans Derick Woertman Workman on 17 Jan 1691 in Brooklyn, Kings County, New York.
* Lambert Andriessen , b. 1674, Flatbush, Kings County, New York; d. date unknown.
* Jannetje Johanna Andriesse was bp. on Jan 26, 1679 at Flatbush, Kings, New York. Baptism was recorded at the Reformed Dutch church of New Amsterdam, NN<ref>NYRDC Bapt. Record: 1679 Jan 26; Andries Juriansz, Annetje Peters; Jannetje; Thomas Lambertsz, Jannetie his wife </ref>. Sponsors were: Thomas Lambertsz, Jannetie his wife. She died ca. 1741 at Bucks PA. <ref>OneWorldTreeSM, One World Tree (sm) [database online]. Provo, UT:, Inc.</ref>.
* Andries Andriesse was bp. on Oct o3, 1680 at New York. Baptism was recorded at the Reformed Dutch church of New Amsterdam, NN<ref>NYRDC Bapt. Record: 1680 Oct 03; Andries Juriansz, Annetje; Andries; Thomas Lambrechts, and H. Jannetie, Jacob Jorisz </ref>. Sponsors were: Thomas Lambrechts, and H. Jannetie, Jacob Jorisz. He died ca. 1730.<ref>OneWorldTreeSM, One World Tree (sm) [database online]. Provo, UT:, Inc.</ref>.

* Elizabeth Andriesse, b. 1684, NY, d. 1726.

Known children of Annetje Para and Jan Janse Staats are:
* Elsjen Staats, b. 1683<ref>OneWorldTreeSM, One World Tree (sm) [database online]. Provo, UT:, Inc.</ref>, d. date unknown.
* Jan John Staats, b. 1684<ref>OneWorldTreeSM, One World Tree (sm) [database online]. Provo, UT:, Inc.</ref>, d. date unknown.
* Elsje Jans Staats, b. 1686, Brooklin, Kings, NY, <ref>OneWorldTreeSM, One World Tree (sm) [database online]. Provo, UT:, Inc.</ref>, d. date unknown.
* Neeltje Janse Staats was born 15 April 1687 at Gowanus, Kings County, New York and was baptized at Reformed Dutch Church, Brooklyn, Kings County, New York and died October 1736 at 48 years of age, a daughter of Jan <Jan> Van Husum (Staats) and Annatje <Pieter> Praa Bout/Andrieszen/Staats. (possible older sister or a duplicate)
* Ann Janse Staats, b. 1688, Brooklin, Kings, NY,<ref>OneWorldTreeSM, One World Tree (sm) [database online]. Provo, UT:, Inc.</ref>, d. date unknown.
* Neeltje Janse Staats, b. 30 Apr 1691, Brooklyn, Kings, NY, <ref>OneWorldTreeSM, One World Tree (sm) [database online]. Provo, UT:, Inc.</ref>, d. Oct 1736, Newtown, Livingston, NY,<ref>OneWorldTreeSM, One World Tree (sm) [database online]. Provo, UT:, Inc.</ref>. m. Paulus <Paulus> Vandervoort (bp. July 1681 at Reformed Dutch Church, Flatbush, Kings County, New York, d. bef. 1752, aged 71 years on 01 June 1704 at Presbyterian Church, Newtown, Queens County, New York. (possible younger sister or a duplicate)
* Aeltje Janse Staats, b. 30 Oct 1692<ref>OneWorldTreeSM, One World Tree (sm) [database online]. Provo, UT:, Inc.</ref>, d. date unknown.
* Geertruy Staats, b. 1694, Breukelen, Kings, NY<ref>OneWorldTreeSM, One World Tree (sm) [database online]. Provo, UT:, Inc.</ref>, d. date unknown.

=== Will of Jan Everts Bout Sr. ===Jan Evertsen Senior's will would have predated the birth of Jan Evertsen Bout jr., who was born posthumus. This will was proved 27 September 1669. <ref> Early Settlers of Bushwick by Andrew J Provost Junior, page 97.</ref>
Abstracts Of Wills On File In The Surrogate's Office City Of New York. LIBER 1-2, page 67.
Whereas JAN EVERTS BOUT, late of Brooklyn, in the West Riding of Yorkshire?, did in his will appoint Adrian Heggeman of Flatbush, alias Midwout, his executor; and there being no Court of Sessions until the month of December, he is confirmed as executor, September 27, 1671. Francis Lovelace.<ref>[,+page+67+The+Surrogate%E2%80%99s+Office+City+Of+New+York&source=bl&ots=dQuSEDD9BI&sig=qRflbiVykmoDcxB1Lrdv9oThS9M&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwj8zo7jk9jKAhXBKx4KHQl-CRQQ6AEIIjAB#v=onepage&q=Jan%20Everts%20Bout%20will.%20LIBER%201-2%2C%20page%2067%20The%20Surrogate%E2%80%99s%20Office%20City%20Of%20New%20York&f=false Abstracts of Wills on File in the Surrogate's Office: City of New ..., Volume 25, edited by John Keller, p. 17.]</ref>

=== Land trial in 1741 ===[ HISTORY OF BROOKLYN.--APPENDICES. p. 420]

"This paper, presented to the Society by Peter A. Jay, gives some curious information in relation to the localities occupied by Jacob Hanse and Jores Hanse (two sons of Hans Hansen Bergen), and by their descendants. The paper is endorsed: "Israel Horsefield, ads. On D. of Hans Bergen. (Copy of what witnesses can say.)"
Also endorsed in handwriting of Governor John Jay, " see Remsen's Evid. respecting Nutten's Island." Underneath is the following endorsement by Peter A. Jay : "The first two pages of these notes are, I believe, in the handwriting of John Chambers, an eminent counsel, afterwards Judge of the Supreme Court of the Colony—the note on the margin is in the writing of John Jay, his nephew and executor of his widow. " P. A. Jay."
The trial dealing with property lines "appears to have taken place in 1741, but no records have been seen throwing light on the trial and upon its results."

Depositions of elderly residents that knew Jans Evertsen Bouts...

" Gerrit Dortland says he is 86 years of age. Was born at the ferry,and lived after at Brookland ; knew Frederick Lubbert's land since a boy,says that he knew where Frederick Lubbertse lived, which is S. Westwardof Sebring's mill, 1 and it was commonly esteemed that Frederick Lubbertse's
line was near to his house. Remember Joost Francey in possession
of land that George Bergen and Israel now have ; fences went to thecreek, about sixty years since he knew them ; has now seen the fences and
think they stand as then. Remembers Jane Evertse Bout in possession of
Bevois land, was a man of 75, and married a girl of 16. Says he help'thim to make his fences ; work't there two years and fences stood as now,was then about 23 years old ; never then heard that Frederick Lubbertse
made any pretension to these lands nor any for his right till now."

=== Death ===
There is considerable controversy regarding when Annetje Praa died:: 1695, Brooklyn, New York, NY, .<ref>OneWorldTreeSM, One World Tree (sm) [database online]. Provo, UT:, Inc.</ref>: aft 1698 at Brooklyn, Kings, New York<ref>WeRelate---Annetje Pieterse Praa</ref>: 1698 at Brooklyn, Kings, New York<ref>Source: [[#S-1766643515]] Note: Note: Data: Text: Death date: 1698 Death place: Brooklyn, Kings, NY, USA APID: 1,5771::2096210</ref>: 1708 in Brooklyn, Kings, NY, .<ref>OneWorldTreeSM, One World Tree (sm) [database online]. Provo, UT:, Inc.</ref>

== Sources ==
* Church Records: [ Samuel S. Purple's 'Records of the Reformed Dutch Church in New Amsterdam and New York, Marriages from 11 December 1639 to 26 August 1801.']; The beginning records show the date the Banns were registered, NOT the date of marriage. Starting on 9/20/1673 marriage dates are given.
* Source: [ Register in alphabetical order, of the early settlers of Kings County, Long Island, N.Y.]; By TEUNIS G. BERGEN, Author of Bergen, Van Brunt, and Lefferts Genealogies. New York: S. W. Green's Son, Printer, Electrotyper and Binder. 1881.
* Source: [ Ships passenger lists]
* Source: [ Sorhus, Jury, Yarham, Norrington and a whole lot more:Information about Annetje Para]
* Source: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, Ancestral File
:: Ancestral File Number: FGT1-7B
:: Ancestral File Number: 1HWG-83R
:: Ancestral File Number: 1GFS-JCN
* Source: [ Family Tree Maker tree profile by Doublas Ernest]
* Source: <span id='S-1380164248'>S-1380164248</span> Repository: [[#R-1567510693]] Title: Ancestry Family Trees Publication: Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Page: Ancestry Family Trees Note: Data: Repository: <span id='R-1567510693'>R-1567510693</span> Name: Address: Note: Text:
* Source: <span id='S-1766573297'>S-1766573297</span> Repository: [[#R-1790658744]] Title: Family Data Collection - Marriages Author: Edmund West, comp. Publication: Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: The Generations Network, Inc., 2001. Note: APID: 1,5774::0 Repository: <span id='R-1790658744'>R-1790658744</span> Name: Address: Note:
* Source: <span id='S-1766643515'>S-1766643515</span> Repository: [[#R-1790658744]] Title: Family Data Collection - Deaths Author: Edmund West, comp. Publication: Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: The Generations Network, Inc., 2001. Note: APID: 1,5771::0
* Source: <span id='S-1766646199'>S-1766646199</span> Repository: [[#R-1790658744]] Title: Passenger and Immigration Lists Index, 1500s-1900s Author: Gale Research Publication: Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc, 2010.Original data - Filby, P. William, ed. Passenger and Immigration Lists Index, 1500s-1900s. Farmington Hills, MI, USA: Gale Research, 2010.Original data: Filby, P. William, ed. Passenge Note: APID: 1,7486::0
* Source: <span id='S-1766647449'>S-1766647449</span> Repository: [[#R-1790658744]] Title: Family Data Collection - Births Author: Edmund West, comp. Publication: Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Operations Inc, 2001. Note: APID: 1,5769::0
* Source: <span id='S-1766655151'>S-1766655151</span> Repository: [[#R-1790658744]] Title: U.S. and International Marriage Records, 1560-1900 Author: Yates Publishing Publication: Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Operations Inc, 2004.Original data - This unique collection of records was extracted from a variety of sources including family group sheets and electronic databases. Originally, the information was derived Note: APID: 1,7836::0
* Source: <span id='S-1767109022'>S-1767109022</span> Repository: [[#R-1790658744]] Title: Ancestry Family Trees Publication: Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Page: Ancestry Family Trees Note: Data: Text:

=== Source Notes ===
<references />

=== Acknowledgments ===* This person was created through the import of grant2.ged on 07 February 2011. User ID: 3BF092A53F0C6F42ADB1708E70A05FF11A31
:: Prior to import, this record was last changed 00:00:00 20 Jul 1999.* This person was created through the import of grant2.ged on 07 February 2011. User ID: 2B97AEA610731D4EA51F5B06FAFE42B31666
:: Prior to import, this record was last changed 00:00:00 20 Jul 1999.* This person was created through the import of grant2.ged on 07 February 2011. User ID: 1472D5865069A0478885D4D6E73B74C69468
:: Prior to import, this record was last changed 00:00:00 20 Jul 1999.* Prat-6 created through the import of Tom Roland Family Tree.ged on May 6, 2012 by [[Roland-166 | Tom Roland]]. * Praa-8 created through the import of Misty_s ancestry.ged on Sep 16, 2012 by [[Bacon-1754 | Misty Wood]].* Prat-20 was created by [[Workman-1252 | Katy Klug]] through the import of Kathryn Workman family tree.ged on Dec 30, 2014.* Para-7 was created by Tom Quick, [[Quick-803|Quick-803]] 09:51, 26 January 2016 (EST). Merged with Praa-4.
Author: Steven Mix
Author: Steven Mix
Author: Steven Mix
Author: Steven Mix
Author: Steven Mix 
Praa, Annetje Pieterse (I599)
147 [[Category:Nederlanders_uit_Gelderland_voor_1700]]
== Biography ==

===Birth-Baptism===:Elburg Baptism: Baptism/ Doop Mette Louwes, 10-12-1635<br> Baptism date/ Doopdatum: 10-12-1635 Place/ Doopplaats: Elburg<br> Child / Dopeling: Mette Louwes<br> Vader: Louwe Jansen Church / Kerkelijke gemeente: Elburg Religion / Kerkelijke gezindte: Nederduits Gereformeerd <ref name="Baptism">Source: Gelders archief Toegangsnummer: 0176 Inventarisnummer: 627 Pagina: 78 Volgnummer op pagina: 19 [ Gelders archief baptism Mette Louwes 1635 Elburg, Gelderland, Netherlands] </ref>

=== Name ===
: Mette Louwes <ref name="Baptism"/>: Name: Mette /Updike/<ref>Source: S-405613556 Repository: [[#R-948136629]] Title: Ancestry Family Trees Publication: Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Original data: Family Tree files submitted by Ancestry members. Repository: R-948136629 Name: Address: Page: Ancestry Family Tree </ref>

== Sources ==
<references />*Source 1 for leads: [ Ancestors from around the world - 2006: Information about Stijntje Pieters]
==Acknowledgements==*This biography was auto-generated by a GEDCOM import.Updike-132 was created by [[Roehm-14 | Robert Roehm]] through the import of Roehm Family Tree GEDCOM.ged on Feb 16, 2014. 
Updike, Mette (I654)
148 [[Category:New Netherland Ancestors]]{{Dutch Roots|Needs=Birth}}
== Biography ==

=== Name ===
: Name: Andries /Andrieszen/<ref>Source S-1707889694: Repository: [[#R-1829493010]]: Title: OneWorldTree: Author: Publication: Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: The Generations Network, Inc.: Note: : Repository R-1829493010: Name: Address:</ref>
: Name: Andries /Andrieszen <ref name="Src"/> Source: S-2050775428 Title: Public Member Trees Author: Publication: Name: Name: Name: Name: Name: The Generations Network, Inc.; Location: Provo, UT, USA; Date: 2006; Page: Database online. Data: Text: Record for Juriaen Andriessen</ref>

== Sources ==
<references />
== Acknowledgments ==* This person was created through the import of 104-B.ged on 12 September 2010. The following data was included in the gedcom. You may wish to edit it for readability.* WikiTree profile Andrieszen-7 created through the import of 2010-09-14.ged on Jul 28, 2011 by [[Carson-514 | Bob Carson]]. See the [ Changes page] for the details of edits by Bob and others.

Why Andrieszen-1?*General agreement. Please start a G2G discussion if you have documentation indicating a different spelling/styling. 
Andrieszen, Andries (I607)
149 [[Category:Pennsylvania, Immigrants from German Confederation]]{{Unsourced|Germany|Pennsylvania}}
== Biography ==
Teresa (Unknown) Fischer
: Birth: August 1869 in Germany
: Death: 1937 Pittsburgh, PA

== Sources ==
<references />

----*Lnu-657 was created by [[Parlett-20 | L Parlett]] through the import of LParlett.ged on May 25, 2015. 
Will, Theresia (I839)
150 [[Category:Pultney Township, Belmont County, Ohio]]
''Please click on any images once or twice to enlarge.''

{{Image|file=Keyser-18-4.jpg|caption=Henry Palmer Keyser Obituary or Church Statement of H.L. Ward in Shadyside
}} HENRY PALMER KEYSER, born November 23, 1805; died. June 16, 1883; m. EMMELINE "AMY" BELL 1825 (said to be 1/2 Native American). Henry and Amy operated a farm near Wegee, Belmont County, OH, and had nine children. Henry died on January 16, 1883 and is buried in the Keyser Cemetery Belmont County, OH on the old Dixon Myers farm in Sec. 14, Mead Township.

'''THOUGHTS OF Skip Maygar''': {{Image|file=Keyser-18-3.jpg|caption=Skip Maygar observations of two Nancy Keysers passing away at Christmas time
Henry Palmer and Emmeline Bell Keyser had nine children. Seven of the children grew up to marry and many of them raised large families of their own. A sad story, however, emerges as one looks into the facts behind the gravestone pictured here. Henry and Emmeline’s second child and first daughter was Nancy B. (probably Bell) Keyser who was born on September 2, 1828 and died atthe age of six on December 20, 1834 just five days before Christmas. It had to be heartbreaking for them as they made funeral arrangements for their daughter while trying to have some kind of Christmas for the other four children. Almost ten years later, Emmeline gives birth to their last child on March 29, 1844. She is a beautiful little girl and they name her Nancy Jane. Tragically, Nancy Jane dies the day before Christmas in 1850 also at the age of six years. The grief that befell the family put a pall of sadness on Christmas for many years thereafter. Keyser Cemetery, on Ray Ramsey Road, Mead Township

'''BIRTH''''''1805 Birth of Henry Palmer Keyser''' He was born on 23 Nov 1805 in Pultney, Belmont, Ohio
'''1825 Death of Brother Jesse Jackson Keyser (Mennonite) Sr ''' (1788–1825)
15 June 1825 Mead, Belmont, Ohio
'''1825 Marriage''' On 7 Aug 1825 in Belmont County, Ohio Emmeline "Amy" Bell (1808–1878) and Henry Palmer Keyser were married.
::'''1826 Birth of Daughter Jesse Bell Keyser''' (1826–1901) on 5 Jun 1826 Belmont County, Ohio
::'''1828 Birth of Daughter Nancy Bell Keyser''' (1828–1834) on 2 Sept 1828 on Belmont County, Ohio. She only lived till 20 Dec 1834. About age 6.
::'''1830 Birth of Daughter Mary Jane Keyser''' (1830–1919) 10 June 1830 Belmont County, Ohio.
::'''1832 Birth of Son Jacob Perry Keyser''' (1832–1909) 2 May 1832 Bellaire, Belmont County, Ohio
::'''1834 Birth of Son Isaac Andrew Keyser''' (1834–1891) 11 Mar 1834 Belmont County, Ohio
'''1935 Death of Brother Andrew Keyser (Mennonite)''' (1786–1835) 27 May 1835
'''1835 Death of Father Andrew Keyser (Mennonite)''' (1759–1835) 22 August 1835 in Belmont County, OH.
'''1835 Death of Sister Elizabeth Keyser (Mennonite)''' (1802–1835) 18 December 1835
::'''1836 Birth of Daughter Cynthia Ann Keyser''' (1836–1922) 2 June 1836 Belmont County, Ohio
::'''1838 Birth of Daughter Julia Ann Keyser''' (1838–1908) 1 Apr 1838 Belmont County, Ohio
::'''1841 Birth of Son Henry Palmer Keyser (Jr.?)''' (1841–1914) 1 July 1841 Belmont County, Ohio
::'''1844 Birth of Daughter Nancy Jane Keyser''' (1844–1850) 22 Mar 1844 Belmont County, Ohio. Nancy Jane Keyser only lived to about age 6 also passing away on Christmas Eve 24 Dec 1850 Belmont County, Ohio, USA
'''1844 Death of Mother Mary Palmer (Mennonite)''' (1760–1844) 12 Jun 1844 Wegee, Mead Township, Belmont County, Ohio

::'''1849 Birth of Daughter Allie P Keyser''' (1849–) Ohio
'''1850 Death of Sister Sarah Keyser (Mennonite)''' (1780–1850) 9 Feb 1850 Pultney, Belmont, Ohio
'''1853 Death of Brother William Keyser (Mennonite)''' (1784–1853) 27 May 1853 Belmont County, Ohio
'''1856 Death of Brother William George Keyser II (Mennonite)''' (1784–1856) 17 NOV 1856 Belmont County OH

Residence 1860 • Pultney, Belmont, Ohio
'''1868 Death of Brother Isaac Keyser (Mennonite)''' (1800–1868) 14 Feb 1868 Mead, Belmont, Ohio

Residence 1870 • Pultney, Belmont, Ohio Post Office: Bellaire
'''1871 Death of Brother Jacob Keyser Sr''' (1800–1871) 15 August 1871 Belmont County, Ohio
'''1875 Death of Sister Jane Keyser (Mennonite)''' (1797–1875) 18 Sep 1875 Huntington, Indiana
'''Death of Wife Emmeline "Amy" Bell Keyser''' (1808–1878) on 26 Mar 1878 Belmont County, Ohio and she is buried at Keyser Cemetery in Belmont, OH. <ref>findagrave MEMORIAL ID 85154734</ref>
'''Residence 1880''' Pultney, Belmont, Ohio Marital status: Widower; Relation to Head of House: Self
'''1882 Death of Brother Thomas Keyser (Mennonite)''' (1794–1882) 29 Jul 1882 Mead, Belmont, Ohio
'''Death of Henry Palmer Keyser''' on 16 January 1883 in Pultney, Belmont, Ohio
Burial Belmont, Belmont County, Ohio 16 Jan 1883 (aged 77) buried at Keyser Cemetery in Belmont, OH. <ref> MEMORIAL ID 85154532</ref> · {{Image|file=Keyser-18-2.jpg
|caption=Grave of Henry Palmer Keyser

1850 United States Federal Census

1860 United States Federal Census

1870 United States Federal Census

1880 United States Federal Census

Ancestry Family Trees

Lancaster, Pennsylvania, Mennonite Vital Records, 1750-2014

Ohio, County Marriages, 1774-1993

U.S., Find A Grave Index, 1600s-Current

This person was created through the import of 124-DeCoursey.ged on 13 September 2010. 
Keyser, Henry Palmer (I419)

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