My Family History
Matches 5,001 to 5,050 of 14,237
# | Notes | Linked to |
5001 | == Biography == Wilhelm Niepoth Jansen Lucken was born circa 1620. He married [[Oettgenoeltgen-1|Adelheid Aeltgen Oettgenoeltgen]] about 1649 and had the following children: Mercken (Mary) Willemsen Lucken b. 1651 - d. 1685 Boetzen (Beatrice) Lucken b. 1654 - d. 1744 Jan Lucken b. 1655 - d. 1745 Giertgen (Gretchen) Lucken b. 1656 - d. Hilleken (Hilda) Lucken b. 1658 - d. 1714 Liesbeth (Elizabeth) Lucken b. 1660 - d. Wilhelm died on August 8 or 16th, 1694 in Krefeld. == Sources == Jan Luken website, Debbie Lukens Whittaker, online, viewed Jan 2013. Lukens Family Tree, Kathleen Lukens, online,viewed Feb 2013. Hereinafter cited as Lukens Family Tree. | Lucken, Wilhelm Niepoth Jansen (I478)
5002 | == Biography == Wilhelm Niepoth Lucken was born about 1560 in Gladbach, Germany. About 1580 he married Adelheid and together they had at least two children, Johannes Jansen Lucken and Herman Luyken.<ref>"Wilhelm Niepoth Lucken." Family Search. Accessed Jan. 23rd, 2019.</ref> == Timeline == == Research Notes == Would like to find sources to connect him to his parents, Konrad Lauck and Unknown Niepoth. === Notes from GedCom import === Wilhelm Niepoth /Lucken/ :: Given Name: Wilhelm Niepoth :: Surname: Lucken : Name: /Luyken/ :: Surname: Luyken Found multiple versions of NAME. Using Wilhelm Niepoth /Lucken/. : Birth: :: User ID: 53706BFEA30601C98F0DEF11E1D3815F :: Record ID Number: MH:IF506 :: Date: 1560 :: Place: Dahlen, Prusia, Rheinland, Germany == Links == === Acknowledgments === * This person was created on 06 August 2010 through the import of Lynch-Tree.ged. * ''This biography was auto-generated by a GEDCOM import. Lucken-47 was created by [[Newman-2480 | Anthony Newman]] through the import of Schmutte_Tree.GED on Jul 7, 2014. == Sources == <references /> See also: * "Wilhelm Niepoth Lucken." Family Search. Accessed Jan. 23rd, 2019. * Hurd, Jill J. The Ancestors & Descendants of Jan Lucken. Baltimore, MD: Gateway Press, Inc., 1989. * ''Add [[sources]] here.'' ''This profile is a collaborative work-in-progress. Can you contribute information or sources?'' <!-- This comment, and everything else, can be edited or removed. --> Author: Erik Granstrom Author: Edwin Priest | Lucken, Wilhelm Niepoth (I484)
5003 | == Biography == A succinct but detailed and referenced biography appears in The History of Parliament.<ref>Helen Miller (1982) Wilford, Nicholas (c.1495-1551), of London and Wandsworth, Surr. ''The History of Parliament: the House of Commons 1509-1558'', ed. S.T. Bindoff. Boydell & Brewer. Online version at accessed 24 May 2019</ref> == Sources == <references /> | Wilford, Nicholas (I191)
5004 | == Biography == : William supported Henry VIII and was made Receiver General for the Liberties at Furnace. He lived in Hawkshead, Furnace Fells. His principal residence was Esthwaite Hall, but he owned Graythwaite Hall as well. His death date is disputed, some give it as late as 1558, but apparently it was between 23 April 1546 (date of will) and 1549 when during the easter term a suit was filed in the Duchy Court of Lancaster against William and Christopher Sandys, sons of William Sandys, deceased, in regard to certain smithies in Furnance Fells granted 15 November 1537 by Henry VIII jointly to William Sandys and William Sawrey. :: William and his wife are emtombed in the Sandys Choir in the church of St Michael's at Hawkshead, under a table monument. His will is no longer found but was quoted from in 1774. ''No more info is currently available for William Sandys. Can you add to his biography?'' === Name ===: William Sandys<ref name=MF>[[#MF|Millennium File]]</ref><ref>[[#WER|Wiltshire, England Records]]</ref>, of Esthwaite === Birth === :: ABT 1490 :: 1493 Furness Fells, Lancershire, England<ref name=MF/> === Death === :: 1547 Furnace, Lancashire, England<ref name=MF/> === Burial === :: Church of St. Michael's, Hawkshead, Lancashire, England == Sources ==* <span id='French'></span>French, George Russell. ''[[Space:Shakspeareana Genealogica|Shakspeareana Genealogica]]'' (MacMillan and Co., London and Cambridge, 1869) [ Page 264]]** <span id='WER'></span>Wiltshire, England, Extracted Parish Records (Provo, UT, USA: Operations Inc, 2001) Original data - Electronic databases created from various publications of parish and probate records.* <span id='MF'></span>''[[Space:Millennium File|The Millennium File]]'' ([ Heritage Consulting]. Salt Lake City, UT, USA)::: ::: Birth: 1490 Hawkshead, Lancs, England ::: Death: 1548* <span id='AFT'></span>Ancestry Family Trees (Provo, UT, USA: Original data: Family Tree files submitted by Ancestry members. === Footnotes === <references/> <!-- Please edit, add, or delete anything in this text, including this note. Be bold and experiment! If you make a mistake you can always see the previous version of the text on the Changes page. --> Author: Phil Grace | Sandys, William (I164)
5005 | == Biography == '''John Lucken''' was born 27 Sep 1691, in Germantown, Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania, to parents [[Lucken-11 | Jan Lucken]] and [[Doors-25 | Maria Doors Lucken]]. John married [[Kester-1065 | Margaret Kester]], 25 Feb 1711, at the Abington Monthly Meeting, Abington, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania. They had no children. <ref name="White">White, Jean M., Editor; [[Space:The_Descendants_Of_Paulus_And_Gertrude_Kusters | The Descendants of Paulus and Gertrude Kusters of Kaldenkirchen, Germany and Germantown, Pennsylvania the first four generations]]; Castor Association of America, 1991; 303 Pages, Indexed; Pages 27, 135. </ref> John passed away 04 Apr 1737, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. == Sources == <references />*Ancestry Family Trees,, Provo, Utah, USA: The Generations Network, Inc., 2006-2016.; Online Publications; Family trees submitted by Ancestry members, the information comes from one or more Family Trees submitted by Ancestry members, the members of these family tree files may have removed or changed the information since this source was used.*Delphine, Dominique Z.; Ancestry Family Tree,; "Cable-Bucher-Hawbaker-Ulery-Kester-Priest-Stafford-Scanland-Price-Hapner"; Ancestry Family Trees,, Provo, Utah, USA: The Generations Network, Inc., 2006-2016.; Online Publications; Family trees submitted by Ancestry members, the information comes from one or more Family Trees submitted by Ancestry members, the members of these family tree files may have removed or changed the information since this source was used. == Notes == *No REPO record found with id R-2068617806. Author: Erik Granstrom | Lucken, John (I472)
5006 | == Biography == '''Jonas Paxson''' was born 25 Aug 1735, he was the son of [[Paxson-29 | James Paxson]] and [[Hodges-169 | Margaret Hodges Paxson]]. <ref name="White">White, Jean M., Editor; [[Space:The_Descendants_Of_Paulus_And_Gertrude_Kusters | The Descendants of Paulus and Gertrude Kusters of Kaldenkirchen, Germany and Germantown, Pennsylvania the first four generations]]; Castor Association of America, 1991; 303 Pages, Indexed; Page 249.</ref> <ref name="Paxson">"The Paxson Family", Buckingham Sketches, from the Smith Family History Books of [[Smith-36481 | Kathryn Smith]]; Page 824; Relationship from (I believe) one of the two SMITH family history books -- probably the one on William Smith's genealogy, but it might have been the one on Thomas Smith's genealogy. </ref> Jonas married [[Kester-398 | Mary Kester]]. They had seven children. Mary Kester Paxson passed away in 1782, and Jonas remarried to [[Broadhurst-229 | Mary Broadhurst]], 31 May 1785. They had three children. <ref name="White"/> <ref name="Paxson"/> Jonas passed away 06 Aug 1796. <ref name="White"/> <ref name="Paxson"/> == Sources == <references /> * "The Paxson Family", Buckingham Sketches; Pages 824-830::: James Paxson, Henry Paxson the elder, and William Paxson were brothers, and came to Pennsylvania in 1682 in the ship “Samuel” of London, England. Henry came from the parish of Stowe, Oxfordshire. He was a member of the Society of Friends, and brought a certificate from Biddleston, in the county of Bucks. He called his home “Bycot House,” which is believed to be the ancestral home for many generations. Judge Paxson, of Pennsylvania, in visiting England recently, made a visit there, and found a Henry Paxson yet occupying the premises. James Paxson and his brother William came from the parish of Marsh Gibbon, which is in the vicinity of Stowe. They were also Friends, and brought certificates from Coleshill meeting. They spelled the name Paxton then, and those of their kindred that remain there still adhere to it. At what period they changed it in this country does not clearly appear. A few, however, those living in Catawissa,this state, spell it with a “t.” On a map of Newtown, published in 1703, Henry Paxon, yet another style, is marked as a property holder there. The wife of Henry, the elder, died at sea on the voyage over, as also her son Henry, who died the day before his mother. One or more of the three brothers settled in Middletown, but the next generation spread their outstretched arms over most of southern Bucks county. ::: ::: James Paxson, from whom are descended most of the name in Solebury and Buckingham, was married in England, and his wife died in 1710. James died in 1722, leaving children: Sarah, William, Henry, and James. ::: ::: William Paxson, second child of James, was born in 1675, and in 1696 married Abigail Pownell. He died in 1719, leaving children: James, Thomas, Reuben, Esther, Abigail, Mary, and Anna. Henry Paxson, another son of James, was born in 1683, and married Ann Plumly in 1706. He bought 250 acres of land in Solebury, and settled there. He was in the assembly in 1705-7, and somewhat prominent in public affairs. He died in 1728, leaving twelve children, and their descendants fairly swarm over the hills and valleys of Solebury, and are likely to do so for an indefinite period. Thomas Paxson, a grandson of James, through William, was the owner of a large tract of land in Solebury between Center bridge and the Delaware, including the present Johnson estate and an island in the river opposite,containing about one hundred acres. The Johnson mansion was probably built by him, and here he ::: PAGE BREAK::: ....brought up his family. The old Paxson homestead where his father Wiliam settled is thought to be on the back road from Center hill to the river. Thomas was married in 1732 to Jane Canby, a daughter of Thomas Canby, and died in 1782, leaving eight children. They intermarried with the Taylors, Watsons, Blakeys, Shaws, Knowles, and Biles, and have left a large following here and elsewhere. ::: ::: Jacob Paxson, the fourth child of Thomas Paxson and Jane Canby, was born in Solebury in 1745 and married Lydia Blakey in 1769. He purchased a farm and mill property on Tacony creek, Montgomery county, and settled thereon. He was left a widower with two children, and in 1777 he married Mary Shaw, of Plumstead, by whom he had thirteen children,the most of whom married and had large families scattered throughout Bucks, Montgomery and Chester counties. He died while on a visit to his son-in-law, William H. Johnson, in Buckingham, in 1832, and was buried at Abington, his home. He lived within the memory of a few of the present generation, and has left a character and name unsullied. ::: ::: Thomas Paxson, one of Jacob’s family of fifteen, was born in Montgomery county in 1798, and married Ann Johnson, daughter of Samuel Johnson, in 1817. They settled on the homestead at Abington, but moved to Buckingham, this county, in 1819. Later in life he purchased a portion of the Johnson homestead near the mountain, now the residence of his son, Judge Edward M. Paxson, and known as “Bycot House.” His useful life came to a close in April, 1881, at the advanced age of 88 years. He was buried from the meeting-house, where he had been a constant attendant twice a week for more than sixty years. Into that old historical edifice, rich in remembrance of its many scenes of both bridals and burials, friends true and devoted were assembled, for it was here on a bright autumnal morn in 1817 that the fitting vows of love and constancy were spoken that remained unbroken until now that his bark had crossed the mystic river, while hers yet lingered on the shores of time. A few fitting words of love and sympathy by Caleb E. Wright, and the earth closed over all that was mortal of Thomas Paxson. He was no ordinary man. He took an active part in the scenes of life and had strong convictions of right and wrong, and if need be, strenuous in their defense. Order in him found an earnest advocate and living example, and the old landmarks of Friends that had distinguished that had distinguished them as a people were held in reverence. That portion of the discipline so lightly passed over by many, viz: “Are Friends punctual to their promises and just in the payment of their debts?” was closely observed by him. He was conservative in his views, and while an earnest advocate of all true reforms for the improvement of mankind, he believed the religious society of which he was a member had a broad mission to fulfil (sic), and with the Christian religion as a basis was able to lead out of all error. He has left an example of devotion and sacrifice rarely met with, and in his death the Society of Friends has lost an earnest supporter. ::: ::: Samuel Johnson Paxson, oldest child of Thomas and Ann J.Paxson, was born in Montgomery county in 1818, and married Mary Anna, daughter of the late Joseph Broadhurst in 1840. He commenced business as a farmer, but in 1842, in connection with his brother Edward, commenced the publication of the “Newtown Journal,” which they carried on successfully, but Mr. Paxson seeing a wider field at Doylestown,parted with his interest in the paper to his brother, and bought out the “Doylestown Democrat” of Judge Bryan in 1845. He had nothing with which to purchase save an indomitable energy of character and perseverance. These he brought to bear, and with the aid of good friends entered upon his duties with a zeal that rarely fails of success. He was the first to introduce a Hoe press in this county driven by steam, and he infused new life into the columns of his paper. The old landmarks and Rip Van Winkle somnolence of county journalism were swept away and new methods, more in accordance with the spirit of the age, adopted. A few shook their heads mysteriously at this new departure, but the success attending his efforts was soon apparent and other journals were not slow in following. As Mr. ::: ::: PAGE BREAK::: ….Drags on (with some points of interest and genealogy, plus a picture and a blank page until page 830!!) ::: Leaving off there…. Author: Andrea Powell | Paxson, Jonas (I719)
5007 | == Biography == '''When Emma Viola Keyser was born on February 24, 1865, in Webster, West Virginia, her father, John, was 22, and her mother, Martha, was 20. She had one daughter. She died on November 11, 1952, in Barnesville, Ohio, at the age of 87, and was buried in Fairpoint, Ohio.''' From Ancestry bio. '''Emma was the eldest child of John and Martha Heaton Keyser.''' '''Her brother John Calvin died on February 26, 1882, in Oregon when Emma Viola was 17 years old. That same year, one month later, her sister Carrie Jane was born on March 28, 1882, in Marshall, WV.''' FROM FINDAGRAVE: Birth: '''Feb. 24, 1865 WV Death: Nov. 11, 1952 OH''' '''Daughter of John and Martha Keyser.''' '''William E. Gillespie and Emma V. Keyser Married on Sep 17, 1891 in Belmont, Ohio.''' '''The 1910 census revealed they had been married 18 years and had no children. She states this is her second marriage.''' ''' Family links: Parents: John Love Keyser (1842 - 1896) and Martha A Heaton Keyser (1845 - 1897)''' '''Spouse: William E Gillespie (1865 - 1934)''' ''' Siblings: Emma V Keyser Gillespie (1865 - 1952) Elmer Amos Keyser (1868 - 1926) Alva Grant Keyser (1872 - 1956)''' '''Burial: Unity Cemetery Fairpoint Belmont County OH Plot: Sec 5-6 Row 23 Plot 7 Created by: Janice Oberlin Smarr Record added: Dec 06, 2010 Find A Grave Memorial# 62615868''' == Sources == Year: 1880; Census Place: Washington, Marshall, West Virginia; Roll: 1407; Family History Film: 1255407; Page: 155C; Enumeration District: 192 Year: 1900; Census Place: Wheeling, Belmont, Ohio; Roll: 1242; Page: 3A; Enumeration District: 0032; FHL microfilm: 1241242 Year: 1910; Census Place: Wheeling, Belmont, Ohio; Roll: T624_1157; Page: 18A; Enumeration District: 0054; FHL microfilm: 1375170Year: 1920; Census Place: Wheeling, Belmont, Ohio; Roll: T625_1350; Page: 8B; Enumeration District: 65; Image: 535 Year: 1930; Census Place: Wheeling, Belmont, Ohio; Roll: 1752; Page: 13B; Enumeration District: 0063; Image: 68.0; FHL microfilm: 2341486 Year: 1940; Census Place: Mount Pleasant, Jefferson, Ohio; Roll: T627_3090; Page: 26B; Enumeration District: 41-18 Ohio, Marriages, 1803-1900 Ohio, Rutherford B. Hayes Presidential Center Obituary Index, 1810s-2013 U.S., Find A Grave Index, 1700s-Current West Virginia, Births Index, 1853-1969 (her birth) West Virginia, Compiled Marriage Records, 1863-1900 (to Coffield) West Virginia, Marriages Index, 1785-1971 | Keyser, Emma Viola (I383)
5008 | == Biography == ''No biography yet.<ref>Burgin-373 was created by [[Ralston-518 | Derek Ralston]] through the import of Ralston Family Tree_2014-09-02.ged on Sep 2, 2014. ''This comment and citation should be deleted after a short biography has been added and primary sources have been cited.''</ref> Can you add information or sources?'' == Sources == * <references /> | Burgin, Presocia (I267)
5009 | == Biography == ''No more info is currently available. Can you add to this biography?'' == Sources == * WikiTree profile Critchfield-14 created through the import of Rhodes 2011_2011-07-09_01_01.ged on Jul 9, 2011 by [[Rhodes-899 | Tom Rhodes]]. See the [ Changes page] for the details of edits by Tom and others. <references /> <!-- Please edit, add, or delete anything in this text, including this note. Be bold and experiment! If you make a mistake you can always see the previous version of the text on the Changes page. --> | Critchfield, Susannah (I633)
5010 | == Biography == ''This biography is a rough draft. It was auto-generated by a GEDCOM import and needs to be edited.'' == Sources ==* WikiTree profile Doors-15 created through the import of Lupton file.ged on Jul 7, 2011 by [[Ostermyer-1 | Kim Ostermyer]]. See the [ Changes page] for the details of edits by Kim and others. * Source: <span id='S199'>S199</span> Abbreviation: Title: Dominique Z. Delphine, <i>CABLE-BUCHER-HAWBAKER-ULERY-KESTER-PRIEST - STAFFORD - SCANLAND-PRICE - HAPNER</i> Subsequent Source Citation Format: Dominique Z. Delphine, <i>CABLE-BUCHER-HAWBAKER-ULERY-KESTER-PRIEST - STAFFORD - SCANLAND-PRICE - HAPNER</i> BIBL Dominique Z. Delphine. <i>CABLE-BUCHER-HAWBAKER-ULERY-KESTER-PRIEST - STAFFORD - SCANLAND-PRICE - HAPNER</i>. TMPLT TID 0 FIELD Name: Footnote VALUE Dominique Z. Delphine, <i>CABLE-BUCHER-HAWBAKER-ULERY-KESTER-PRIEST - STAFFORD - SCANLAND-PRICE - HAPNER</i> FIELD Name: ShortFootnote VALUE Dominique Z. Delphine, <i>CABLE-BUCHER-HAWBAKER-ULERY-KESTER-PRIEST - STAFFORD - SCANLAND-PRICE - HAPNER</i> FIELD Name: Bibliography VALUE Dominique Z. Delphine. <i>CABLE-BUCHER-HAWBAKER-ULERY-KESTER-PRIEST - STAFFORD - SCANLAND-PRICE - HAPNER</i>. TMPLT FIELD Name: Page <references /> <!-- Please edit, add, or delete anything in this text, including this note. Be bold and experiment! If you make a mistake you can always see the previous version of the text on the Changes page. --> | Doors, Reiner (I506)
5011 | == Biography == ''This biography is a rough draft. It was auto-generated by a GEDCOM import and needs to be edited.'' == Sources == * "England, Cheshire Parish Registers, 1538-2000," database, FamilySearch ( : 7 December 2017), Radus Pownall, 06 Apr 1603, Christening; citing item 2, , Witton-cum-Twambrooks, Cheshire, England, Record Office, Chester; FHL microfilm 2,094,290. | Pownall, Rauffe (I776)
5012 | == Biography == ''This biography is a rough draft. It was auto-generated by a GEDCOM import and needs to be edited.'' == Sources == * WikiTree profile Booth-527 created through the import of Pownall Family Tree.ged on Aug 15, 2011 by [[Helma-1 | Ashley Helma]]. See the [ Changes page] for the details of edits by Ashley and others. * Source: <span id='S-1889365840'>S-1889365840</span> Repository: [[#R-1889517904]] Title: Ancestry Family Trees Publication: Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Original data: Family Tree files submitted by Ancestry members. Note: This information comes from 1 or more individual Ancestry Family Tree files. This source citation points you to a current version of those files. Note: The owners of these tree files may have removed or changed information since this source citation was created. Page: Ancestry Family Trees Note: Data: Text: No REPO record found with id R-1889517904. <references /> <!-- Please edit, add, or delete anything in this text, including this note. Be bold and experiment! If you make a mistake you can always see the previous version of the text on the Changes page. --> | Booth, Ellin (I783)
5013 | == Biography == ''This biography is a rough draft. It was auto-generated by a GEDCOM import and needs to be edited.'' == Sources == * WikiTree profile Paxton-92 created through the import of Pownall Family Tree.ged on Aug 15, 2011 by [[Helma-1 | Ashley Helma]]. See the [ Changes page] for the details of edits by Ashley and others. * Source: <span id='S-1889365840'>S-1889365840</span> Repository: [[#R-1889517904]] Title: Ancestry Family Trees Publication: Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Original data: Family Tree files submitted by Ancestry members. Note: This information comes from 1 or more individual Ancestry Family Tree files. This source citation points you to a current version of those files. Note: The owners of these tree files may have removed or changed information since this source citation was created. Page: Ancestry Family Trees Note: Data: Text: No REPO record found with id R-1889517904. <references /> <!-- Please edit, add, or delete anything in this text, including this note. Be bold and experiment! If you make a mistake you can always see the previous version of the text on the Changes page. --> | Paxton, Marrabel (I723)
5014 | == Biography == ''This biography is a rough draft. It was auto-generated by a GEDCOM import and needs to be edited.'' == Sources == * WikiTree profile Paxton-94 created through the import of Pownall Family Tree.ged on Aug 15, 2011 by [[Helma-1 | Ashley Helma]]. See the [ Changes page] for the details of edits by Ashley and others. * Source: <span id='S-1889365840'>S-1889365840</span> Repository: [[#R-1889517904]] Title: Ancestry Family Trees Publication: Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Original data: Family Tree files submitted by Ancestry members. Note: This information comes from 1 or more individual Ancestry Family Tree files. This source citation points you to a current version of those files. Note: The owners of these tree files may have removed or changed information since this source citation was created. Page: Ancestry Family Trees Note: Data: Text: No REPO record found with id R-1889517904. <references /> <!-- Please edit, add, or delete anything in this text, including this note. Be bold and experiment! If you make a mistake you can always see the previous version of the text on the Changes page. --> | Paxton, Amy (I724)
5015 | == Biography == ''This biography is a rough draft. It was auto-generated by a GEDCOM import and needs to be edited.'' == Sources == * WikiTree profile Pownall-155 created through the import of Pownall Family Tree.ged on Aug 15, 2011 by [[Helma-1 | Ashley Helma]]. See the [ Changes page] for the details of edits by Ashley and others. * Source: <span id='S-1889365840'>S-1889365840</span> Repository: [[#R-1889517904]] Title: Ancestry Family Trees Publication: Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Original data: Family Tree files submitted by Ancestry members. Note: This information comes from 1 or more individual Ancestry Family Tree files. This source citation points you to a current version of those files. Note: The owners of these tree files may have removed or changed information since this source citation was created. Page: Ancestry Family Trees Note: Data: Text: No REPO record found with id R-1889517904. <references /> <!-- Please edit, add, or delete anything in this text, including this note. Be bold and experiment! If you make a mistake you can always see the previous version of the text on the Changes page. --> | Pownall, Ralph (I768)
5016 | == Biography == ''This biography is a rough draft. It was auto-generated by a GEDCOM import and needs to be edited.'' == Sources == * WikiTree profile Pownall-156 created through the import of Pownall Family Tree.ged on Aug 15, 2011 by [[Helma-1 | Ashley Helma]]. See the [ Changes page] for the details of edits by Ashley and others. * Source: <span id='S-1889365840'>S-1889365840</span> Repository: [[#R-1889517904]] Title: Ancestry Family Trees Publication: Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Original data: Family Tree files submitted by Ancestry members. Note: This information comes from 1 or more individual Ancestry Family Tree files. This source citation points you to a current version of those files. Note: The owners of these tree files may have removed or changed information since this source citation was created. Page: Ancestry Family Trees Note: Data: Text: No REPO record found with id R-1889517904. <references /> <!-- Please edit, add, or delete anything in this text, including this note. Be bold and experiment! If you make a mistake you can always see the previous version of the text on the Changes page. --> | Pownall, Katherine (I769)
5017 | == Biography == ''This biography is a rough draft. It was auto-generated by a GEDCOM import and needs to be edited.'' == Sources == * WikiTree profile Pownall-162 created through the import of Pownall Family Tree.ged on Aug 15, 2011 by [[Helma-1 | Ashley Helma]]. See the [ Changes page] for the details of edits by Ashley and others. * Source: <span id='S-1889365840'>S-1889365840</span> Repository: [[#R-1889517904]] Title: Ancestry Family Trees Publication: Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Original data: Family Tree files submitted by Ancestry members. Note: This information comes from 1 or more individual Ancestry Family Tree files. This source citation points you to a current version of those files. Note: The owners of these tree files may have removed or changed information since this source citation was created. Page: Ancestry Family Trees Note: Data: Text: No REPO record found with id R-1889517904. <references /> <!-- Please edit, add, or delete anything in this text, including this note. Be bold and experiment! If you make a mistake you can always see the previous version of the text on the Changes page. --> | Pownall, John (I772)
5018 | == Biography == ''This biography is a rough draft. It was auto-generated by a GEDCOM import and needs to be edited.'' == Sources == * WikiTree profile Pownall-72 created through the import of Pownall Family Tree.ged on Aug 15, 2011 by [[Helma-1 | Ashley Helma]]. See the [ Changes page] for the details of edits by Ashley and others. * Source: <span id='S-1889365840'>S-1889365840</span> Repository: [[#R-1889517904]] Title: Ancestry Family Trees Publication: Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Original data: Family Tree files submitted by Ancestry members. Note: This information comes from 1 or more individual Ancestry Family Tree files. This source citation points you to a current version of those files. Note: The owners of these tree files may have removed or changed information since this source citation was created. Page: Ancestry Family Trees Note: Data: Text: No REPO record found with id R-1889517904. <references /> <!-- Please edit, add, or delete anything in this text, including this note. Be bold and experiment! If you make a mistake you can always see the previous version of the text on the Changes page. --> | Pownall, Margaret (I781)
5019 | == Biography == ''This biography is a rough draft. It was auto-generated by a GEDCOM import and needs to be edited.'' == Sources == * WikiTree profile Pownall-73 created through the import of Pownall Family Tree.ged on Aug 15, 2011 by [[Helma-1 | Ashley Helma]]. See the [ Changes page] for the details of edits by Ashley and others. * Source: <span id='S-1889365840'>S-1889365840</span> Repository: [[#R-1889517904]] Title: Ancestry Family Trees Publication: Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Original data: Family Tree files submitted by Ancestry members. Note: This information comes from 1 or more individual Ancestry Family Tree files. This source citation points you to a current version of those files. Note: The owners of these tree files may have removed or changed information since this source citation was created. Page: Ancestry Family Trees Note: Data: Text: No REPO record found with id R-1889517904. <references /> <!-- Please edit, add, or delete anything in this text, including this note. Be bold and experiment! If you make a mistake you can always see the previous version of the text on the Changes page. --> | Pownall, Elizabeth (I780)
5020 | == Biography == ''This biography is a rough draft. It was auto-generated by a GEDCOM import and needs to be edited.'' == Sources == * WikiTree profile Ryley-5 created through the import of Pownall Family Tree.ged on Aug 15, 2011 by [[Helma-1 | Ashley Helma]]. See the [ Changes page] for the details of edits by Ashley and others. * Source: <span id='S-1889365840'>S-1889365840</span> Repository: [[#R-1889517904]] Title: Ancestry Family Trees Publication: Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Original data: Family Tree files submitted by Ancestry members. Note: This information comes from 1 or more individual Ancestry Family Tree files. This source citation points you to a current version of those files. Note: The owners of these tree files may have removed or changed information since this source citation was created. Page: Ancestry Family Trees Note: Data: Text: No REPO record found with id R-1889517904. <references /> <!-- Please edit, add, or delete anything in this text, including this note. Be bold and experiment! If you make a mistake you can always see the previous version of the text on the Changes page. --> | Ryley, Anne (I779)
5021 | == Biography == ''This biography is a rough draft. It was auto-generated by a GEDCOM import and needs to be edited.'' == Sources == * WikiTree profile Sandys-57 created through the import of Frank Walter Sands_ Family Tre.ged on Nov 14, 2011 by [[Sands-185 | Frank Walter Sands]]. See the [ Changes page] for the details of edits by Frank Walter and others. * Source: <span id='S-1961470941'>S-1961470941</span> Repository: [[#R-1961470942]] Title: Ancestry Family Trees Publication: Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Original data: Family Tree files submitted by Ancestry members. Note: This information comes from 1 or more individual Ancestry Family Tree files. This source citation points you to a current version of those files. Note: The owners of these tree files may have removed or changed information since this source citation was created. Page: Ancestry Family Trees Note: Data: Text: No REPO record found with id R-1961470942. <references /> <!-- Please edit, add, or delete anything in this text, including this note. Be bold and experiment! If you make a mistake you can always see the previous version of the text on the Changes page. --> | Sandys, George (I168)
5022 | == Biography == ''This biography is a rough draft. It was auto-generated by a GEDCOM import and needs to be edited.'' == Sources == * WikiTree profile Sandys-67 created through the import of Frank Walter Sands_ Family Tre.ged on Nov 14, 2011 by [[Sands-185 | Frank Walter Sands]]. See the [ Changes page] for the details of edits by Frank Walter and others. * Source: <span id='S-1961470941'>S-1961470941</span> Repository: [[#R-1961470942]] Title: Ancestry Family Trees Publication: Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Original data: Family Tree files submitted by Ancestry members. Note: This information comes from 1 or more individual Ancestry Family Tree files. This source citation points you to a current version of those files. Note: The owners of these tree files may have removed or changed information since this source citation was created. Page: Ancestry Family Trees Note: Data: Text: No REPO record found with id R-1961470942. <references /> <!-- Please edit, add, or delete anything in this text, including this note. Be bold and experiment! If you make a mistake you can always see the previous version of the text on the Changes page. --> | Sandys, Robert (I176)
5023 | == Biography == ''This biography is a rough draft. It was auto-generated by a GEDCOM import and needs to be edited.'' == Sources == * WikiTree profile Sandys-79 created through the import of Frank Walter Sands_ Family Tre.ged on Nov 14, 2011 by [[Sands-185 | Frank Walter Sands]]. See the [ Changes page] for the details of edits by Frank Walter and others. * Source: <span id='S-1961470941'>S-1961470941</span> Repository: [[#R-1961470942]] Title: Ancestry Family Trees Publication: Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Original data: Family Tree files submitted by Ancestry members. Note: This information comes from 1 or more individual Ancestry Family Tree files. This source citation points you to a current version of those files. Note: The owners of these tree files may have removed or changed information since this source citation was created. Page: Ancestry Family Trees Note: Data: Text: No REPO record found with id R-1961470942. <references /> <!-- Please edit, add, or delete anything in this text, including this note. Be bold and experiment! If you make a mistake you can always see the previous version of the text on the Changes page. --> | Sandys, Margaret (I160)
5024 | == Biography == ''This biography is a rough draft. It was auto-generated by a GEDCOM import and needs to be edited.'' == Sources == * WikiTree profile Sandys-82 created through the import of Frank Walter Sands_ Family Tre.ged on Nov 14, 2011 by [[Sands-185 | Frank Walter Sands]]. See the [ Changes page] for the details of edits by Frank Walter and others. * Source: <span id='S-1961470941'>S-1961470941</span> Repository: [[#R-1961470942]] Title: Ancestry Family Trees Publication: Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Original data: Family Tree files submitted by Ancestry members. Note: This information comes from 1 or more individual Ancestry Family Tree files. This source citation points you to a current version of those files. Note: The owners of these tree files may have removed or changed information since this source citation was created. Page: Ancestry Family Trees Note: Data: Text: No REPO record found with id R-1961470942. <references /> <!-- Please edit, add, or delete anything in this text, including this note. Be bold and experiment! If you make a mistake you can always see the previous version of the text on the Changes page. --> | Sandys, Thomas (I177)
5025 | == Biography == ''This biography is a rough draft. It was auto-generated by a GEDCOM import and needs to be edited.'' == Sources == * WikiTree profile Sandys-88 created through the import of Frank Walter Sands_ Family Tre.ged on Nov 14, 2011 by [[Sands-185 | Frank Walter Sands]]. See the [ Changes page] for the details of edits by Frank Walter and others. * Source: <span id='S-1961470941'>S-1961470941</span> Repository: [[#R-1961470942]] Title: Ancestry Family Trees Publication: Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Original data: Family Tree files submitted by Ancestry members. Note: This information comes from 1 or more individual Ancestry Family Tree files. This source citation points you to a current version of those files. Note: The owners of these tree files may have removed or changed information since this source citation was created. Page: Ancestry Family Trees Note: Data: Text: No REPO record found with id R-1961470942. <references /> <!-- Please edit, add, or delete anything in this text, including this note. Be bold and experiment! If you make a mistake you can always see the previous version of the text on the Changes page. --> | Sandys, Margaret (I171)
5026 | == Biography == ''This biography is a rough draft. It was auto-generated by a GEDCOM import and needs to be edited.'' == Sources == * WikiTree profile Sandys-98 created through the import of Frank Walter Sands_ Family Tre.ged on Nov 14, 2011 by [[Sands-185 | Frank Walter Sands]]. See the [ Changes page] for the details of edits by Frank Walter and others. * Source: <span id='S-1961470941'>S-1961470941</span> Repository: [[#R-1961470942]] Title: Ancestry Family Trees Publication: Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Original data: Family Tree files submitted by Ancestry members. Note: This information comes from 1 or more individual Ancestry Family Tree files. This source citation points you to a current version of those files. Note: The owners of these tree files may have removed or changed information since this source citation was created. Page: Ancestry Family Trees Note: Data: Text: No REPO record found with id R-1961470942. <references /> <!-- Please edit, add, or delete anything in this text, including this note. Be bold and experiment! If you make a mistake you can always see the previous version of the text on the Changes page. --> | Sandys, Ann (I169)
5027 | == Biography == ''This biography is a rough draft. It was auto-generated by a GEDCOM import and needs to be edited.'' == Sources ==* "England, Cheshire Parish Registers, 1538-2000," database, FamilySearch ( : 7 December 2017), Richard Huett and Anne Sudlowe, 11 Jul 1585, Marriage; citing item 2, , Witton-cum-Twambrooks, Cheshire, England, Record Office, Chester; FHL microfilm 2,094,290. <references /> <!-- Please edit, add, or delete anything in this text, including this note. Be bold and experiment! If you make a mistake you can always see the previous version of the text on the Changes page. --> | Huett, Richard (I784)
5028 | == Biography == ''This biography is a rough draft. It was auto-generated by a GEDCOM import and needs to be edited.'' === Birth === : Birth: :: Date: ABT 1641 :: SDATE 1 JUL 1641:: Place: Kaldenkirchen, , , Germany<ref>Source: [[#S199]] TMPLT FIELD Name: Page</ref> === Death === : Death: :: Date: 2 AUG 1700:: Place: Kaldenkirchen, , , Germany<ref>Source: [[#S199]] TMPLT FIELD Name: Page</ref> == Sources == * WikiTree profile Doors-17 created through the import of Lupton file.ged on Jul 7, 2011 by [[Ostermyer-1 | Kim Ostermyer]]. See the [ Changes page] for the details of edits by Kim and others. * Source: <span id='S199'>S199</span> Abbreviation: Title: Dominique Z. Delphine, <i>CABLE-BUCHER-HAWBAKER-ULERY-KESTER-PRIEST - STAFFORD - SCANLAND-PRICE - HAPNER</i> Subsequent Source Citation Format: Dominique Z. Delphine, <i>CABLE-BUCHER-HAWBAKER-ULERY-KESTER-PRIEST - STAFFORD - SCANLAND-PRICE - HAPNER</i> BIBL Dominique Z. Delphine. <i>CABLE-BUCHER-HAWBAKER-ULERY-KESTER-PRIEST - STAFFORD - SCANLAND-PRICE - HAPNER</i>. TMPLT TID 0 FIELD Name: Footnote VALUE Dominique Z. Delphine, <i>CABLE-BUCHER-HAWBAKER-ULERY-KESTER-PRIEST - STAFFORD - SCANLAND-PRICE - HAPNER</i> FIELD Name: ShortFootnote VALUE Dominique Z. Delphine, <i>CABLE-BUCHER-HAWBAKER-ULERY-KESTER-PRIEST - STAFFORD - SCANLAND-PRICE - HAPNER</i> FIELD Name: Bibliography VALUE Dominique Z. Delphine. <i>CABLE-BUCHER-HAWBAKER-ULERY-KESTER-PRIEST - STAFFORD - SCANLAND-PRICE - HAPNER</i>. TMPLT FIELD Name: Page <references /> <!-- Please edit, add, or delete anything in this text, including this note. Be bold and experiment! If you make a mistake you can always see the previous version of the text on the Changes page. --> | Doors, Anna Entgen (I494)
5029 | == Biography == ''This biography is a rough draft. It was auto-generated by a GEDCOM import and needs to be edited.'' === Birth === : Birth: :: User ID: 0AC84B7A-3768-4055-A3EF-A6C44E31A063 :: Record ID Number: MH:IF186 :: Date: 1586 :: Place: Chesham, Buckinghamshire, England === Death === : Death: :: User ID: CF0AEF2F-1A74-4028-AD39-99D4E03AF53A :: Record ID Number: MH:IF187 :: Date: 4 NOV 1613 :: Place: Chesham, Buckinghamshire, England === Record ID Number === : Record ID Number: MH:I100 === User ID === : User ID: 739A96B6-CD96-45F2-B88B-2D9F493AF90C === UPD === : UPD 04 SEP 2011 21:04:24 GMT-5 == Sources == <references />* WikiTree profile Dickens-95 created through the import of Warner-Lilley Family Tree_2b.GED on Sep 5, 2011 by [[Warner-33 | Michael Robert Warner]]. See the [ Changes page] for the details of edits by Michael Robert and others. * Source: <span id='S1'>S1</span> Record ID Number: MH:S1 User ID: D7EE7E0D-6B73-4CFB-8669-A0DEE2892A23 Title: Ancestry Family Trees Publication: Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Original data: Family Tree files submitted by Ancestry members. Note: This information comes from 1 or more individual Ancestry Family Tree files. This source citation points you to a current version of those files. Note: The owners of these tree files may have removed or changed information since this source citation was created. Page: Ancestry Family Trees Data: Text: This person was created through the import of Warner-Lilley Family Tree.ged on 05 July 2010. The following data was included in the gedcom. You may wish to edit it for readability. <!-- Please edit, add, or delete anything in this text, including this note. Be bold and experiment! If you make a mistake you can always see the previous version of the text on the Changes page. --> ---- | Dickens, Thomas (I341)
5030 | == Biography == ''This biography is a rough draft. It was auto-generated by a GEDCOM import and needs to be edited.'' === Birth === :: Date: ABT 1597 :: Place: Of Chesham, Bucks, England === Death === :: Date: 4 OCT 1602 == Sources ==* <references /> == Acknowledgements ==* This person was created through the import of Warner-Lilley Family Tree.ged on 05 July 2010.* WikiTree profile Dickens-89 created through the import of Warner-Lilley Family Tree.ged on Aug 29, 2011 by [[Warner-33 | Michael Warner]]. See the [ Changes page] for the details of edits by Michael and others.* WikiTree profile Dickens-103 created through the import of Warner-Lilley Family Tree_2b.GED on Sep 5, 2011 by [[Warner-33 | Michael Robert Warner]]. See the [ Changes page] for the details of edits by Michael Robert and others. <!-- Please edit, add, or delete anything in this text, including this note. Be bold and experiment! If you make a mistake you can always see the previous version of the text on the Changes page. --> | Dickens, Joseph (I347)
5031 | == Biography == ''This biography is a rough draft. It was auto-generated by a GEDCOM import and needs to be edited.'' === Birth === :: Date: ABT 1599 :: Place: Chesham, Bucks, England == Sources == <references /> == Acknowledgements ==* This person was created through the import of Warner-Lilley Family Tree.ged on 05 July 2010. The following data was included in the gedcom. You may wish to edit it for readability.* WikiTree profile Dickens-90 created through the import of Warner-Lilley Family Tree.ged on Aug 29, 2011 by [[Warner-33 | Michael Warner]]. See the [ Changes page] for the details of edits by Michael and others.* WikiTree profile Dickens-104 created through the import of Warner-Lilley Family Tree_2b.GED on Sep 5, 2011 by [[Warner-33 | Michael Robert Warner]]. See the [ Changes page] for the details of edits by Michael Robert and others. <!-- Please edit, add, or delete anything in this text, including this note. Be bold and experiment! If you make a mistake you can always see the previous version of the text on the Changes page. --> | Dickens, Margarite (I348)
5032 | == Biography == ''This biography is a rough draft. It was auto-generated by a GEDCOM import and needs to be edited.'' === Birth === :: Date: DEC 1600 :: Place: Chesham, Bucks, England === Death === :: Date: 5 FEB 1611 == Sources == <references /> == Acknowledgements ==* This person was created through the import of Warner-Lilley Family Tree.ged on 05 July 2010.* WikiTree profile Dickens-91 created through the import of Warner-Lilley Family Tree.ged on Aug 29, 2011 by [[Warner-33 | Michael Warner]]. See the [ Changes page] for the details of edits by Michael and others.* WikiTree profile Dickens-105 created through the import of Warner-Lilley Family Tree_2b.GED on Sep 5, 2011 by [[Warner-33 | Michael Robert Warner]]. See the [ Changes page] for the details of edits by Michael Robert and others.<!-- Please edit, add, or delete anything in this text, including this note. Be bold and experiment! If you make a mistake you can always see the previous version of the text on the Changes page. --> | Dickens, John (I349)
5033 | == Biography == ''This biography is a rough draft. It was auto-generated by a GEDCOM import and needs to be edited.'' === Death === : Death: :: Cause: Plague :: Date: 1555 :: Place: Strassbourg, Bas-Rhin, Alsace, France == Sources == * WikiTree profile Sandys-90 created through the import of Frank Walter Sands_ Family Tre.ged on Nov 14, 2011 by [[Sands-185 | Frank Walter Sands]]. See the [ Changes page] for the details of edits by Frank Walter and others. * Source: <span id='S-1956831366'>S-1956831366</span> Repository: [[#R-1961470942]] Title: UK, Extracted Probate Records Author: Publication: Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Operations Inc, 2009.Original data - Electronic databases created from various publications of probate records.Original data: Electronic databases created from various publications of probate records. Note: APID: 1,1610::0 No REPO record found with id R-1961470942.* Source: <span id='S-1961470941'>S-1961470941</span> Repository: [[#R-1961470942]] Title: Ancestry Family Trees Publication: Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Original data: Family Tree files submitted by Ancestry members. Note: This information comes from 1 or more individual Ancestry Family Tree files. This source citation points you to a current version of those files. Note: The owners of these tree files may have removed or changed information since this source citation was created. Page: Ancestry Family Trees Note: Data: Text: <references /> <!-- Please edit, add, or delete anything in this text, including this note. Be bold and experiment! If you make a mistake you can always see the previous version of the text on the Changes page. --> | Sandys, James (I155)
5034 | == Biography == ''This biography is a rough draft. It was auto-generated by a GEDCOM import and needs to be edited.'' === Death === : Death: :: Date: 1585-01 Imported only 1585 from Death Date and marked as uncertain. == Sources == * WikiTree profile Tue-5 created through the import of Pownall Family Tree.ged on Aug 15, 2011 by [[Helma-1 | Ashley Helma]]. See the [ Changes page] for the details of edits by Ashley and others. * Source: <span id='S-1889365840'>S-1889365840</span> Repository: [[#R-1889517904]] Title: Ancestry Family Trees Publication: Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Original data: Family Tree files submitted by Ancestry members. Note: This information comes from 1 or more individual Ancestry Family Tree files. This source citation points you to a current version of those files. Note: The owners of these tree files may have removed or changed information since this source citation was created. Page: Ancestry Family Trees Note: Data: Text: No REPO record found with id R-1889517904. <references /> <!-- Please edit, add, or delete anything in this text, including this note. Be bold and experiment! If you make a mistake you can always see the previous version of the text on the Changes page. --> | Tue, Thomas (I782)
5035 | == Biography == ''This biography is a rough draft. It was auto-generated by a GEDCOM import and needs to be edited.'' === Name ===: Name: Elizabeth /POWNALL/<ref>Source: [[#S-1889038574]] Note: Note: APID: 1,1352::1313442</ref> === Birth === : Birth: :: Date: 15 Apr 1621:: Place: Chester, Cheshire, England<ref>Source: [[#S-1889038574]] Note: Note: APID: 1,1352::1313442</ref> == Sources == * WikiTree profile Pownall-157 created through the import of Pownall Family Tree.ged on Aug 15, 2011 by [[Helma-1 | Ashley Helma]]. See the [ Changes page] for the details of edits by Ashley and others. * Source: <span id='S-1889038574'>S-1889038574</span> Repository: [[#R-1889517904]] Title: England & Wales Marriages, 1538-1940 Author: Publication: Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Operations Inc, 2008.Original data - Genealogical Society of Utah. British Isles Vital Records Index, 2nd Edition. Salt Lake City, Utah: Intellectual Reserve, copyright 2002. Used by permission.Original dat Note: APID: 1,1352::0 No REPO record found with id R-1889517904. <references /> <!-- Please edit, add, or delete anything in this text, including this note. Be bold and experiment! If you make a mistake you can always see the previous version of the text on the Changes page. --> | Pownall, Elizabeth (I767)
5036 | == Biography == ''This biography is a rough draft. It was auto-generated by a GEDCOM import and needs to be edited.'' === Name ===: Name: George /Pownall/ I<ref>Source: [[#S-1889038574]] Note: Note: APID: 1,1352::1313442</ref> === Birth === : Birth: :: Date: 1595:: Place: Wittenberg, Cheshire, England<ref>Source: [[#S-1889038574]] Note: Note: APID: 1,1352::1313442</ref> === Death === : Death: :: Date: 6 Jan 1680:: Place: Witton, Cheshire, England <ref>Source: "England, Cheshire Parish Registers, 1538-2000," database, FamilySearch ( : 7 December 2017), Georgius, Sen. Pownall, 06 Jan 1679, Burial; citing item 3, , Witton-cum-Twambrooks, Cheshire, England, Record Office, Chester; FHL microfilm 2,094,290.</ref> == Sources == * WikiTree profile Pownall-154 created through the import of Pownall Family Tree.ged on Aug 15, 2011 by [[Helma-1 | Ashley Helma]]. See the [ Changes page] for the details of edits by Ashley and others. * Source: <span id='S-1889038574'>S-1889038574</span> Repository: [[#R-1889517904]] Title: England & Wales Marriages, 1538-1940 Author: Publication: Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Operations Inc, 2008.Original data - Genealogical Society of Utah. British Isles Vital Records Index, 2nd Edition. Salt Lake City, Utah: Intellectual Reserve, copyright 2002. Used by permission.Original dat Note: APID: 1,1352::0 No REPO record found with id R-1889517904.* Source: <span id='S-1889365840'>S-1889365840</span> Repository: [[#R-1889517904]] Title: Ancestry Family Trees Publication: Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Original data: Family Tree files submitted by Ancestry members. Note: This information comes from 1 or more individual Ancestry Family Tree files. This source citation points you to a current version of those files. Note: The owners of these tree files may have removed or changed information since this source citation was created. Page: Ancestry Family Trees Note: Data: Text: <references /> <!-- Please edit, add, or delete anything in this text, including this note. Be bold and experiment! If you make a mistake you can always see the previous version of the text on the Changes page. --> | Pownall, George (I765)
5037 | == Biography == ''This biography is a rough draft. It was auto-generated by a GEDCOM import and needs to be edited.'' === Name ===: Name: Humphrey /POWNALL/ II<ref>Source: [[#S-1889038574]] Note: Note: APID: 1,1352::1313442</ref> == Sources == * WikiTree profile Pownall-159 created through the import of Pownall Family Tree.ged on Aug 15, 2011 by [[Helma-1 | Ashley Helma]]. See the [ Changes page] for the details of edits by Ashley and others. * Source: <span id='S-1889038574'>S-1889038574</span> Repository: [[#R-1889517904]] Title: England & Wales Marriages, 1538-1940 Author: Publication: Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Operations Inc, 2008.Original data - Genealogical Society of Utah. British Isles Vital Records Index, 2nd Edition. Salt Lake City, Utah: Intellectual Reserve, copyright 2002. Used by permission.Original dat Note: APID: 1,1352::0 No REPO record found with id R-1889517904.* Source: <span id='S-1889365840'>S-1889365840</span> Repository: [[#R-1889517904]] Title: Ancestry Family Trees Publication: Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Original data: Family Tree files submitted by Ancestry members. Note: This information comes from 1 or more individual Ancestry Family Tree files. This source citation points you to a current version of those files. Note: The owners of these tree files may have removed or changed information since this source citation was created. Page: Ancestry Family Trees Note: Data: Text: <references /> <!-- Please edit, add, or delete anything in this text, including this note. Be bold and experiment! If you make a mistake you can always see the previous version of the text on the Changes page. --> | Pownall, Humphrey (I777)
5038 | == Biography == ''This biography is a rough draft. It was auto-generated by a GEDCOM import and needs to be edited.'' === Name ===: Name: Humphrey /Pownall/ II<ref>Source: [[#S-1889038574]] Note: Note: APID: 1,1352::1313442</ref> === Birth === : Birth: :: Date: 1560:: Place: Lostock, Gralam, Olde England<ref>Source: [[#S-1889038574]] Note: Note: APID: 1,1352::1313442</ref> === Death === : Death: :: Date: 1614:: Place: Wytton, Cheshire, Olde England<ref>Source: [[#S-1889038574]] Note: Note: APID: 1,1352::1313442</ref> == Sources == * WikiTree profile Pownall-74 created through the import of Pownall Family Tree.ged on Aug 15, 2011 by [[Helma-1 | Ashley Helma]]. See the [ Changes page] for the details of edits by Ashley and others. * Source: <span id='S-1889038574'>S-1889038574</span> Repository: [[#R-1889517904]] Title: England & Wales Marriages, 1538-1940 Author: Publication: Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Operations Inc, 2008.Original data - Genealogical Society of Utah. British Isles Vital Records Index, 2nd Edition. Salt Lake City, Utah: Intellectual Reserve, copyright 2002. Used by permission.Original dat Note: APID: 1,1352::0 No REPO record found with id R-1889517904.* Source: <span id='S-1889365840'>S-1889365840</span> Repository: [[#R-1889517904]] Title: Ancestry Family Trees Publication: Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Original data: Family Tree files submitted by Ancestry members. Note: This information comes from 1 or more individual Ancestry Family Tree files. This source citation points you to a current version of those files. Note: The owners of these tree files may have removed or changed information since this source citation was created. Page: Ancestry Family Trees Note: Data: Text: <references /> <!-- Please edit, add, or delete anything in this text, including this note. Be bold and experiment! If you make a mistake you can always see the previous version of the text on the Changes page. --> | Pownall, Humphrey (I770)
5039 | == Biography == ''This biography is a rough draft. It was auto-generated by a GEDCOM import and needs to be edited.'' === Name ===: Name: Joan /Tue/<ref>Source: [[#S-1889038574]] Note: Note: APID: 1,1352::1313442</ref> === Birth === : Birth: :: Date: 1566:: Place: Olde England<ref>Source: [[#S-1889038574]] Note: Note: APID: 1,1352::1313442</ref> === Death === : Death: :: Date: 1630:: Place: Olde England<ref>Source: [[#S-1889038574]] Note: Note: APID: 1,1352::1313442</ref> == Sources == * WikiTree profile Tue-6 created through the import of Pownall Family Tree.ged on Aug 15, 2011 by [[Helma-1 | Ashley Helma]]. See the [ Changes page] for the details of edits by Ashley and others. * Source: <span id='S-1889038574'>S-1889038574</span> Repository: [[#R-1889517904]] Title: England & Wales Marriages, 1538-1940 Author: Publication: Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Operations Inc, 2008.Original data - Genealogical Society of Utah. British Isles Vital Records Index, 2nd Edition. Salt Lake City, Utah: Intellectual Reserve, copyright 2002. Used by permission.Original dat Note: APID: 1,1352::0 No REPO record found with id R-1889517904.* Source: <span id='S-1889365840'>S-1889365840</span> Repository: [[#R-1889517904]] Title: Ancestry Family Trees Publication: Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Original data: Family Tree files submitted by Ancestry members. Note: This information comes from 1 or more individual Ancestry Family Tree files. This source citation points you to a current version of those files. Note: The owners of these tree files may have removed or changed information since this source citation was created. Page: Ancestry Family Trees Note: Data: Text: <references /> <!-- Please edit, add, or delete anything in this text, including this note. Be bold and experiment! If you make a mistake you can always see the previous version of the text on the Changes page. --> | Tue, Joan (I771)
5040 | == Biography == ''This biography is a rough draft. It was auto-generated by a GEDCOM import and needs to be edited.'' === Name ===: Name: Ralph /Pownall/<ref>Source: [[#S-1889038574]] Note: Note: APID: 1,1352::1313442</ref> === Birth === : Birth: :: Date: 1592:: Place: Lostock Gralam, Cheshire, England<ref>Source: [[#S-1889038574]] Note: Note: APID: 1,1352::1313442</ref> === Death === : Death: :: Date: 1606:: Place: Cheshire, England<ref>Source: [[#S-1889038574]] Note: Note: APID: 1,1352::1313442</ref> == Sources == * WikiTree profile Pownall-158 created through the import of Pownall Family Tree.ged on Aug 15, 2011 by [[Helma-1 | Ashley Helma]]. See the [ Changes page] for the details of edits by Ashley and others. * Source: <span id='S-1889038574'>S-1889038574</span> Repository: [[#R-1889517904]] Title: England & Wales Marriages, 1538-1940 Author: Publication: Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Operations Inc, 2008.Original data - Genealogical Society of Utah. British Isles Vital Records Index, 2nd Edition. Salt Lake City, Utah: Intellectual Reserve, copyright 2002. Used by permission.Original dat Note: APID: 1,1352::0 No REPO record found with id R-1889517904.* Source: <span id='S-1889365840'>S-1889365840</span> Repository: [[#R-1889517904]] Title: Ancestry Family Trees Publication: Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Original data: Family Tree files submitted by Ancestry members. Note: This information comes from 1 or more individual Ancestry Family Tree files. This source citation points you to a current version of those files. Note: The owners of these tree files may have removed or changed information since this source citation was created. Page: Ancestry Family Trees Note: Data: Text: <references /> <!-- Please edit, add, or delete anything in this text, including this note. Be bold and experiment! If you make a mistake you can always see the previous version of the text on the Changes page. --> | Pownall, Ralph (I775)
5041 | == Biography == ''This biography is a rough draft. It was auto-generated by a GEDCOM import and needs to be edited.'' === Name ===: Name: Robert /Pownall/<ref>Source: [[#S-1889038574]] Note: Note: APID: 1,1352::1313442</ref><ref>Source: [[#S-1888181804]] Note: Note: Data: Text: Marriage date: Marriage place: Bromhall, Cheshire, England APID: 1,1610::171295</ref> === Marriage === : Marriage: :: Place: Bromhall, Cheshire, England<ref>Source: [[#S-1888181804]] Note: Note: Data: Text: Marriage date: Marriage place: Bromhall, Cheshire, England APID: 1,1610::171295</ref> == Sources == * WikiTree profile Pownall-161 created through the import of Pownall Family Tree.ged on Aug 15, 2011 by [[Helma-1 | Ashley Helma]]. See the [ Changes page] for the details of edits by Ashley and others. * Source: <span id='S-1888181804'>S-1888181804</span> Repository: [[#R-1889517904]] Title: UK, Extracted Probate Records Author: Publication: Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Operations Inc, 2009.Original data - Electronic databases created from various publications of probate records.Original data: Electronic databases created from various publications of probate records. Note: APID: 1,1610::0 No REPO record found with id R-1889517904.* Source: <span id='S-1889038574'>S-1889038574</span> Repository: [[#R-1889517904]] Title: England & Wales Marriages, 1538-1940 Author: Publication: Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Operations Inc, 2008.Original data - Genealogical Society of Utah. British Isles Vital Records Index, 2nd Edition. Salt Lake City, Utah: Intellectual Reserve, copyright 2002. Used by permission.Original dat Note: APID: 1,1352::0 * Source: <span id='S-1889365840'>S-1889365840</span> Repository: [[#R-1889517904]] Title: Ancestry Family Trees Publication: Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Original data: Family Tree files submitted by Ancestry members. Note: This information comes from 1 or more individual Ancestry Family Tree files. This source citation points you to a current version of those files. Note: The owners of these tree files may have removed or changed information since this source citation was created. Page: Ancestry Family Trees Note: Data: Text: <references /> <!-- Please edit, add, or delete anything in this text, including this note. Be bold and experiment! If you make a mistake you can always see the previous version of the text on the Changes page. --> | Pownall, Robert (I774)
5042 | == Biography == ''This biography is a rough draft. It was auto-generated by a GEDCOM import and needs to be edited.'' === Note === : Note: Lady Mary SANDYS:: === Marriage === : Husband: [[Sandys-109|Edwin Sandys]] : Wife: [[Sandys-96|Mary Sandys]] : Child: [[Sandys-90|James Sandys]] :: Relationship to Father: Natural :: Relationship to Mother: Natural : Marriage: :: Date: 1548:: Place: London, Middlesex, England<ref>Source: [[#S-1956831366]] Note: Note: Data: Text: Death date: 1588Death place: Marriage date: Marriage place: County Palatine Lancaster, Cheshire, England APID: 1,1610::277728</ref> == Sources == * WikiTree profile Sandys-96 created through the import of Frank Walter Sands_ Family Tre.ged on Nov 14, 2011 by [[Sands-185 | Frank Walter Sands]]. See the [ Changes page] for the details of edits by Frank Walter and others. * Source: <span id='S-1956831366'>S-1956831366</span> Repository: [[#R-1961470942]] Title: UK, Extracted Probate Records Author: Publication: Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Operations Inc, 2009.Original data - Electronic databases created from various publications of probate records.Original data: Electronic databases created from various publications of probate records. Note: APID: 1,1610::0 No REPO record found with id R-1961470942.* Source: <span id='S-1961470941'>S-1961470941</span> Repository: [[#R-1961470942]] Title: Ancestry Family Trees Publication: Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Original data: Family Tree files submitted by Ancestry members. Note: This information comes from 1 or more individual Ancestry Family Tree files. This source citation points you to a current version of those files. Note: The owners of these tree files may have removed or changed information since this source citation was created. Page: Ancestry Family Trees Note: Data: Text: <references /> <!-- Please edit, add, or delete anything in this text, including this note. Be bold and experiment! If you make a mistake you can always see the previous version of the text on the Changes page. --> | Sandys, Mary (I166)
5043 | == Biography == ''This biography is a rough draft. It was auto-generated by a GEDCOM import and needs to be edited.'' === User ID === : User ID: 5E259E852AFA0D42940289D9AFDA0D7118F0 === Data Changed === : Data Changed: :: Date: 7 Dec 2003 Prior to import, this record was last changed 7 Dec 2003. == Sources == * WikiTree profile Souplis-6 created through the import of ross20genancestors-children6-22-2011.ged on Jun 22, 2011 by [[Ross-1334 | Lamar Ross]]. See the [ Changes page] for the details of edits by Lamar and others. * Source: <span id='S1'>S1</span> Abbreviation: Imported GEDCOM file Title: E. Lamar Ross, GEDCOM file imported on 21 Aug 1999. CONT _MASTER: Y CONT _MASTER: Y CONT _MASTER: Y CONT _MASTER: Y CONT _MASTER: Y CONT _MASTER: Y CONT _MASTER: Y CONT _MASTER: Y CONT _MASTER: Y CONT _MASTER: Y CONT _MASTER: Y CONT _MASTER: Y CONT _MASTER: Y CONT _MASTER: Y CONT _MASTER: Y Subsequent Source Citation Format: E. Lamar Ross, GEDCOM file imported on 21 Aug 1999. CONT _MASTER: Y CONT _MASTER: Y CONT _MASTER: Y CONT _MASTER: Y CONT _MASTER: Y CONT _MASTER: Y CONT _MASTER: Y CONT _MASTER: Y CONT _MASTER: Y CONT _MASTER: Y CONT _MASTER: Y CONT _MASTER: Y CONT _MASTER: Y CONT _MASTER: Y CONT _MASTER: Y BIBL E. Lamar Ross, GEDCOM file imported on 21 Aug 1999. CONT _MASTER: Y CONT _MASTER: Y CONT _MASTER: Y CONT _MASTER: Y CONT _MASTER: Y CONT _MASTER: Y CONT _MASTER: Y CONT _MASTER: Y CONT _MASTER: Y CONT _MASTER: Y CONT _MASTER: Y CONT _MASTER: Y CONT _MASTER: Y CONT _MASTER: Y CONT _MASTER: Y. * Source: <span id='S2'>S2</span> Abbreviation: Imported GEDCOM file Title: E. Lamar Ross, GEDCOM file imported on 1 Dec 1999. CONT _MASTER: Y CONT _MASTER: Y CONT _MASTER: Y CONT _MASTER: Y CONT _MASTER: Y CONT _MASTER: Y CONT _MASTER: Y CONT _MASTER: Y CONT _MASTER: Y CONT _MASTER: Y CONT _MASTER: Y CONT _MASTER: Y CONT _MASTER: Y CONT _MASTER: Y CONT _MASTER: Y (E. Lamar Ross, 14221 SW Subsequent Source Citation Format: E. Lamar Ross, GEDCOM file imported on 1 Dec 1999. CONT _MASTER: Y CONT _MASTER: Y CONT _MASTER: Y CONT _MASTER: Y CONT _MASTER: Y CONT _MASTER: Y CONT _MASTER: Y CONT _MASTER: Y CONT _MASTER: Y CONT _MASTER: Y CONT _MASTER: Y CONT _MASTER: Y CONT _MASTER: Y CONT _MASTER: Y CONT _MASTER: Y (E. Lamar Ross, 14221 SW BIBL E. Lamar Ross, GEDCOM file imported on 1 Dec 1999. CONT _MASTER: Y CONT _MASTER: Y CONT _MASTER: Y CONT _MASTER: Y CONT _MASTER: Y CONT _MASTER: Y CONT _MASTER: Y CONT _MASTER: Y CONT _MASTER: Y CONT _MASTER: Y CONT _MASTER: Y CONT _MASTER: Y CONT _MASTER: Y CONT _MASTER: Y CONT _MASTER: Y (E. Lamar Ross, 14221 SW. <references /> <!-- Please edit, add, or delete anything in this text, including this note. Be bold and experiment! If you make a mistake you can always see the previous version of the text on the Changes page. --> | Souplis, Bartholomew (I457)
5044 | == Biography == ''This biography is a rough draft. It was auto-generated by a GEDCOM import and needs to be edited.'' ===Baptisim=== : Date: 4 JAN 1654/5 : Place: Kaldenkirchen, , , Germany<ref>Source: [[#S199]] TMPLT FIELD Name: Page</ref>Religion was Catholic; Sponsor was Arnold Köster. <ref name="Niepoth"> [[#Niepoth|Niepoth]]: p. 96, 99.</ref> <BR> == Sources ==# <span id='Niepoth'></span>Niepoth, Wilhelm. ''[[Space:The_Ancestry_of_the_Thirteen_Krefeld_Emigrants_of_1683|The Ancestry of the Thirteen Krefeld Emigrants of 1683]]'' <BR> * WikiTree profile Doors-23 created through the import of Lupton file.ged on Jul 7, 2011 by [[Ostermyer-1 | Kim Ostermyer]]. See the [ Changes page] for the details of edits by Kim and others. * Source: <span id='S199'>S199</span> Abbreviation: Title: Dominique Z. Delphine, <i>CABLE-BUCHER-HAWBAKER-ULERY-KESTER-PRIEST - STAFFORD - SCANLAND-PRICE - HAPNER</i> Subsequent Source Citation Format: Dominique Z. Delphine, <i>CABLE-BUCHER-HAWBAKER-ULERY-KESTER-PRIEST - STAFFORD - SCANLAND-PRICE - HAPNER</i> BIBL Dominique Z. Delphine. <i>CABLE-BUCHER-HAWBAKER-ULERY-KESTER-PRIEST - STAFFORD - SCANLAND-PRICE - HAPNER</i>. TMPLT TID 0 FIELD Name: Footnote VALUE Dominique Z. Delphine, <i>CABLE-BUCHER-HAWBAKER-ULERY-KESTER-PRIEST - STAFFORD - SCANLAND-PRICE - HAPNER</i> FIELD Name: ShortFootnote VALUE Dominique Z. Delphine, <i>CABLE-BUCHER-HAWBAKER-ULERY-KESTER-PRIEST - STAFFORD - SCANLAND-PRICE - HAPNER</i> FIELD Name: Bibliography VALUE Dominique Z. Delphine. <i>CABLE-BUCHER-HAWBAKER-ULERY-KESTER-PRIEST - STAFFORD - SCANLAND-PRICE - HAPNER</i>. TMPLT FIELD Name: Page <references /> * Source: <span id='S86'>S86</span> Abbreviation: Ancestry Family Trees Title: Ancestry Family Trees Publication: Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Original data: Family Tree files submitted by Ancestry members. Repository: [[#R1]] Paranthetical: Y Page: Ancestry Family Tree Quality or Certainty of Data: 3 Data: Text: * Repository: <span id='R1'>R1</span> Name: Address: Name: Author: Pat D Saunders Author: Edwin Priest | Doors, Margarita (I502)
5045 | == Biography == ''This biography was auto-generated by a GEDCOM import. It's a rough draft and needs to be edited.'' == Sources == * Source: <span id='S-269909199'>S-269909199</span> Repository: [[#R-849592402]] Title: Ancestry Family Trees Publication: Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Original data: Family Tree files submitted by Ancestry members. Page: Ancestry Family Tree Data: Text: * Repository: <span id='R-849592402'>R-849592402</span> Name: <references /> === Acknowledgments === Thank you to [[Tribble-143 | Kenyon Tribble]] for creating WikiTree profile Wilsford-48 through the import of F. Kenyon Tribble Jr. Family Tree.ged on Oct 2, 2013. Click to the Changes page for the details of edits by Kenyon and others. <!-- Please edit, add, or delete anything in this text. Thank you! --> ---- This person was created through the import of HOWE(1).ged on 08 April 2011. The following data was included in the gedcom. You may wish to edit it for readability. === Source === : Source: [[#S-456906241]] :: Page: Ancestry Family Trees :: Note: :: Data: ::: Text: === Sources === : Source <span id='S-456906241'>S-456906241</span> : Repository: [[#R-2097757945]] : Title: Ancestry Family Trees: Publication: Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: The Generations Network. Original data: Family Tree files submitted by Ancestry members.: Note: This information comes from 1 or more individual Ancestry Family Tree files. This source citation points you to a current version of those files. Note: The owners of these tree files may have removed or changed information since this source citation was created. No REPO record found with id R-2097757945. Author: Glenn Kittredge | Wilsford, Sarah (I187)
5046 | == Biography == ''This biography was auto-generated by a GEDCOM import. It's a rough draft and needs to be edited.'' == Sources == * Source: <span id='S-718285723'>S-718285723</span> Repository: [[#R-1149313785]] Title: Ancestry Family Trees Publication: Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Original data: Family Tree files submitted by Ancestry members. Page: Ancestry Family Tree Data: Text: * Repository: <span id='R-1149313785'>R-1149313785</span> Name: <references /> === Acknowledgments === Thank you to [[Thomas-10063 | Michael Thomas]] for creating WikiTree profile Paxton-267 through the import of Thomas family tree.ged on Aug 27, 2013. Click to the Changes page for the details of edits by Michael and others. <!-- Please edit, add, or delete anything in this text. Thank you! --> | Paxton, Henry (I751)
5047 | == Biography == ''This biography was auto-generated by a GEDCOM import. It's a rough draft and needs to be edited.'' == Sources == * Source: <span id='S-718285723'>S-718285723</span> Repository: [[#R-1149313785]] Title: Ancestry Family Trees Publication: Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Original data: Family Tree files submitted by Ancestry members. Page: Ancestry Family Tree Data: Text: * Repository: <span id='R-1149313785'>R-1149313785</span> Name: <references /> === Acknowledgments === Thank you to [[Thomas-10063 | Michael Thomas]] for creating WikiTree profile Clarke-3458 through the import of Thomas family tree.ged on Aug 27, 2013. Click to the Changes page for the details of edits by Michael and others. <!-- Please edit, add, or delete anything in this text. Thank you! --> | Clarke, Joan (I752)
5048 | == Biography == ''This biography was auto-generated by a GEDCOM import. It's a rough draft and needs to be edited.'' == Sources == * Source: <span id='S-718285723'>S-718285723</span> Repository: [[#R-1149313785]] Title: Ancestry Family Trees Publication: Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Original data: Family Tree files submitted by Ancestry members. Page: Ancestry Family Tree Data: Text: * Repository: <span id='R-1149313785'>R-1149313785</span> Name: <references /> === Acknowledgments === Thank you to [[Thomas-10063 | Michael Thomas]] for creating WikiTree profile Barnslie-1 through the import of Thomas family tree.ged on Aug 27, 2013. Click to the Changes page for the details of edits by Michael and others. <!-- Please edit, add, or delete anything in this text. Thank you! --> | Barnslie, Helene (I754)
5049 | == Biography == ''This biography was auto-generated by a GEDCOM import. It's a rough draft and needs to be edited.'' == Sources ==* "Pedigree Resource File," database, FamilySearch ( : accessed 2018-01-26), entry for James /Paxton */ Sr, submitted by Yvonne SMith. * Source: <span id='S-718285723'>S-718285723</span> Repository: [[#R-1149313785]] Title: Ancestry Family Trees Publication: Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Original data: Family Tree files submitted by Ancestry members. Page: Ancestry Family Tree Data: Text: * Repository: <span id='R-1149313785'>R-1149313785</span> Name: <references /> === Acknowledgments === Thank you to [[Thomas-10063 | Michael Thomas]] for creating WikiTree profile Paxston-1 through the import of Thomas family tree.ged on Aug 27, 2013. Click to the Changes page for the details of edits by Michael and others. <!-- Please edit, add, or delete anything in this text. Thank you! --> | Paxston, John (I753)
5050 | == Biography == ''This biography was auto-generated by a GEDCOM import. It's a rough draft and needs to be edited.'' === Object === : Object: :: File: :: Format: jpg :: Title: Wilford family arms == Sources == * S-269909199. Repository R-849592402. Ancestry Family Trees Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Original data: Family Tree files submitted by Ancestry members. == Footnotes == <references/> === Acknowledgments === Thank you to [[Tribble-143 | Kenyon Tribble]] for creating WikiTree profile Wilsford-47 through the import of F. Kenyon Tribble Jr. Family Tree.ged on Oct 2, 2013. Click to the Changes page for the details of edits by Kenyon and others. <!-- Please edit, add, or delete anything in this text. Thank you! --> Author: Kenyon Tribble Author: M B | Wilsford, Bridget (I186)