My Family History

Surname List: Begins with B

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[no surname] A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Y Z

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All surnames beginning with B, sorted alphabetically (total individuals):

1. Bach (6)
2. Bachman (8)
3. Bachman Bock (1)
4. Bachmans (1)
5. Bacus (1)
6. Baehing (1)
7. Baer (8)
8. Bagford (1)
9. Baggus (9)
10. Baile (1)
11. Bailey (6)
12. Bain (2)
13. Bair (5)
14. Baker (54)
15. Bakey (11)
16. Baldwin (1)
17. Ball (1)
18. Bamberger (2)
19. Bancroft (1)
20. Bandy (1)
21. Bane (6)
22. Banks (1)
23. Banton (1)
24. Banzhoff (2)
25. Barbalish (1)
26. Barbary (1)
27. Barber (8)
28. Barbour (1)
29. Bareno (1)
30. Barents (1)
31. Barker (1)
32. Barkley (1)
33. Barkuloo (3)
34. Barne (8)
35. Barnes (6)
36. Barney (9)
37. Barnslie (1)
38. Barr (1)
39. Barret (1)
40. Barrett (6)
41. Barrick (3)
42. Barron (2)
43. Barry (4)
44. Bartell (4)
45. Bartenschlager (1)
46. Bartle (1)
47. Barton (5)
48. Basher (1)
49. Bastiaensen (1)
50. Bates (7)
51. Battistone (3)
   52. Batty (2)
53. Bauer (7)
54. Baugh (31)
55. Baughman (1)
56. Bauren (1)
57. Bavington (3)
58. Baxter (42)
59. Baÿer (27)
60. Baÿers (1)
61. Baynham (1)
62. Beal (1)
63. Beall (3)
64. Bean (1)
65. Beard (8)
66. Bearden (1)
67. Beaseman (1)
68. Beatty (1)
69. Beazley (1)
70. Beck (10)
71. Becker (1)
72. Beckman (1)
73. Beeler (1)
74. Beers (1)
75. Behnke (1)
76. Beitschwerdt (1)
77. Bell (4)
78. Belleque (1)
79. Benner (1)
80. Bennett (31)
81. Benning (1)
82. Bent (4)
83. Bentley (1)
84. Benton (3)
85. Berberich (11)
86. Bergeron (2)
87. Berlekamp (1)
88. Bernard (1)
89. Berners (1)
90. Berny (8)
91. Berry (8)
92. Berwager (1)
93. Best (1)
94. Betz (2)
95. Biby (7)
96. Biddinger (1)
97. Biddison (7)
98. Bienhammer (5)
99. Bier (8)
100. Biggs (3)
101. Bigler (10)
102. Binder (1)
   103. Binge (1)
104. Binhammer (4)
105. Binhammers (1)
106. Biniak (1)
107. Binniak (1)
108. Binninger (5)
109. Birmingham (19)
110. Bishop (3)
111. Bittinger (10)
112. Bixler (2)
113. Bjorge (1)
114. Black (4)
115. Blackburn (2)
116. Blackmon (1)
117. Blackwell (5)
118. Blake (6)
119. Blakeborough (1)
120. Bland (3)
121. Blass (3)
122. Blauvelt (4)
123. Blondel (6)
124. Blondell (2)
125. Bloomenthal (1)
126. Bluett (1)
127. Board (1)
128. Boblitz (1)
129. Body (1)
130. Boehm (1)
131. Boehmerle (1)
132. Boelz (2)
133. Boesel (6)
134. Bogaert (1)
135. Bogart (1)
136. Bogert (4)
137. Boggus (3)
138. Bohlen (2)
139. Bolam (2)
140. Boldman (4)
141. Bole (10)
142. Bolton (3)
143. Bond (6)
144. Bonnet (8)
145. Bonnett (7)
146. Bonnette (1)
147. Booth (1)
148. Bootsman (3)
149. Booz (1)
150. Bord (1)
151. Bordt (2)
152. Borkowski (1)
153. Born (4)
   154. Bort (22)
155. Borth (2)
156. Bortt (7)
157. Bosley (7)
158. Boston (8)
159. Bostrack (1)
160. Bout (3)
161. Boward (6)
162. Bowdoin (5)
163. Bower (3)
164. Bowers (18)
165. Bowersock (1)
166. Bowles (1)
167. Bowman (17)
168. Bowmann (1)
169. Boyce (2)
170. Boyer (1)
171. Boylan (4)
172. Boyland (1)
173. Bragg (4)
174. Braithwait (2)
175. Brake (6)
176. Brand (12)
177. Brather (2)
178. Brauch (1)
179. Braud (2)
180. Braun (2)
181. Braunschweiger (9)
182. Bray (4)
183. Braye (2)
184. Bregor (1)
185. Brehm (1)
186. Breitschwendt (3)
187. Brelsford (11)
188. Breneizer (1)
189. Brengel (1)
190. Brenner (7)
191. Brenninger (1)
192. Brenton (1)
193. Bretthauer (3)
194. Breuninger (1)
195. Brewer (1)
196. Brewster (1)
197. Bricker (150)
198. Brierre (1)
199. Briggs (3)
200. Bright (1)
201. Brindle (1)
202. Bringhurst (12)
203. Brisbine (1)
204. Britcher (1)
   205. Broad (4)
206. Brock (1)
207. Brohawn (1)
208. Brooke (10)
209. Brookhouse (2)
210. Brooks (2)
211. Brostrand (3)
212. Broughan (1)
213. Broughon (15)
214. Brown (23)
215. Browne (6)
216. Broyles (1)
217. Brumbach (1)
218. Brunner (13)
219. Bryant (4)
220. Brydges (13)
221. Bucher (16)
222. Buchta (1)
223. Buck (2)
224. Bue (1)
225. Buergel (1)
226. Buffington (9)
227. Buffo (1)
228. Buhl (1)
229. Bujnowski (9)
230. Bull (1)
231. Bullock (1)
232. Bumgardner (1)
233. Bures (12)
234. Burgan (29)
235. Burger (4)
236. Burgin (3)
237. Burig (3)
238. Burke (1)
239. Burkholder (8)
240. Burns (1)
241. Burrall (6)
242. Burrows (3)
243. Bush (1)
244. Busick (1)
245. Buskey (2)
246. Buskirk (1)
247. Buss (1)
248. Bussey (27)
249. Butler (5)
250. Butrim (10)
251. Buys (2)
252. Byers (1)
253. Byron (4)
254. Bytheway (3)