My Family History

Surname List: Begins with G

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All surnames beginning with G, sorted alphabetically (total individuals):

1. Gables (1)
2. Gage (1)
3. Gaide (1)
4. Gain (1)
5. Gaither (4)
6. Galeano (1)
7. Gallagher (2)
8. Galligan (1)
9. Galloway (7)
10. Galusha (7)
11. Ganu (1)
12. Garber (1)
13. Gardiner (1)
14. Garhart (5)
15. Garlock (1)
16. Garrad (1)
17. Garrard (2)
18. Garren (1)
19. Garrett (10)
20. Gartman (1)
21. Gartrell (2)
22. Garvey (1)
23. Gatch (8)
24. Gauldin (1)
25. Gaver (3)
26. Gearhart (2)
27. Gebbert (1)
28. Gebhadt (1)
29. Geerloffsdr (1)
30. Geeslek (1)
31. Gehman (3)
32. Gehrls (1)
33. Geiger (1)
   34. Geis (2)
35. Geist (2)
36. Gentile (3)
37. George (11)
38. Gephardt (6)
39. Gerdes (1)
40. Gerlach (3)
41. Gerlock (7)
42. German (10)
43. Gerrard (3)
44. Gerritsz (1)
45. Gesswein (3)
46. Getz (8)
47. Gibb Whitfield Critchfield (1)
48. Gibbons (13)
49. Gibbs (9)
50. Gibson (1)
51. Gieliet (1)
52. Gifford (1)
53. Gift (44)
54. Gilbert (1)
55. Gill (1)
56. Gillespie (2)
57. Gilmore (1)
58. Gingerich (3)
59. Gingrich (3)
60. Gintling (6)
61. Girt (2)
62. Gist (18)
63. Glacken (3)
64. Gladora (3)
65. Glanville (6)
66. Glass (6)
   67. Glaze (5)
68. Gleason (1)
69. Gleim (1)
70. Glenn (1)
71. Glidden (8)
72. Globe (1)
73. Glock (1)
74. Glueck (1)
75. Glunt (7)
76. Gochnour (1)
77. Goda (1)
78. Godfrey (6)
79. Godwin (2)
80. Goebels (2)
81. Goessewein (2)
82. Goetz (1)
83. Goez (1)
84. Goldberg (1)
85. Golden (2)
86. Goldman (6)
87. Goldsborough (1)
88. Goldsmith (1)
89. Golueke (1)
90. Good (2)
91. Goode (1)
92. Goodman (5)
93. Goodson (1)
94. Goodwin (2)
95. Goodyear (1)
96. Goodyere (1)
97. Gordon (2)
98. Gordy (1)
99. Gore (1)
   100. Gorsuch (44)
101. Goslinski (1)
102. Goslunki (3)
103. Gosswein (1)
104. Goucher (6)
105. Grabill (10)
106. Gracey (2)
107. Gracy (6)
108. Graf (12)
109. Graff (1)
110. Graham (16)
111. Granger (2)
112. Grant (1)
113. Grassmyer (1)
114. Graver (1)
115. Graves (3)
116. Gray (14)
117. Graziano (1)
118. Greatorex (1)
119. Green (8)
120. Greenawald (2)
121. Greenawalt (23)
122. Greenblatt (2)
123. Greenewald (5)
124. Greenwood (1)
125. Gregg (5)
126. Greim (6)
127. Grenau (1)
128. Gress (1)
129. Greville (2)
130. Grey (3)
131. Grietes (2)
132. Grietgen (1)
   133. Griffin (3)
134. Griffith (2)
135. Grigg (3)
136. Griggs (1)
137. Grim (8)
138. Grimes (27)
139. Grimm (5)
140. Grims (1)
141. Griset (1)
142. Gritton (1)
143. Groff (2)
144. Groom (2)
145. Grooms (6)
146. Gross (2)
147. Grover (1)
148. Grubbs (4)
149. Gruber (2)
150. Gruenwald (1)
151. Grumbach (4)
152. Guerit (1)
153. Guillory (1)
154. Gumplins (1)
155. Gunning (2)
156. Gunselman (3)
157. Gunther (1)
158. Gurden (2)
159. Gurnee (4)
160. Gutelius (1)
161. Guyton (2)
162. Guzik (1)