My Family History

Surname List: Begins with R

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All surnames beginning with R, sorted alphabetically (total individuals):

1. Raab (1)
2. Rabenau (1)
3. Rader (1)
4. Radic (1)
5. Rafferty (1)
6. Ragnar (4)
7. Ragner (1)
8. Raley (1)
9. Ramsay (1)
10. Ramsey (8)
11. Randall (1)
12. Randalph (1)
13. Rarich (10)
14. Rasmussen (1)
15. Rau (3)
16. Rauph (1)
17. Raupp (1)
18. Rauppen (1)
19. Rausch (8)
20. Raush (1)
21. Raven (13)
22. Rawley (1)
23. Rawson (1)
   24. Reardon (1)
25. Rebar (1)
26. Reddocke (1)
27. Redmond (12)
28. Reed (13)
29. Reeder (11)
30. Reese (2)
31. Reeve (1)
32. Regan (14)
33. Regler (1)
34. Reichert (1)
35. Reid (1)
36. Reinbold (2)
37. Reininger (1)
38. Reiter (1)
39. Renhaw (1)
40. Renner (1)
41. Renninger (10)
42. Rensch (7)
43. Renshaw (5)
44. Revelle (9)
45. Reynolds (3)
46. Rhine (1)
   47. Rich (15)
48. Richards (4)
49. Richardson (2)
50. Richerson (1)
51. Richey (7)
52. Richter (6)
53. Ricketts (17)
54. Ricroft (1)
55. Ridgway (1)
56. Riegel (5)
57. Rifley (1)
58. Rigdon (1)
59. Riha (1)
60. Rimmer (1)
61. Ring (12)
62. Ringe (2)
63. Risher (2)
64. Risteau (11)
65. Ritmeyar (1)
66. Rivera (1)
67. Rizer (1)
68. Robbins (1)
69. Roberts (20)
   70. Robinson (7)
71. Rodefer (4)
72. Rodemaker (1)
73. Rodgers (23)
74. Rodrick (2)
75. Roe (3)
76. Röger (9)
77. Rogers (7)
78. Rogner (1)
79. Rohrbaugh (1)
80. Roles (10)
81. Rolfe (1)
82. Roos (1)
83. Ros (2)
84. Rosenberry (7)
85. Ross (10)
86. Rossi (7)
87. Roth (2)
88. Rothe (1)
89. Rounds (1)
90. Rountree (4)
91. Rouser (5)
92. Roush (1)
   93. Roussos (1)
94. Rowan (2)
95. Rowles (1)
96. Rox (1)
97. Roy (1)
98. Royer (2)
99. Rubenstein (1)
100. Rucker (3)
101. Ruddock (1)
102. Rudy (5)
103. Ruff (4)
104. Rumford (11)
105. Rumley (1)
106. Rund (1)
107. Russ (1)
108. Russo (1)
109. Rust (2)
110. Ruth (3)
111. Rutledge (2)
112. Rutter (2)
113. Ryan (3)
114. Ryhard (1)
115. Ryley (1)